
The Crafter and Cookies

This is my first time writing, please read the synopsis. I decided to write The Crafter because I am unsatisfied with the number of fanfics and novels about Minecraft crafting abilities so I humbly introduce you, my precious readers, to my One Piece The Crafter And Cookies. ======================================= Aryan POV: Arf! Arf! "Scratching noises" Arghh... here we go again cookies is waking me up by whimpering and scratching my bed in the middle of the night in my pitiful thin-walled two-roomed apartment because she needs to pee. argh, who taught you how to do that? I'm sure of it now cookies knows that she can't wake me up on my bed because it's too big to just jump onto. She somehow figured out that if she can't climb onto my bed to wake me up like she does when I'm on the couch shell just scratch on my bed and make dying dog noises till I wake up and take her out. dang it why are you so smart cookies? Oh well, I think living on my own and acting on my own interests is better than being suppressed by another person's rules. No matter who, or where I am, sadly no matter where I go in this world, I will always be limited on what I can do if only I could be free like a Minecraft player in an infinitely expanding world. Regardless I'm never moving back home just to have a steady roof over my head and do free labor for my parents. I'm sorry Mom, and Dad but your son is too prideful and rebellious to return home, I'd rather stick to my choices in life no matter the consequences than second-guess myself, because I know once I second-guess myself once it'll be downhill from there. Mom shouldn't have too hard of a time at the house when dads away for work. Because she still has two pairs of extra hands to command as she sees fit. sorry, Joanne, and Aaron I say this with all the love in the world but your big brother will never go back and do free labor ever again! I say with my chest puffed out, I've had enough of that already, argh enough of that I shake my head trying to rid myself of my distracting thoughts, anyway for now I'll have to quickly get dressed and take my cuteness generator 9000 out on our daily 3 am walk to the park before I have to clean up a little troublesome stinking puddle. Hehe, I won't be the one cleaning a stinky puddle today but I know someone else who will "evil laugh". An- Our MC Aryan forgets that his walls are terribly thin. Aryan POV: Hmm, it seems like cookies really likes taking a leak in the same spot every day that spot being my next-door neighbor's welcome home mat Hehe I think Arlene will forgive me again after all she hasn't killed me yet "laughs nervously" I'm sure I'll be fine what's the worst that can happen it's not like shell run me over or anything hah as if, she doesn't even have the balls to do that literally hahaha. Anyways let's dip cookies before we get got ARF! SHHH... General POV: A few seconds after Aryan leaves a dark figure passes through Arlene's now-opened door dressed in what vaguely looks like bunny-printed pajamas with matching bunny slippers and latex gloves. Moments later the dark figure closes Arlene's door and steps out into the unforgiving cold unfair world with car keys in hand and a doormat to avenge. Scene Brake- ======================================= If you want to support me add this book to your libraries or leave a review. :) I do not own Minecraft or Marvel, or any other elements I may use from different sources. All I own is my own OC. I have only published the Crafter and Cookies on Web Novel and royal road anywhere else you see this it's copied. Now that all that is done thank you for your time and enjoy. ;)

WIKKY · Films
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A/N: This story is also on Royalroad under the name Justhebest, ill be your friend if you can put this book in your library on Royalroad as well. :)


Aryans POV:

Gotta go fast, I try to put as much distance as possible from me and the apartments, especially Arlene's doormat hehe. I think I should really stop Cookies from peeing on Arlene's door mat I feel like she won't be too happy with me if I continue to let cookies piss on her doormat of all places. I know I would be upset if my doormat smelled like dog piss every time I passed it.

I know she knows it's me because I'm the only one with a pet there at the apartments, yeah starting tomorrow I'll stop cookies from ever peeing on Arlene's doormat again! Don't you worry Arlene I'll stop the evil-doer Cookies from peeing on your property even if it's the last thing I do! ARF! shush you it's all your fault that our dear neighbor is in distress these days.

