
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantaisie
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95 Chs

The Plan

In a broken house there were chilling winds coming through the cracked walls and ruptured roofs.

The winter in this year was especially horrible, and sudden.

Spring had lasted two months less, than the previous year. In-fact, the now dead Oracle of the village had predicted this spring to last longer than the usual years.

And the seasons were even flipped around. In order: spring, summer, autumn, winter. But instead, it was summer, autumn, spring, then winter.

People believed this to be a blessing from the gods. Maybe they would remove winter for this year? The village folk foolishly thought. They were even excited about it, saying 'it was the blessings for our hardwork!' they would shout on the village streets.

Everyone was excited.

This year was meant to be a year of blessings!

They were promised so many good things.

But instead...

Wild frosty winds had destroyed the previous strong foundation of this now destroyed house.

But the floor was still kept intact as there were two pitiful corpses laying on top of a wooden hatch.

The corpses were shriveled as they had missing body parts, and gnawed limbs. But their rings still shimmered in the frosty snow, as they both held each other's hand till their dying breath. Keeping their wedding vows even after death.

But underneath the corpses there was a wooden hatch, which had two girls huddling up together in. A blanket worn as one shivered, while the other patted the shivering child in her arms.

One of the girls was a woman as she held that shivering child of only twelve years old in her hands. Giving sweet words as both tried to survive this final stretch of winter.

The twelve year old child hugged the older one tightly. A few faint sobs could be heard from the woman's bosom as the child wept in fear and anxiety.

"I'm not hungry anymore, big sis! Please stay..." The girl weeped as she held her older sister tightly in her grasp, to transfer the warmth her older sister was losing.

But nonetheless, the big sister gave a confident smile that looked warm even though her deathly pale face was saying otherwise.

"Don't worry. I don't need the food. I'm already full see! The older sister said as she gave a bright smile to the little girl.

The girl looked at the blindingly bright smile in the dim basement, and couldn't help but hold her sister even tighter.

"Don't leave, please don't leave. I'll do anything! Please!" The young girl pleaded to her elder sister.

The older sister brought her face to the girl's forehead and gave a little peck, as she hugged the girl tighter in her grasp.

"Don't worry little Emma. I won't be leaving you anytime soon." The elder sister assured her sibling.

But little Emma already knew what was happening.

Even as a child, she could see the pale face, and frostbitten hands, and knew that something was terribly wrong.

She felt a sense of loss slowly growing in her heart, as if it was anticipating another one of her loved ones' death.

It was telling her someone was dying.

It was telling little Emma that her big sister was dying...

But little Emma shook her head of these thoughts.

They were liars!

Her own mind was lying to her.

Her big sister was going to make it!

She said it with such confidence.

So she had to be able to make it.


The elder sister's eyes glazed over as a tear rolled down her cheek.

She felt immense sorrow at the fact she was going to have to leave her younger sister alone in this world.

She felt sadness she wasn't going to be able to find the love she always dreamed about.

She felt the void slowly creeping closer towards her, her lips trembling in fright as she felt the presence of the grim reaper close to her.

But even in the face of death she still smiled.

She had to.

It was going to save a life.

It was going to save the life of her last family.

Her last smile, for her last family.

'I know the villagers will keep her safe...' The elder sister thought with certainty.

Most villagers would've went through the horrors that her family went through.

She knew the remaining villagers would grieve with each other over the loss of their loved ones.

She knew they would feel sorrow in this misfortune with each other.

The elder sister even made a small poem about this.

Misfortune often comes in company.

Sorrow follows the company of misfortune.

A connected, profound sorrow leads to bonds between individuals.

They would become family.

And the last thing Emma still needs was a family.

Maybe the village would be her new family?

The elder sister closed her eyes as she rested her chin on her little sister.

'Maybe that wasn't the best poem.' She thought as she chuckled in her mind.

The big sister started to think back to her past.

She remembered she had matured early in life.

She was always the big sister wherever even she went, but she also was never able to connect with anyone her age.

And she attributed this to her sleep.

Well more specificly, because of her nightmares...

She constantly dreamt of violets and pinks covering the whole world as symbols appeared in the air.

She saw lustful deeds being done on the streets while people would be walking with shriveled skin and hollowed eyes.

But a divine beauty on the top of a waterfall, would always give her a seductive smile as she above herself.

She usually woke up at that moment.

This scene had always terrified her!

She didn't know why she got these dreams as a kid.

But she was never in peace because of them.

The dreams gave her an inexplicable feeling of horror, lust, and suppression. But also gave a kind of freedom she couldn't quite understand even till this day.

But she knew what that freedom felt like.

It felt...fake.

It felt as if someone believed what they were doing was of their own choice, but only to be manipulated into choosing what their manipulator desired.

The dream gave a lustful, false sense of freedom.

And this made her feel afraid to even voice what she dreamt about.

It was too surreal.

It was too dark.

But there was a guiding light.

And the guiding light in the elder sister's life was the bright smile of her little sister.

The only person that somehow protected her sanity during those fearful nights.

'Please give her a family, god...' The elder sister prayed in her heart as she slowly felt the void come closer to her soul.

But with this last hope in her heart the elder sister gave a kiss to her little sister's hair as she layed her head onto it. Hoping to give the last bit of warmth she still had.

