
The Dead Rules: A zombie apocalypse

A mutated COVID vaccine turned humans into a flesh-eating creatures. Six army school students fight for survival from this chaos. The government's high-tech supplies become their lifeline: contact lenses with an AI system, nuclear-powered prosthetics replace lost limbs, and super smart watches and mobile phones keept them connected. But to access these benefits and various other supplies, they were forced to comply with the government's orders, completing tasks delivered through the system in their lenses and mobiles. They face loss, make new friends and grapple with the virus's horrifying truth. Whispers of "Resurrected" beings with heightened abilities add a new terror. Can these students reclaim a future for humanity, or do the Dead now rule the world?

Xtreama · Action
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

A Beautiful Shot

As Kiaan said goodbye to Maya and left, she couldn't help but worry about him.

"Hey Krishna, help him and keep him safe," Maya prayed with concern in her voice.

Hearing gunshots coming from the girls' hostel, Maya decided to regroup with the rest of the gang. But there was a problem.

"Ahh, which room could they all be in?" Maya wonderd as she looked across the hallway at the many rooms on the top floor of the boys' hostel.


As Kiaan entered the girls' hostel, the first thing he saw was a room filled with washing machines and electric cloth dryers.

"So this is where our clothes get washed by the staff," Kiaan said to himself as he walked towards the exit, looking around the room.

Reaching the door, he could hear growls coming from outside. Peeking through, he saw zombies banging on a door at the far end of the hallway, trying to break in.

This sight filled Kiaan with terror. "No," he thought, forcing himself to stay calm. "I need to follow the plan." He stepped out of the room silently, his grip tightening on his gun.

The plan :-


1) Kill the zombies on the ground floor using swords.

2) Distract the zombies banging on the door and lead them to the ground floor.

3) Hide in a room and let the zombies linger around.

4) Run to Jerry's room and quickly guide her through the laundry room to safety.


Kiaan crept cautiously, his eyes darting towards the stairs in the middle of the hallway to his right. The growls and banging filled him with concern, but he kept his composure.

"Once I'm out of their sight, I'll speed up the plan," he thought, keeping a close watch on the zombies as he turned right towards the staircase.

Suddenly, he noticed another group of growling voices coming from directly ahead.

"AHHHHH!!!! DUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!" Kiaan screamed in panic as he stumbled backward, startled by the sight of a student covered in blood and flesh, eyes bloodshot and hands reaching out to grab him.

Unprepared for the sudden encounter, Kiaan fell onto his back but managed to raise his gun and shoot a few zombies with precise aim, hitting them in the head.

 Despite some recoil, he successfully killed four out of eight zombies (six infected students from outside the hostel and two who had gone to get stretchers).

But his gunfire had also attracted the attention of all the zombies banging on the door, and now they were moving towards their fat, Juicy, Indian meal: Kiaan Tikka masala.

(Sorry for the bad jokes)


As Kiaan managed to get up after shooting four of the infected, he could see that now every zombie in the hallway was coming for him. He let out a loud cry as he emptied his gun on the "Staircase zombies" in front of him. "COME AT ME A-HOLES!"

Now Kiaan was left with only the zombies who were coming from Jerry's room on his left. He thought he would be able to shoot them, but then realized he was out of bullets.

"How convenient," he said as he struggled a bit to take out both swords from their sheaths.

With a confident smile on his face, he rushed towards the closest infected student, a frail-looking, malnourished teen. Kiaan shoved both his swords into the teenager's chest, lifting him up with both hands holding the swords firmly. The zombie tried to grab Kiaan with both hands but couldn't.

Not wasting time, Kiaan kicked the teenager off the swords, making him stumble into the oncoming zombies.

With a few nervous looks, he managed to shout, "AHHH..... FOLLOW ME, KIDS!" as he ran down the stairs, towards the infirmary.

Trying to catch his breath, Kiaan was drenched in sweat, his heart thumping loudly. "It was so easy when Viren was by my side," he said quietly, noticing his legs trembling with fear. "Duck the fear," Kiaan added with a chuckle and determination in his voice.


Kiaan was getting restless and thirsty but he decided to see what the situation was outside. So he cautiously opened the door and saw that the zombies were roaming aimlessly in the hallway.

"I don't even know if all of them are here or not," Kiaan thought. "But either way, some of them are still around the stairs. I cannot go up without being noticed." So he didn't go out but instead started looking for water inside the infirmary, making as little noise as possible while walking.

"Diya ma'am must have kept a bottle around her table," Kiaan thought as he moved towards the corner. However, he took a step back as he saw Diya herself had become a zombie, facing her back towards Kiaan.

"Can there be a normal second in this story where I don't run into these flesh-eating monsters?" Kiaan annoyingly shouted in his head.

That's when he noticed a pistol fallen on the ground near Diya, and Kiaan's eyes lit up.

He slowly moved towards Diya with just one sword in his hand to silently kill her. He managed to stab her in the head so forcefully that her head detached from her body.

Kiaan just looked at the back of her head, her black silky hair now slightly red. "I don't even want to look at her face," Kiaan thought as he gently pulled his sword out.

Picking up the gun, Kiaan thought, "Now even if they are upstairs, I can deal with them."

After looking around, Kiaan found a water bottle kept in Diya's cupboard. After emptying it, he went to peek through the door, but not without giving a look at Diya's head and her half-eaten body surrounded by flesh and blood, her ribcage exposed. "If I was not on a diet, I would have thrown up," Kiaan thought.

Again, he slowly opened the door and peeked through. Unfortunately, this time an infected student noticed him and let out a loud roar, shaking Kiaan to his core.

"Shoot," a voice said in Kiaan's brain, shaking off his fear. Kiaan stepped out and shot the zombie in the head, but others had noticed him too, and they all let out the same roar.

"What the fridge is going on with them?" Kiaan fearfully thought as he lunged towards the staircase and ran upstairs without looking back. He didn't need to, as he could hear the loud growls and grunting following him.

As Kiaan reached the floor, he thought the kids might have come out, thinking the chaos was over. But he didn't know that the kids were not going to open the door even if they died inside from hunger.

"JERRY!" Kiaan yelled as he saw no door being opened.

Hearing her brother's voice, Jerry lunged towards the door, but Kartik grabbed her by the wrist and said, "I'll help him."

As Kiaan ran towards the end of the hallway, he saw the door being opened, and without a thought, he jumped in, and all the boys braced the door again so that it wouldn't break.

Within a few seconds, their struggle came to an end as Viren and Anju had arrived.


Looking at Kiaan and the way he was avoiding eye contact, Viren knew without explantion what Kiann had done. 

Viren without saying any word started walking towards Kiaan. "Again with the slap on the wrist" Anju thought as she just stared at Kiaan. 

"Kiaan," Viren said with a kind and gentle voice. But the moment Kiaan looked up, Viren slapped him across the face with his massive hands.

To which Anju couldn't help but smile widely at this sight. "What a beautiful shot Viren had delivered, I am having a satisfactory orgasm just by the sound of the slap." Anju thought while supressing her smile.