
The Cultivating Seductress System

Sarah, a commoner girl from the slums meets a mysterious blue light in the forest. The girl ran from the blue light in fear and hesitation. Trying to find a way out before she made a choice she didn't understand. She didn't want to make her choice. But soon the blue light forced her to make the choice. Her only choice. She pressed [Yes]... [Welcome to the Cultivating Seductress System host!] The Cultivating Seductress System? Sarah had used her lustful nature to have control all over the slums and the mortal world. Using men and women, both, to get the things she desired while indulging in the bodies of those she seduced. But with this new mysterious system, will she be able to take the fruits of those cultivators as well? Will she be able to seduce those arrogant cultivators into doing her bidding? If she could... 'Now that would be interesting.' /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Author here! This is my first book ever! I’m hoping to write a very sexy story that will give the boys, and the girls something to enjoy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). ( Even though the story isn't centred around its hentai aspect, there are a lot of sex scenes in it. So, look forward to yuri, futanari, straight, monsters, incest, etc.) (Story gets a bit dark in some chapters, so read with caution.) The art on the cover isn't mine so if you want me to get rid of it just tell me and I'll happily do it. I constantly edit my previous chapters to at least have readable grammar and a good story, so expect a lot of changes in chapters while reading. Feedback on how to improve is highly appreciated! I’m trying to make the best book I possibly can for my first time, and I'm also trying my best to improve my writing so I can write a new book in the future. Hope you enjoy the story!

Spartan_Wolf · Fantaisie
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95 Chs

A Night of Fun

A lone woman was walking in a military camp with moans and grunts being constantly heard in her vicinity, from one tent to another.

'They seem to be having fun...' Sarah thought as she heard the moans with a smile.

The soldiers and the nurses had been racked with stress for the past few weeks. The soldiers were fighting in a war they didn't want, and the nurses were trying to save as many lives as possible while being far away from home.

These men and women were really stressed.

So, one week after the first battle ended, most of the men had healed enough to be able to walk around and eat food so they decided to throw a small celebration today to celebrate the fact that they survived their first battle and also so they could relax after their recovery from injuries.

But the soldiers decided to invite the nurses into this celebration as well since they were the major contributors towards their recovery.

Undoubtedly, because of the nurses feeding them and taking care of them for so long, most of the injured men started to grow an appreciation for the women in the camp with some men even feeling affection towards the nurses who visited them during their time of pain.

Either way, the nurses agreed to join the party!

While the nurses wanted to relax a bit after taking care of the men for so long and stressing over whether they were going to make it or not, the men wanted to meet the women so they could have some fun with them.

The nurses knew about the intentions behind these boys, but they didn't mind it.

Because they had decided to do exactly the same as the men wanted!

They wanted to relax and maybe find a good man, so they decided to have fun tonight while the men and women could exchange pleasure under the moonlight while sharing single tents for the night.

But little did they know, that all of this was planned by Sarah!

While Sarah was leading Emma around trying to get her to relax, she had secretly been making hints towards the women of the camp to try and 'reward' the men, while also 'relaxing' with them in their tents.

The women never realised what Sarah was doing even while they were talking.

They thought the act of having fun with the men was their idea, so they didn't suspect Sarah one bit.

And in the end, Sarah was successful and made the majority of women seduce the men into having sex tonight.

But why did Sarah do this?

It was so she could make preparations for her "Resupply, Seduction Plan."

This was the plan to seduce the higher-ranking soldiers of the supplies caravan so Sarah could get information about the other military camps across the country border.

So what did she need to do to make the seduction successful?

Just have absolute control over the whole camp.

If she had control over everyone, what was there to fear?

Either way, the current situation had many uses for Sarah's upcoming seduction plan.

For one, she could use this situation to convince Emma more easily into leaving her side when the men come so she could continue on with her seduction plan.

And if she was lucky, she might even make Emma think all of this was normal.

She was just a naive young girl after all.

But Sarah was also guarding against a future peeping tom in the future.

Sarah had learned from her mistake of getting caught making love with a soldier, so she made a new counter-measure for this.

If everyone was guilty, no one would be guilty.

This was Sarah's plan.

Make everyone have sex with the soldiers so they would be just as guilty as she would in the future.

This night of passion made sure for Sarah that a new peeping tom would never snitch on her in the future even if they saw her making love to another soldier.

But why was the plan so elaborate you ask?

For the shits and giggles!

Sarah was a very chaotic woman. she had a lot of knowledge and power over the control of the human mind and thought.

So why not use it?

As stated before, Sarah loved the feeling of controlling over another person's heart and mind.

She felt pleasure from the feeling of control.

So, she made this entire situation just for the fun of it.

But Sarah also had other ideas regarding the current situation.

It will also have a psychological effect on the men after tonight's pleasure.

For example, If any harm was going to befall the women of this camp, she could use the men as sacrifices and escape from the military camp without anyone ever finding out.

They already made love with the women, so they probably felt an obligation to protect them.

A sort of male instinct for providing safety and comfort for their woman.

This male instinct was also used quiet oftenly to steal resources or get a higher social status in life.

This male instinct was the major target for seduction in the mortal world.

