
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantaisie
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95 Chs

Trying Out The New Skill (18+)

[Seductress's Aroma has been used!]

[-150 MP!]

[The skill shall last for 6 seconds.]

[50/200 MP]

As Sarah held the guard's hands, the air around her changed into a slight violet. It wasn't noticeable to anyone as the change in colour was extremely subtle, especially during the nighttime when there were no lights to highlight the change.

The guards held Sarah's hand and gripped them tightly in a show of comfort. Trying their best to assure the young woman that whatever her problem was, they were safe with them.

"It's okay my lady, everything is going to be just fine. Just lead the way," The first guard said as he let Sarah's hand go and once again gestured for her to lead ahead.

This time, Sarah complied and brought them along to her tent. Not making any awkward reactions as she led them along.

The first guard's appearance was a man with tanned skin and burly muscles. His leather armour was in a good condition showing that he was a soldier from the Lieutenant's caravan, as they were the only people who didn't know her while also doing the most patrols around the camp in search of the 'Beastial Demi-human' as they called it.

But his partner, the second guard, had brown skin as he seemed to look like a man from the desert. While he wasn't as built as the juggernaut of a first guard, he was still relatively well built and seemed to be from the same caravan as the first guard.

And while the first guard seemed to act more from emotion than logic, the second guard had an intelligent glint in his eyes as he seemed better at using his intelligence more than his brawn.

Sarah saw the change in their reactions, 'Weird, they got slightly more aggressive and touchy the second I activated my ability,' Sarah thought as she tried to find the effect her skill had on the men.

'No, it could also be their way of trying to assure me,' She thought.

She continued walking, not noticing that the men were starting to get slightly uncomfortable as the journey went on.

A few moments later, Sarah led them along the journey and she was already starting to hear heavy breathing from behind her.

"Haah... haah, fuck its hot!" The first guard said while the second guard continued panting without responding to his friend.

Sarah gave a look behind her and saw that the second soldier's eyes were closed as he continued walking along. Sometimes stopping and looking at the floor for a few moments before catching up with them.

'Tch, that guy's got high willpower,' Sarah thought with slight displeasure as she saw the guard trying to avoid gazing at her body and face as soon as he felt a bit of lust.

'But that also means, I can use him to stress test my ability, let's keep it going for a bit longer,' Sarah thought as three seconds had already passed.

They had already reached halfway there since Sarah was speedwalking across the camp. Trying her best to reach her tent before the skill ran out and the effects ceased.

4 seconds passed... Sarah could now see her tent closing on the three of them.

5 seconds... Sarah had made her way and cut the distance to half once again. This time, only about 5 meters were left before they reached the tent.

6 seconds... the skill ran out with Sarah's hand touching the fabric in front of her.

[Seductress's Aroma has run out!]

[Skill shall be deactivated.]

Sarah sighed as she saw the message, '...guess we can't have everything,' She thought as she finally opened up her tent and entered inside.

Then when the two guards had finally entered, Sarah turned around and saw the second guard was still keeping his self-control, unlike the first that wanted to pounce on her and pound her immediately to oblivion.

But the second guard was looking at the situation as calmly as he could. Somehow keeping the first guard under control despite the man's clear wanting of Sarah's body.

Sarah narrowed her eyes when she saw the calm facade of the second guard.

Despite his calm facade, Sarah already knew he was close to breaking.

She just had the faint idea that if she pushed him a bit more, then he would break and she could have her way with the two of them.

But in Sarah's mind, that slight push on the wall was monumental. A wall so large and heavy that nothing she would do could move it.

She needed a cheat. A way to make that wall crack and break down.

And she had just the move...

[Seductress's Aroma has been used!]

[-50 MP!]

[This skill shall last for two seconds.]

[0/200 MP]

Suddenly, Sarah went close to the guards and held their hands, "Sirs, Let me bring you to where I heard the noises from," She said as she brought them towards the bed and crawled on top of it while bending down.

She went forward and shaked her ass on the bed while pointing to the head to show that's where the noises came from.

But when she turned around...


"W-what are you doing sirs?" Sarah asked in a panic when she felt someone grab her by her waist and pushed her down onto the bed.

