
The Dao of Shamelessness

The earth suffered and earthquake due to a flaming saber that fell from heaven, resulting in almost half of the world's population being wiped out from the face of the earth. demonic beasts waged wars against humans, both on land and in the oceans. the sirens and mermaids governed the seas and attacked sailors at night. but everything change, when Charlie mistakenly opened a golden book that fell from the sky. [Ding! you have awakened the shameless system and you're on the first path of the Dao of Shamelessness!] Charlie fought with all kinds of creatures and saved humanity from the brinks of extinction with his shamelessness.

Aaanuoluwapo · Fantasy
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12 Chs

the golden book

At Charlie's courtyard

He returned to his courtyard after telling his father the plan for the expenditure.

Immediately after Kelvin finished instructing his children, Charlie was already at the front, leading the way to the house.

Kelvin just shook his head and walked straight into the house. He didn't choose to expose or point him out.

The other children bowed their heads, they dare not look up or look into their father's eyes, and that gave Charlie his chance to escape.

It was 2 pm and he had nothing else to do, so..he came out of the room to practice martial arts in the courtyard.

There is one thing about him that serves as a source of motivation to other kids, he never gave up…even though he knew he might not succeed, he still pushed through.

Even though his chances of succeeding were minuscule, he still did not give up. The flame of hope still burns brightly in his heart, it is like a mini sun that lights up his desire to succeed with each passing day.


He grunted as he kept on punching into thin air. His well-defined muscle was bulging and his handsome features were further accentuated by the sweat coming out of his body, giving him a manly vibe.

While he was training, the sky darkened all of a sudden.

There was no sign of rain or lightning before now.

Then, the thunder rumbled, the wind howled ferociously… The heavens seem to be going berserk. A streak of golden lightning descended into earth.

Striking Charlie from here he was standing. Surprisingly, the lightning strike didn't cause any damage to his body, it doesn't feel as if he was hit by anything.

He looked up to see a golden book hovering above his head.

"Wow, I never believed this could also happen here in this world, like how it was always written in the novels"

A peerless martial arts technique or a life-changing medicine dropping from the sky. Exactly like when ammo or a new weapon dropped from the sky in those online games from his past life.

Charlie was not from this world, never heard of it, and will not believe it if he was told that such a world exists. Until seven years ago when he was transmigrated into this world.

And his life was bitter since then, he transmigrated into the body of an eight-year-old young master Charlie Williams.

His real name was not Charlie, his name was Ademola Joshua Bankole. He was a microbiologist, he graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in Nigeria.

Luck has always been his greatest weakness right from his first life, he rarely met with any good luck ever since he was born.

He had just come back from work on that fateful Wednesday when the calamity that brought him here struck.

He opened the door to his apartment just to discover the horror that struck him senseless. The room was dark, all lights were switched off.

He saw the silhouette of more than three people moving about in the room and he could hear the muffled cry of someone: hinting at him to run for his dear life.


The switch was turned on, followed by a loud bang sound. Heaven just welcomed a new guest, what a painful exit.

He saw his girlfriend on the ground, lying in a pool of her blood with a bullet hole in her head.

" Surprise "

He saw three huge men standing in formation with guns aimed at him. All wearing a smile.

" Say your last prayer " was the last word he heard in this world before he got his head perforated by bullets.

He was assassinated on his birthday by some professional assassin who left no trail after doing their job.

He still wonders sometimes, who in their right mind will send elite assassins just to eliminate some poor orphan.

Am I that handsome? Are they jealous of my beauty? Unfortunately, no one could provide an answer to that question.

After waking up he found himself in some strange room surrounded by strange people who speaks gibberish that he couldn't understand

Something like "frl gtrf hyrfvj high", he's just lost for words, when he thought of how he died, he couldn't comprehend.

Is this heaven? Why is it different from how it was described in the Bible? It definitely must be hell.

He doesn't even know how or why he died.

He wasn't let off, even after dying. Immediately after he opened his eyes he felt unbearable pain in his stomach, his stomach was swelling up hard.

He was bloated up, like a balloon filled with helium, ready to blow up anytime.