It was the easiest to exploit, while also giving the best results.

So Sarah already made sure that from now on, the men wouldn't abandon the women of the camp no matter what.

Just from this one night she had ensured her safety for upcoming operations while also building a small foundation for control over the military camp.

'But what about Emma...' Sarah thought as she continued walking between the moaning tents.

Emma was a girl that Sarah had unexpectedly gotten pretty close with in the past couple of weeks.

She felt like a little sister to Sarah.

And Sarah had never felt this feeling of affection in her heart before...

In Morrowl, Sarah was the unspoken queen of the town alongside her brother. And before that, she was the lowest whore of Morrowl that even the whorehouses detested.

In Sarah's life, she was always either a status higher or a status lower than the woman around her.

She never had anyone that she could meet with and talk as equals with.

But that had changed after she got drafted into the war.

Sarah found many women who didn't know the others around them. Most of them were strangers to this new environment.

But unexpectedly, most of the women were kind people even in this new environment.

The women hadn't lost their kindness, even after being forced to join this war against The Beast King.

And fortunately, Emma was the closest among these women to Sarah.

She truly felt close to her.

And she wanted to protect this little sister of hers no matter what!

'Then I should try and factor her into more of my plans,' Sarah decided with a satisfactory nod as she found her tent in view.

Moans were being heard constantly from Sarah's left and right as she walked closer towards her tent and continued her train of thoughts.

Sarah had made a main plan, a backup plan for the main plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan.

Sarah was proud of all the effort she had put in these past few days. So she was tired from all the scheming and planning and just wanted to take a rest.

Today especially, since she had to go around and talk to so many people to make her backup plan a reality.

So, instead of following the lead of the other women and having fun tonight, she chose to go to rest for the night instead.

She was already close to her tent by now.

But unfortunately, she didn't know that a shadow had been following her this entire time.

It was sneaky and quiet. As if it was born with the talent of an ambush predator pumping in its veins.

And soon, the shadow approached Sarah when she was alone in-between the moaning tents.

It soon got ready to pounce on her while the moonlight revealed some silver hair spilling out of its black hood.

This was its best chance to strike!

Sarah continued walking down the tent alley, none the wiser.

'I wonder if Laurier will have any new informatio-!'


Sarah paused her thoughts as she immediately turned around when she heard the footstep close to her.

But her reaction was too late.

The shadow had already pounced on her!

As Sarah was halfway through her action, the shadow suddenly grabbed her mouth from behind and grabbed her by the waist as it lifted her up from the ground, preventing her from making any unnecessary noise or movements.

After Sarah's movements were restrained and her mouth covered, she already knew what was happening.

She started to calm her ragged breathing and relaxed her tense muscles.

She was getting her mind ready for what was about to happen.

She knew she was about to get forced into having sex.

'I can't believe this shit happens outside the slums as well!' Sarah ranted in her mind before she felt the grip on her body loosen and a voice suddenly speaking out.

"Calm down, Sarah. It's me..." The shadow loosened its grip on Sarah's waist and mouth as it freed her from its grasp.

Sarah turned around slowly after she was freed with a frown adorning her beautiful face.

"You know that's the worst way to say hello to a girl, right?" Sarah said as she crossed her arms under her chest with unconcealed annoyance.

The shadow suddenly dropped its hood and revealed a princely visage with silver hair with an expression of guilt and fear streaked across its face.

Laurier's prank had now gone horribly wrong!

"I-I'm sorry. I was going to call you before, but you were with so many people that I just didn't know what to ..." Laurier was saying with a guilty conscious as he tried to appease Sarah's anger.

"I don't give a shit about your excuses! Just don't do that ever again, no matter who it is! Do you understand?" Sarah said to Laurier with a dark tone as she stared at him with an ice-cold expression.

Laurier shivered for a moment before he bowed his head and kneeled on the floor with his palms facing upward to Sarah, waiting for a punishment.

"I'm so sorry!" Laurier apologised as he shivered on his spot waiting for a few smacks on his hands.

'I can't believe this girl could be so scary!' Laurier thought as he shivered uncontrollably while kneeling.

'What the...' Sarah looked at Laurier's actions with utter confusion.

But Sarah quickly shook her head as she ignored Laurier's current attitude and grabbed both hands as she lifted them up.

"Get up. If you already know what you did wrong, then you don't have to apologise," Sarah said with a gentle voice as she picked up Laurier from his kneeling position and made him stand before he got covered with dirt.

"Now, tell me what you came here for," Sarah said as she let go of Laurier's hands and waited for an answer while tapping her foot on the ground.

Laurier looked up meekly for a few moments before he cleared his throat and started to tell Sarah what he found out.

"The resupply caravan will be arriving tomorrow."

I didn't have any time to write this chapter today, but I wrote this one anyway so I could give a small announcement of what's going to be happening for the next week.

I'm going to take a small break from writing Cultivating Seductress so I can to start my college assignments, or else I'm probably going to fail my studies.

And~ since I don't want that, I'm going to be taking a small break and catch up with my studies before I start writing again.

Though I might edit some old chapters anyway ;)

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Spartan_Wolfcreators' thoughts