
Chapter 13 : The Dawn of a New Quest

As we arrived at Camelot, the once great and thriving kingdom was now in ruins. The castle walls were breached, and the streets were littered with debris and the bodies of Arthur's knights. The few remaining survivors were gathered in the throne room, where Arthur was sitting on his throne, his face twisted with pain and despair.

As we entered the room, Arthur's eyes fell upon us. "You're back," he said weakly. "I see you've brought Hitler with you."

Hitler was tied up and being dragged along by Okita. He looked furious, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes as well. "Let me go, you fools!" he spat. "I'll destroy you all!"

Arthur sighed heavily. "I'm afraid he's right," he said. "We don't have much time. Hitler's powers are growing stronger by the day. He has access to technology that we could only dream of. We need to find a way to defeat him."

As Arthur spoke, I noticed that Okita was holding his arm, trying to hide his pain. I approached him and asked, "Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "Hitler attacked me with some sort of energy blast," he said. "It's nothing serious, but it hurts like hell."

Arthur overheard our conversation and looked at Okita with concern. "We need to get you to the healer," he said. "But first, we need to come up with a plan."

We spent hours in the throne room, discussing different strategies and options. We knew that we needed to take the fight to Hitler, but we also knew that we couldn't do it alone. We needed allies.

Arthur eventually came up with a plan. "There's a group of powerful sorcerers who live on an island to the west," he said. "They've always been reclusive, but I've heard rumors that they've been keeping tabs on Hitler. If we can convince them to join us, we might have a chance."

We agreed to the plan and set off for the island the next morning. The journey was long and treacherous, but we finally arrived at the island. As we approached the sorcerers' castle, we were met by a group of guards. They looked at us warily, but didn't make any move to attack.

"We're here to see the sorcerers," I said.

The guards nodded and escorted us inside. The castle was magnificent, with tall, twisting towers and intricate carvings on every surface. We were led to a large chamber, where several sorcerers were waiting for us.

Arthur stepped forward and introduced himself. "We've come seeking your help," he said. "Hitler is a threat to us all. We need to stop him before it's too late."

The sorcerers looked at each other, then back at us. "What do you propose?" one of them asked.

Arthur laid out our plan, and the sorcerers listened intently. When he finished, there was a long pause.

Finally, one of the sorcerers spoke up. "We will help you," he said. "But we will need something in return. Something valuable."

Arthur nodded. "Name your price."

The sorcerer leaned forward. "We require a powerful magical artifact. One that we've been searching for, for centuries. The Eye of the Storm."

I had heard of the Eye of the Storm before. It was a legendary artifact, said to be imbued with the power of the elements themselves. "Where can we find it?" I asked.

The sorcerer smiled. "That's the catch. We don't know. It's been lost for centuries.