
The Day The Earth Stopped Spinning

As the Earth mysteriously halts its rotation, ushering humanity into an age of chaos and despair, a divine intervention occurs. Forty-two ethereal pyramids plunge from the heavens, appearing across the planet. Each pyramid corresponds to one of the forty-two sacred parts of the Book of Thoth. Drawing upon Pre-Egyptian, Sumerian lore and Annunaki mythos, this is a novel that attempts to paint an alternative picture of Humanity’s origins. In the city that now stands at the brink of apocalypse, emerges Brandon Void, the enigmatic heir to a billionaire's empire Leading a formidable army of 500 comprising orphans, POWs, mercenaries, assassins, and outlaws, they built a fortress armed to the teeth with every resource imaginable to reign supreme in this post-apocalyptic world. On the first day, crimson lightning seared the skies, awakening the “gods’ within chosen humans, altering their destiny forever. However, humans aren't the only ones affected. Creatures once harmless mutate into monstrous threats, forcing the Earth into a harsh game of survival. Becoming the King of the City of Void, Brandon dares to set his sights on the remaining forty-one pyramids and their hearts. As Brandon ventures deeper into this enigmatic Kingdom-building venture, he must level up his city and fulfill criterias to upgrade his civilization. In this riveting unique spin to traditional LitRPGs, join DESS in a captivating tale of survival, discovery, and conquest. With the City of Void leading humanity's charge against the chaos, they push the limits of possibility to herald a new era of enlightenment for Earth. Dive into an epic saga where the origins of humankind are questioned and every victory is a step towards the dawn of a world reborn.

MrBtheNovelist · Fantaisie
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59 Chs

Epic Livestream

The battlefield simmered with anticipation.

The Baal Squad stood ready: a hundred seasoned warriors.

Around them, thousands of mutated rats charged relentlessly.

BUFF : [ Celestial Unity ] ACTIVATED

Drenched in a celestial blue aura, the Baal Squad stood in unity, their shields marrying into an unyielding barrier, ready to fend off the impending horde.

The metallic symphony of interlocking shields announced the activation of [ Incantation of Constellations ( Tier I ) ].

The Squad transformed, from individuals into a single resolute entity, a united bastion against the tide of gnashing teeth and frenzied claws.

"Isn't this Book of Thoth Incantation astonishing?"

One of the soldiers, a burly man with a scar-ridden face, marvelled at the spectacle, his voice echoing across the field,

"I can feel each pulse, each breath of us a hundred, a single heartbeat in unison!"

The stampeding mutated rats, a deluge of fur and rage, crashed into the shield wall with relentless force, their gnashing teeth and frenzied claws seeking to overwhelm the warriors.

Yet, the Baal Squad held their ground, their shields unmoving.

"The information within my brain says it's [ Page 22/42 of The Book of Thoth ] ! Does that mean there are 41 other incantations??!! HAHAHA My blood is boiling in excitement already!"

Another soldier's voice pierced through the chaos of giant mutated rodents scurrying and clawing, desperately trying to breach the defense,..

The soldiers' spears came alive, dancing between the gaps in their shields, slashing, stabbing, painting a gruesome picture with the rodents' blood.

Driving his spear into an oncoming rodent, one of the soldiers cried out,

"HAHAHA This feels amazing!!!"

"I can't get enough of this! The power rushing through my veins, the scent of blood in the air! It's intoxicating!"

"HAHAHAH Just like the good ol' days!!!"

"Remember, brothers and sisters, we fight as one! Let these vermin tremble at the sight of our united fury!"

Their voices overlapped with excitement and fervor, a symphony of bloodlust echoing through the battlefield.

Behind their impenetrable Spartan phalanx, they reveled in the shower of blood, their maniacal laughter blending with the cacophony of battle.

As the Baal Squad held their ground, a short distance away, in an abandoned apartment building, Poki prepared for her livestream.

Tucked away in a second floor apartment overlooking the Main Entrance of the Void Fortress, Poki watched, with wide-eyed amazement, the chaos unfold from the safety of her perch.

Sitting obediently behind her was Fluffy, her mutated giant golden retriever, his head towering above her.

With a mischievous grin, Poki lifted her phone, starting up her livestream and pointing it at the chaotic battlefield below.

However, before she could begin her lively commentary, a glistening line of drool splattered onto her head, courtesy of Fluffy's massive mouth.

"Oh, come on, Fluffy! Seriously?!"

Poki's chiding was fond, the corners of her mouth lifting despite her annoyance as she fumbled in her bag for a towel to wipe off the slobbery mess.

After finally managing to clean herself up, Poki held up her trusty selfie stick with a practiced hand and framed the battlefield on her screen.

Looking down, Poki immediately covered her mouth with her free hand, swallowing her urge to puke.

