
The cursed eternal

That was the day I lost all I had..... But gained something that was desired by everyone throughout the ages...... They just don't get it ,, it's a damn curse .... Shaw , the last prince of the great eternals was now only pureblood of his clan left, alone in this universe, along with is boring eternal life...... His only wish now is to live a lesurely boring life in some remote corner of galaxy , but is shocked to find a girl with high concentration of unawakened eternal blood..... Is this a simple genetic mutation or forgotten clansmen..??? ------------------------- I got the framework, divided in 3 volumes Lost child of gods is the first vol. With galactic fights in the end and plotline in middle. Support me for this work

Bored_guy7594 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The 'troublemaker' from 500 years ago

*Bang* *boom*

Debris flew in the sky mixed with pieces of wood , glass, covered with blood of the unfortunate customers eating in the restaurant, surprisingly though, not even a speck of dust managed to reach to the table where shaw was sitting with isabell as if the space doesn't allow to blasphemy the god. Every debris flying towards shaw literally teleported to where it should be after a second but it didn't reach shaw. Just when everyone wanted to recover from shock of the blast, a translucent 'door' appeared on void next to shaw and a ripple appeared on it, next a few 'sticks' were thrown out of the door which shaw caught. "I meant this by saying that we don't have much time to chat, now keep sitting here and enjoyy warmup, and if you don't get anything, you could ask Lisa about that."

Saying this , shaw got up from his seat, took a 'stick' in his hands , held them and pressed something resulting in yellow glow flashing on the other end of stick and 'tut' 'tut' sounds from the stick.

"Well, that thing is called 'gun' on planet's where all the energy is stored in physical matter, their researchers made weapons that utilizes physical energies resulting in massive physical damages.... A few of madmen on that planet even made something that has potential to give the damage at 'life' level" Lisa explained while one of her hand was holding a book she got from God knows where while other hand was pushing spectacles on her nose which has mysteriously appeared at some point of time. "Well these guns were rather primitive and cumbersome to use because it consumes physical raw materials, but then our prince carved space magic in its cartridge and the problem was solved , then for continuous use, this bastard simply forged few of these toys from an extremely rare alloy called lition. Special about it is that the atoms are so closely packed that it practically isolates everything."

"Although I don't understand what you are saying like atoms and what exactly is lition, but your prince sure sounds prodigal to me, and space magic ? THAT legendary space magic rumoured to be used by the lustful devil that used to terrorise the nobles and kings on country of albia and even nobles of whole continent!!!"

While Lisa was explaining something that seemed quite novel and shocking to isabell, all her attention was to move her damned body to get out of this dangerous place. "Why can't I move my body ??? I want to get out of here instead of listening to some knowledge I have no use!!!"

"Please don't worry as you are completely safe in these 2 meteres from me as center... And this knowledge is of use, because of 2 reasons.... One is that while shaw would be tossing in this world , we need a partner to provide necessary assistance that would not damage this world.... You see... If, by chance, shaw uses powers or laws that this world could not tolerate, the world would collapse.... Aah , in simple words... A baloon can only tolerate water and milk , if.... Filled with mercury , it would burst , right??... That's the same case with shaw, he is like a compressed mercury droplett in this baloon filled with water , it's already very dangerous, now if he wants to fight , he can't use too much power or else the world would burst.... You are the partner we chose.... second reason is that you really ARE princess of gods ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧"


While isabell was busy comprehending the first point of Lisa. She was shocked with the second point, shaw was busy shooting bullets all over in front of him. As the dust settled, Shaw saw a neat row of soldiers standing in a neat line, covering all of the streets near the restaurant. If one were to see from a distance or from a satellite, the would see a city with only white and a little bit blue color filled with 'spots' in its centre, as if a beautiful painting was tainted with black. Shaw moved his neck a bit and scanned the soldiers's uniforms and uttered something that too shocked isabell to pale face.."the imperial soldiers ?? Still remember me?? Well , how did you find me this soon ?"

There were about 5000 soldiers standing in a neat file, with a ling stick behind their backs, it looked like a gun but it was made up of wood. With hollow cylinder at one end and trigger like thing on other side , a bit far from middle. The black Armor covered all their bodies, from helmet too , one can only notice the stern and disciplined eyes.

There was silence in the field then a guy not so dressed as soldiers came out from behind. He was wearing a silver Armor that covered his body , spikes extended from shoulder and knee guards of his Armor, wearing a red carpe that was flying with the wind. A resolute face with trimmed beard on side of his cheeks, and dense black moustache curled up. He was standing there with stern face with a cigar between his teeth. Raising his right eyebrow , he said "well if it weren't for you, our researchers wouldn't get so much inspiration, afterall, the potential of humans can come out only in dire states, your contribution to all this was too much prince, after all.....'they' were way too desperate to kill you, they made an all world monitoring system and installed it all over, we knew you couldn't age, so they took the 1% chance that your cells can also provide longer lifespan, so we monitored your seal every single second.....space manipulation technology was developed from the research papers YOU provided, thanks to you, there was no chaos in this world for past 300 years, many forgot your terror and chaos you created, but some remember that by blood....., They wish to kill you, along with me..... well , it would be nice to get your body back to research anti aging agent in your body..... Don't worry sir, we will disect you cleanly.... Without any gore scenes..... Without...damaging your beauty..."

While saying the last line, the man opened his jaw a bit, allowing the cigar to fall out his mouth straight to the ground, lifting his foot to step up on the cigar , he extinguishes the last spark left in the cigar. Lifting his head head he looked straight into Shaw's eyes, and only emotion left in his eyes was fire.... Raging fire to defeat the man in front of him.

Pointing at shaw, the man ordered the black armored soldiers "kill him!!!!!"