
Chapter 12 : Vespera's Legacy

As we made our way back to Camelot, we were all devastated by the loss of Arthur's knights. Their valiant efforts to protect us and complete their quest had been in vain. And while we had managed to capture Hitler, the price had been high.

As we rode, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. It was like there was a weight on my chest that wouldn't go away. Okita noticed my unease and asked me what was wrong.

"I don't know," I replied. "It's like...Vespera's spirit is still with us. But it doesn't make sense."

Okita looked at me skeptically. "What are you talking about? Vespera is dead. We saw her fall."

"I know, but it's like she's still here, guiding us. Or trying to tell us something."

We arrived back at Camelot to find chaos and destruction. It was clear that Hitler had attacked the castle in our absence. As we made our way through the wreckage, we saw that many of the knights who had stayed behind to protect Camelot had been defeated.

We found King Arthur in his chambers, gravely injured but still alive.