"Oh my gosh, chat! Look at those... those... giant mutant rat things down there! I think I'm gonna hurl!"

Regaining her composure, she forced a professional smile and continued,

"I know this is intense, chat. But your favorite streamer won't let you down. Let's dive right into the heart of this epic showdown!"

She struck a cute and comical pose, trying to lighten the mood as she addressed her viewers.

"Check it out, chat! A hundred warriors in epic armor against a sea of mutant rats! And let me tell you, chat, these rats even make Fluffy here look cute and cuddly!"

Fluffy let out an excited bark, seemingly agreeing with Poki's assessment.

She giggled and continued with her lively commentary.

The livestream was instantly flooded with thousands of viewers, in the chat…

[ Those ethereal armors are the mark of the Enlightened! ]

[ OMG I've never seen so many Enlightened humans in one place! What kind of force is this! ]

[ Mommy Poki said she's at Brandon Void's fortress! Could it be… ]

"Now, check out their formation, chat! It's like they're playing a giant game of "stack the shields"! You remember those childhood block games, right? Well, this is like that, but on a whole new level!"

She mimicked stacking blocks with her hands, a playful and exaggerated expression on her face.

The chat was a frenzy,

[ Omg! Look at that, they're actually holding their own against the mutated beast stampede! ]

[ What's that blue light emanating from them? ]

[ My city has completely been run over by a similar sea of rats! The army are trying their best, but I heard they're being ran through! ]

[ YEAH! Mine too! Rumors say they're impervious to bullets and grenades! ]

As Poki described the scene, her commentary was a blend of horror and fascination.

Her stream flooded with comments, their curiosity piqued by the sight of the Enlightened warriors holding their own against the sea of monstrous rats.


<< Capital City Military Base >>

Tucked in an unassuming corner of the expansive military base, Sir Adam Winchester, the distinguished Head of State's Military Affairs, savored the tranquillity of his private office.

The faint aroma of steeped tea wafted from his cup, curling into the quiet afternoon air as he sipped the warm beverage leisurely, his gaze lingering on the distant horizon.

Suddenly, a scream ruptured the calm.


Startled, Sir Adam's grip faltered, causing a dribble of tea to betray his usually impeccable manners, staining his pristine white shirt.

"Owww… Owwww.. Owww…"

The distinguished old man groaned.

His usual grace gave way to a moment of awkward flailing, eyes widening in surprise as he pat his face dry, the taste of Earl Grey clinging to his mustache.

The spectacle of the elegant statesman momentarily undone painted a picture more comical than one could ever imagine.

His face flushed with embarrassment, he looked around to see if anyone had witnessed his mishap.

Crystal Winchester, heir to the Winchester legacy and Sir Adam's beloved granddaughter, blinked at her surroundings, a rush of panic evident in her wide eyes.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and a cold sweat trickled down her forehead.

In her panicked state, she swung her legs over the side of the bed too quickly, the world spinning as she lost her balance and met the cold, hard floor with a thud.

Ignoring the sting of her fall, she pushed herself towards her grandfather, the wild fear still echoing in her voice.

"Grandpapa! Where... where are my babies? Where are Jade and Baron?!!"

Her fingers dug into the carpet, eyes flickering between Adam and the empty room.

Sir Adam, finally recovering from his hot tea encounter, extended a hand to Crystal, concerned about softening his sharp features.

His voice was a soothing balm amidst her tumultuous emotions.

"Crystal, my dear, they're safe, unharmed. There's no need to worry…"

Relief, like a gentle tide, washed over Crystal, her grip on her grandfather's hand intensifying as she nodded, processing his words.

Her frantic heartbeats gradually slowed, and in this new-found calm, she noticed the unusual white armor adorning her.

As her fingers traced the golden embroidery, a surge of unease clouded her mind.

'This isn't mine… What's happening?'

"Grandpapa... What is this?" She held up an armored arm, the material foreign, yet surprisingly comfortable.

"How did I end up in this?" Her voice echoed with wonder and confusion

As she scrutinized her ethereal armor, a string of information within her mind caught her attention:


[ Crystal Winchester | Eclipse Phase ]

— Divine Awakening Progress: 8% ( Reach 20% to Upgrade )

— Divinity Aspect: Valkyrian Arbiter ( Tier 1 )

— Divine Skill:

[ Celestial Blessing ( Tier 1 ) ]

Infuses targets with restoration, healing and a temporary buff at the cost of a fraction of the user's own vitality.

[ Divine Judgement ( Tier 1 ) ]

Unleashes the power of divine justice and wrath, delivering potent strikes that scale in strength based on the severity of the target's breach of the user's moral codes.

— Pantheon Rank: Celestial Lord

— Cosmic Vortexes : 8

— Potential: 8,500

— God Artifact: Not Unlocked


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