
Chapter 17 : Rediscovering Our Superhuman Abilities

As we arrived in modern times, I could feel my powers returning. The wind began to blow, and the ground shook beneath our feet. I closed my eyes and concentrated, feeling the power coursing through my veins once again. When I opened my eyes, the world was different. Everything was new, the buildings were taller, and the streets were packed with people.

Okita looked at me with excitement in his eyes. "We're back!" he exclaimed, and I could see the anticipation written all over his face.

Arthur looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the modern world. "This is incredible," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

We set out, eager to see what powers had returned and what we had lost. Okita took off like a shot, his speed rivaling that of a cheetah. Arthur followed close behind, his muscles bulging with strength as he lifted cars and buses with ease. As for me, I took to the air, soaring high above the city like a bird.

It felt good to be back in my element, to feel the wind rushing past me and the sun on my face. I tested my strength, flying faster and faster until I was nothing but a blur in the sky. My powers were back, and they were stronger than ever.

We continued our exploration of the city, each of us reveling in our newfound abilities. We stopped for a moment to catch our breaths and take in the view when suddenly, we heard a loud explosion in the distance.

We took off towards the sound, racing through the city streets at breakneck speeds. When we arrived, we saw that Hitler and Genghis Khan had taken over the world, dividing it between them. The north belonged to Hitler, while the south was under Genghis Khan's rule.

We knew what we had to do. With our powers restored, we had a chance to save the world from their tyranny. We would take them down, no matter what the cost.

As we made our way towards Hitler's stronghold in the north, we encountered resistance at every turn. His soldiers were well-armed and well-trained, but they were no match for us. Okita's speed allowed him to dodge their bullets, while Arthur's strength allowed him to knock them out with a single punch. As for me, I used my heat vision to melt their weapons and take them out from a distance.

We finally arrived at Hitler's stronghold, a towering fortress in the heart of the city. We could see him standing at the top, surveying his kingdom with a smirk on his face. We charged towards him, ready to take him down once and for all.

But as we approached, he raised his hand, and we felt an intense pressure building in our heads. It was as if he was trying to control us, to bend us to his will.

I fought back, concentrating all my power to break free of his grip. Okita and Arthur did the same, and together, we pushed back against his mind control. We could feel the strain on our bodies, but we refused to give up.

With one final burst of power, we broke free of his control and charged towards him once again. We fought with all our might, using our powers to their fullest extent. In the end, it was my heat vision that dealt the final blow, melting Hitler's armor and knocking him off the top of the stronghold.

As he fell, we could see the fear in his eyes, and we knew that we had won. But our victory was short-lived. As we made our way back to the south to take on Genghis Khan, Hitler reappeared, more powerful than ever.

He was no longer human, but a monster made of metal and fire.