"I love you Emma."

"I won't ever leave your side..."

This calming sentence was spoken as a child went to sleep on her elder's sister's protective embrace. Hoping the child to live a life filled with love and compassion.

'I promise...'

The big sister thought as she slept for the first time without those nightmares...


Emma huddled closer to Sarah as a tear rolled down to Sarah's naked chest.

Sarah felt the tear on her chest and looked at the dreaming Emma's distressed face.

Sarah caressed Emma's cheek and wiped the tears away. Giving the sleeping Emma's forehead a little kiss as she pushed her head closer to her heart. Giving Emma's naked body some more warmth.

Emma nuzzled her head into Sarah's bust as she seemed to have calmed down.

'Hopefully she feels better after this...' Sarah thought after dealing with Emma's distress.

She didn't feel much for Emma at first. She was hoping to use this pure and naive girl at first, but then after she had a night with her everything seemed to change.

Now, Sarah's motherly instincts were telling her to protect this precious girl. She combed the sleeping girl's head as she made a command in her mind.

[Completed Quest: Give Emma what her heart desires.]

[Corruption not successful!]

[No bonus rewards shall be given for incomplete task.]

[Rewards: +1000 Seduction Points!]

[First female to have sex with after recieving the Cultivaing Seductress System!]

[+1000 Seduction Points!]

[Current Seduction Balance: 8190 Seduction Points]

'Sigh... I didn't get any Seduction Points for the optional objective.' Sarah sighed as she watched the notifications ding in her head constantly.

Even though she missed out on 1000 Seduction Points, she didn't regret it.

In fact, what kind of mission was 'Corrupt Emma'? She was too pure to be tainted by evil hands.

Sure some sick bastards might like corruption, but this pure girl didn't deserve that kind of suffering. Sarah was already corrupt enough. She shouldn't have to spread to girls that don't deserve it.

Wait... corrupt other girl's like Sarah?

Was the system trying to make other girl's like Sarah?

What could that mean?

Sarah shook her head.

Maybe she was over thinking it.

Either way, Sarah was going to have to start making adjustments to her plan.

Apparently, she didn't need to only seduce men for the system to give her quests and objectives to complete.

And what she needed, was to think about on increasing her Seduction Points.

She was already very close to the breakthrough of ten thousand points.

She was about to reach the sum to buy the Realm Upgrade from the Seduction Store.

Sarah was curious and excited, but also solemn and anxious. The conflicting emotions giving a wave of uncertainty filling her being.

What would happen when she went to the next realm?

Her system would be upgraded...

What kind of new abilities would she unlock? What happens to cultivators when they go to the next stage? Maybe she would be found out as a cultivator after she broke through?

Sarah was already seen as a mortal to cultivators, since in the Law Tempering Realm the cultivator just adapts their body to the new law qi they would soon inhabit in their bodies.

She didn't really have any essence. She was just changing the makeup of her body in a sort of baptism of energies.

So when she broke through and started having law qi, would other cultivators be able to sense her then?

Would they be able to sense what kind of law a cultivator had as well?

Who knew? All Sarah had to do was to break through the next realm as soon as she could so she could go out and save Damian.

She had a plan of seducing the commander of this military camp, but she soon ruled that off as impossible.

The commander of this military camp was a female soldier.

First, it was very impressive she was able to get this far as a pure mortal with no cultivations to speak of. And secondly, Sarah had already probed the command's morals and willpower when it came to outside influences.

After some probing, Sarah soon came to the conclusion this woman's willpower was immense. And any sort of seduction would never work.

Sarah knew there was no way to seduce this woman, especially with her low status as a common war nurse.

So she had to try and rope in some other officers that would be travelling to this military camp, during times of relocation and supply runs.

This was the task that Sarah had given to Laurier when they met up last night.

His job was to try and rope these military personnels into meeting Sarah and using that chance to try and seduce them. Then using those seduced personnel to lure higher ranked officials of possible.

Using this tactic she could sooner or later meet some high ranked officials and attempt to seduce them so she could figure information about Damian and tranfer over to his camp, and if possible, to take them out of this war entirely.

Sarah was using all of her skills she had learned from the slum gangwars to try and take her and Damian out of here.

Sarah looked to her side as she saw the only obstruction to her plan left.

She thought about the mission again.

Corrupt Emma...

Sarah cringed at this thought.

Emma didn't want Sarah to seduce these men and use her body to get the job done. But what did she know?

She didn't know what she had to do to live in the slums.

She didn't know what kind of 'purity' she had to sacrifice to live a single day longer.

And maybe this 'pure' Emma should learn not to butt into her business.

Sarah thought of all of this, but she already knew it was too late.

A pure Emma was a liability to the plan.

So she had to 'change' this pure Emma into something very different.

An Emma, that could fit in well with her plans...

I didn't have enough time to write a new chapter today (properly) so there might be major grammatical issues in this chapter.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I released the last chapter too late and missed out on my self-inflicted deadline. Leading to me releasing the last chapter on 12:07 (or something) rather than before 12!

Anyway, feel free to add this book to your collection if you haven't already and if you think this book deserves it, then consider sending a powerstone my way!

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Happy reading everyone!

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts