
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

death seeker

Kate and Francis couldn't believe their eyes as they saw Charlie and Walter approaching.

Even the servants were surprised to see the two of them walking together.

Both Kate and Francis were also surprised to see them walking side by side.

As walter and Charlie reached the garden, Charlie's mouth opened wide at the sight of his father.

He felt an oppressive aura coming out of Kelvin's body, he was just like a fierce tiger released from its cage.

The aura from Kelvin's body seems to run berserk, it felt as if it could no longer be controlled. This shows that he's at the Pinnacle of the foundation building realm.

As expected of one of the military commanders of this small town . He's one of the strongest in the whole town.

He's ranked sixth on the town's warrior ranking list.

"Oh, you're here…" Kelvin reigned in his powers when he noticed Charlie's presence.

"congratulations father for reaching the Pinnacle of foundation building realm" Charlie congratulated his father upon sensing the change in his Aura.

"I was told about your plans to explore the forbidden ocean," Kenny asked, "what preparation have you made for this perilous journey?"

"And you wanted to explore the forbidden ocean at that. A place of battle and bloodshed." Kelvin raged

"I viewed you to be the most cunning amongst my children, yet you wanted to execute this foolish plan of yours? Now tell me! What contributions can you make to the team!? Do you think your siblings would be there to protect you at all time?!"

"Father, actually everything has been planned by Francis and gone through by me" Charlie answered "there would be no loophole"

"but I still can't let you go, you're merely a mortal," Kelvin said.

"Father, you don't have to be worried…my siblings would ensure my safety"

"Even if I can't get the fruit, no one can keep me there."

If those words came out of any other mortal's mouth, Kelvin would beat him up to the point that his family wouldn't be able to recognize him.

But it was said by Charlie himself, he can't be judged by common sense. He's known as the escapist.

If shamelessness was an immortal technique, he'd be at the pinnacle of the world.

He is a 14-year-old with a terrifying scheming mind.

With words, he can ensnare and trap people… he knows the correct use of words and how to use them to free himself from a difficult situation.

He always gets himself in trouble for that, many people want to beat him up. His brothers included, yet none of them succeeded.

He's good at causing trouble, and he's also good at escaping from them.

He's a 170cm tall short-haired youngster.

…«...…. »

"I knew that Francis is selfish and ruthless, but I have my plans on how to obtain the fruits" Charlie continued "I have made some adjustments to his plan, we'd surely get the fruit without a sweat"

"but I still will not agree with you until I see your plan," Kelvin Said

"Father, you can't continue to keep me under your wings all your life, I have to struggle, and learn to protect myself"

"I can't continue being a liability to you, I have to go out there to increase my experience... and maybe there'd be a chance for me to break through."

"Father, please let me go out to seek for opportunities…"

His father was in deep thought, Charlie had a point.

What if the enemies launched an attack and he's not there to protect the kids?

The kids needs to train. They can only grow through battles that determines life and death.

This can be turned into a test, I'll instruct Elder Brad and 5 others to follow them from behind and provide protection when necessary.

"Charlie, you haven't shared your plans with me." Kelvin asked

"Yes father" he moved closer to Kelvin, then whispered into his ears.

Kelvin opened his eyes wide in shock. He was both amazed and shocked at Charlie's brilliant idea.

"So you'll let your brothers brave the dangers while you enjoy at the back?" Kelvin asked.

"When I said no one would get hurt, I meant me. But I can guarantee you that they wouldn't die." Charlie beat his chest as if he was the one to protect his siblings.

They were dumbfounded, even though they didn't understand what plans Charlie had in mind.

But they knew he's up to nogood

Walter was fuming in anger, but his father's presence could not allow him to vent his emotions. Even an idiot would understand that Charlie was trying to use them.

"I'll see you at night. Just be careful."

Kelvin stood up and went inside.

Now, it's time to ask that brat what ridiculous plans he proposed

I'll make sure to teach him a lesson

Walter thought

"so, Charlie can you please share your plans with us?" He tried to be as nice as possible.

His smile shows as bright as the morning sun…like a blooming flower.

Cricket! cricket!!

No one answered, except for the birds who chirped in the sky.

He looked around, confusion boldly written on his face. What sorcery is this?

He can also see the same confused looks on Francis and Kate's faces.

Charlie was long gone, it was as if he was never there.

Did he disappear? No

Sigh! This guy's escape technique should be taught in the academy.