From frying pan to fire, he was about to die after dying once. His head was filled with question marks; how did he end up here? Who are these people? What gibberish are they spouting?

They all seemed somehow worried, an old man was even pacing up and down. That's the elder Brad, his uncle.

When a middle-aged man came into the room, all the people inside the room bowed their heads and made way for the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man places his hand on his head while chanting in some unknown language.

As he kept chanting, his face became paler with time..finally something green came out of Charlie's forehead, it was green smoke.

The old man kept the green smoke in some container.


He spitted blood, a whole two pints of blood if it was to be calculated.

Two friggin pints of blood, he even thought that maybe he was shooting a blockbuster film.

Because, all these things didn't seem real to him… the pain jolted him back to his senses.

Then, dizziness washed over him and he passed out.

That was when his brain started working, some unknown memories started rushing into his head.

The gibberish they were shouting started making sense to him, and some memories that he didn't even experience started flooding his brain.

It was as if his brain was a device downloading things from the internet, he now understood every word spoken since his arrival to this world.

The memories of young master Charlie, and how he ended up suffering for someone else's sin.

Young master Charlie was a boy with no talent at all, he wasn't suited to walk the party of immortality; destined to be a mortal for the rest of his life. But he wants to soar to the sky, pole a hole through the sky like the immortals recorded in legends.

He wanted to walk the path to immortality, by every means possible.

His father, Kelvin is always supportive of him, he fed him all kinds of energy pills. But that wouldn't stop the ridicule he gets from his mates, they bully him all the time.

He always comes home with bruises all over his body, so…he thought maybe if he swallowed some high-level pills, his cultivation would rise.

He went into his father's study and stole one Pinnacle cold comfort pill. He swallowed it whole.

Then…there was no then

His stomach started swelling up, and that gave rise to the situation he was in.

The real young master Charlie was long dead, he got transmigrated to this world as a replacement.

It's been six years since then…


Charlie walked up to where the book was hovering, he was afraid but his curiosity got the better of him.

He first touched it with a stick, but nothing happened. He moved closer, and touched it with his finger.

Still, nothing happened.

Then he tried lifting it with his hands… success. Then he opened it *boom* He was surrounded by golden light.

The book lept straight into his heart, lazily laying there…dormant, without bothering to move out.

Upon all the shouts and cries made by Charlie, it didn't even bulge.

"Get out now!!"

"Get out, please I'm begging you"

Just like a stubborn child, the book didn't even bother to move, it was even shining more golden light slowly merging with Charlie's heart.

After five minutes half of his heart has already turned golden…then, he blacked out.

Download complete!

After ten minutes he woke up again, this time with a completely golden heart with the book nowhere to be found. Of course, he was oblivious to this fact.

He searched his body internally and externally, but nothing happened.

I got a fake product again, heavens why?

Why are you playing pranks on me? Why are you playing with my emotions?

Just tell me why!!!

He was on the verge of breaking down in tears, if he get the chance to travel back to Earth. He'll visit those martial arts and science fiction novel writers and give them a good beating.

This is not what you promised, all heroes in those novels gained their supper power as soon as they arrived in the new world. They wouldn't even know what suffering feels like.

But what did he gain? A shiny golden heart with no use at all, he can't even use it to brag to his mortal friends, no one can see it, except for him.

His heart was beating fine, but he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Then he sat down on the floor, cross-legged. Maybe he will be able to sense the spiritual energy in the air.

He sat there for several hours until evening time when Kate, Walter, and Francis approached him.

" Charlie, it's time to go," Walter said, jolting him up from his deep sleep.

Still, no progress

He stood up and followed them to the garden where they were supposed to meet Kelvin.

" you're here," Kelvin said as he stood up from his meditating state.

" There are twelve cold comfort capsules here, share it amongst yourselves" he also gave them a formation and his blessings, then he sent them on their way to the forbidden ocean

"Elder brad, please help me follow those kids closely, make sure nothing happens to them" he gave his order to the elder.

"Yes sir," the elderly man answered.

He didn't think much of the kid's journey, he treats it as a test for the kids…he wants to know how much they have learned, and if they face any kind of danger the elder would be there to rescue them.