That's when the first guard drew out his sword and brought it towards Sarah's neck, "Shut up! Or else I'll slice your throat and throw you in with the beasts!" He said with a hungry growl as he started taking off Sarah's clothes while the second guard started taking off his clothes slowly as well.

To keep up the act, Sarah tried to 'resist' helplessly, "No please, let me go... I'll do anything," She whispered as she tried to move around and try to resist. Only for the first soldier on her back to rip off her clothes and reveal her breasts and ass to the naked sight of the two men.

The first guard grabbed Sarah's hair and pushed her down with force and held her mouth shut, while the second guard came close and whispered into her ear completely naked.

"This is going to be all your fault," He said as he moved the first guy's hands away from Sarah's mouth and brought her lips to kiss his.

She resisted at first when she felt the guard try to enter her mouth using his tongue. She kept her lips shut and just 'helplessly' waited for the man to go away. But after a few moments, she stopped resisting and only slightly let him in.

The man separated away from her lips as he looked into Sarah's eyes deeply, "If you do well here then we promise to help you in any way we can. Even if we have to marry you, we'll do it," He said as he held Sarah's face in a loving manner.

"So please... forgive us for what we're about to do," He said with a tinge of regret and shame in his voice. But his panting showed the fact that guilt would have no effect on him at this point. Only Sarah's body would.

Sarah with a single tear rolling down her cheek nodded as she stopped resisting and finally let the men have their way with her.

[Seductress's Aroma has run out!]

[0/200 MP]

[MP storage has been depleted. You cannot activate any skills at this moment.]

'Yes! it worked!' Sarah thought in glee. But she didn't let it be known to the two men as she had to keep the act of a helpless innocent maiden continuing.

'Who cares about running out of MP, I'll most likely get it back when I absorb some Life Essence anyway,' Sarah thought as she felt her lips were pried open once again. This time, she allowed the second guard's tongue to enter her lips and play around with her.

As she saw the actions of the two guards, Sarah was starting to make some hypotheses, 'So, the Seductress's Aroma increases libido while whittling down their self-restraints and willpower little by little. It has a minor effect on willpower, but my beauty and seductive actions helped me land the situation that I'm in right now. I guess even though the skill would help me in seductions, I can't rely on it to get the job done. I still have to do the work,' Sarah thought as the first guard removed the sword from her neck and got his body off her.

Seeing her not resisting, the second guard didn't do anything but give the first guard a look. Making the first guard extremely happy as he could finally go a step further with the woman before him.

He looked at Sarah's ass and grabbed them. Her ass was extremely supple and soft when touched, only for it to become firm once again when left alone. It seemed as if her skin would become firm and tight when no one touched it, but melted in the hands of the one who laid hands on them.

The first guard had an unbelievable urge to slap that ass! But whenever he would go for it, he would feel the disapproving gaze of his comrade telling him not to do it, and that now would be a bad time.

He listened to his comrade. The second guard was always right when it came to women, so he wouldn't ignore his suggestions.

But he didn't have the massive self-restraint like his comrade. So he instead grabbed his dick and placed it in between Sarah's ass cheeks. After doing that, he grabbed her ass from the sides as he sandwiched them in-between his dick and started slowly moving back and forth. Feeling the suppleness of Sarah's ass squished onto his dick.

Seeing what the first guard was doing, the second guard left Sarah's lips and whispered once again to her, "If you don't want us to do it inside you, then it's completely fine to use your hands or mouth. We won't violate your virginity without your permission," He said as he patted Sarah's head.

Sarah's expression seemed like she was about to cry at the actions of the first man, but she closed her eyes and bit her lips as seemed to tackle the idea of being relatively safe with the second man's suggestion.

But she soon opened her eyes with tears and looked back at the second guard, "You said you would reward me if I did well right?" She said while looking at the guard with trembling and frightened eyes.

The guard looked at Sarah's teary expression and slowly nodded back, "Yes, whatever you want us to do for your forgiveness after we're done."

Sarah bit her lip as if she was really being pulled on two sides at that moment, "Then..." she said softly as she seemed to have reached an answer.

"...you can have your way with me."

Second chapter won't be coming out today since I feel literal pain while writing the next chapter. Though I did start the draft already so you can expect the chapter to come out by tomorrow.

Anyway, send a powerstone if you think the book deserves it, and add this book to you collection if you haven't already.

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