
The Curious Case of Parnassus

In the secluded town of Parnassus, the Parnassus Manor stands as a fading testament to enigmatic tales of apparitions and hidden treasures. Nina Harper, a curious young woman, inherits her grandmother's journal, kindling her fascination with the mansion's mysteries. The journal hints at unusual occurrences and secrets surrounding the mansion, sparking Nina's determination to unveil the truth. With the help of her skeptical friend Alex, Nina delves into the journal's cryptic entries. Together, they embark on a journey to decode the whispers of the wind and the echoes of the past. As they navigate hidden passages and hidden rooms, they uncover a legacy of forgotten stories and reveal the mansion's enigmatic history. Their quest unravels the boundary between reality and legend, confirming that behind every tale lies an element of truth waiting to be discovered.

IseKai · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: The Revelations

"Our prison?" Alex asked in shock. "What does that mean?"

Lysara stayed silent for a moment, then he spoke. "Long ago, Me and my best friend traversed the dimensions, seeking knowledge. But in my quest for understanding, I was betrayed by her, I was used as a scapegoat. Sealed within these realms for eons never finding a way out. Completely trapped between dimensions."

Alex's brows furrowed in empathy. "How did that happen?"

Lysara's form flickered, as if recalling memories. "I was pursuing a power that I believed could fix the broken shambles of reality itself, make it better. But, my friend believed it was a fruitless endeavour and urged me to reconsider, but I refused. We fought for control, and The result was catastrophic—a convergence that threatened to unravel existence itself."

Alex's eyes widened as he realized the connection. "You caused the first convergence?"

"No, that was the second..."Lysara squatted looking Alex directly in the eyes. "This, was the first."

Alex shook in terror. "What?"

"Do you get it now, Alex? What we are? Have you put the pieces together yet?"

"But... how?"

"I asked the same thing when i was in your position." Lysara said as he stood up straight. "No matter, You will understand soon enough."

Alex stood there trying to process what he heard, he couldn't believe it. How could he? What he said sounded impossible and yet, the more he thought, the more sense it made.

"How? How can..."

"This be?" Lysara said completing the sentence. Yes, I remember the shock... the realization that, I was trapped here by my best fr-"

"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" Alex screamed with all his might trying to deny it.

"Patience child, It will all make sense soon."

"I'm going to look for Ni-"

"Don't!" Lysara held onto Alex's hand tightly. "What do you thing you're doing?"

"Let me go!" Alex exclaimed as he tugged.

Lysara's grip on Alex tightened, his voice firm. "Listen to me, Alex. Right now, your emotions are turbulent, and seeking out Nina in this state could lead to more conflict. You need time to reflect and calm your mind."

Alex struggled for a moment before relenting, his anger giving way to a mixture of frustration and helplessness. "What do you want from us, Lysara? What's the point of all this?"

"I merely want you to understand."

"Understand what?"

"That Nina is the problem! She was the one who betrayed me! BETRAYED US!" Lysara's voice shook the realm Shaking Alex to his core.

"What are you-"

Look around you Alex, who brought you to this realm? Who started all this?

"Nina? That can't-?"

"But It is! Who is the only person with knowledge of the realms? The one that had access to the journal?"

Alex's eyes trembled at the realization "Sh- wha- No that... how could-"

"Do you see now?"