I come to a stop as I realize that maybe she's just upset when she sees us, I glance at cookies and she somehow senses my gaze and stops to stare back at me with that clueless blank happy face all dogs give their humans. then just as abruptly she brakes eye contact first and continues walking, yeah it's not us it's definitely just Arlene what a troublesome woman.

General POV:

Just as Aryen walks around the corner to continue down the route to the park, a parked matte black Truck that was conveniently covered by shadows from another conveniently placed large tree in the corner of the apartments parking lot suddenly starts up with what has to be the only lights that are on in miles.

Walking around the corner Aryen continues to make his way down the route to the park however immediately he notices that all the street lights are off. This would be fine if only the street lights were off. However, the street lights are not alone in this strange phenomenon not only are all the street lights off, but all lights of all kinds are off as if Aryens in some kind of horror movie where the main cast is about to die.

Seeing this Aryen freezes and thinks maybe being out tonight isn't such a good idea. while Aryen continues to think about the predicament, he finds himself in. Cookies is confused why Aryen suddenly stopped so being the curious canine she is she continues to snoop around. But suddenly she hears a strange noise from behind her then snaps her head in the direction of the noise and then sees a truck barreling towards herself but also being the clueless dog, she is she walks towards the rapidly growing truck instead of trying to get out of the way.

finally, Cookies walks far enough to where the leash tugs in Aryen's hand causing him to come back from Lala land. After Aryen comes out of his frozen-like state he finally notices that cookies is no longer in front of him. However he's still holding Cookies leash so he follows the leash and finds cookies behind him but at the same time, he also finds a truck that he's never seen before racing towards him as if it wants to run him over. " Lightning sfx"

Aryen finally realizes what's about to happen if he doesn't move, immediately Aryen is about to dodge the truck. But, at this time Aryen freezes as he remembers that he's walking cookies. And she is not moving out of the way. All the curious Cookies wanted to do was stare at the strange metal contraption blissfully unaware of the situation she's in. Just like that kun is about to add another 2 to his kill count. At this moment Aryen makes a quick decision and heroically leaps towards cookies to try and push her out of death's arms. Nonetheless, reality is often disappointing. The moments of hesitation plus the added couple of seconds of processing the scale of how fucked up is fucked up was enough time for truck kun dark edition hits both our MC and Cookies at the same time almost instantly killing them. Aryens last thought was truck kun why me, and Cookie's last thought was he's fast.

Scene Brake-

Aryans POV:

Whooo, swoosh! HUH, what was that huh where the fu- Cookies! where's cookies oh she's right next to me and so is my bag. Wait a second why does cookies look so small I could probably hold her in my hands if I wanted to. Cookies reverted back to her starting size. Anyway, Cookies is not the most concerning thing right now, what takes that cake is my location there's grassy hills and mountains everywhere. Well, I know I'm not in Kermit anymore. Kermit definitely doesn't have this much forest, grasslands, and mountains.

I know I died I felt it dammit and I also saw Cookies die right in front of me! But I don't have any injuries and neither does Cookies. in fact, she is spotless and so am I. I actually feel pretty good. So let me get this straight one Cookies and I are uninjured after getting hit by truck kun, two I'm in an unfamiliar environment, and three I still have all my belongings so that leaves only one possible event left my face hardens and I say I've been reincarnated or is it isakaied. Well, no use in thinking about all this weird shit it's not like anyone would believe me.

I look at Cookies and she's still out of it. Now that I've confirmed Cookies is good, I should also inspect myself and see if I'm missing anything, I don't look any different from when I left the apartments today, I wonder if my bag still has all my stuff in there. Hopefully, it does because if not I don't know when the next time I'll have something to eat.

Moving to my bag I notice it does seem a little lumpy so it definitely has something in it, still, I will dump it all out to see what I'm working with. "A couple of rough dumping noises later" Well that sucks my phone is gone but I still got my unnecessarily big water flask and two granola bars sigh... I knew I should have brought more food this morning, looking at my rations now I feel like it won't be long till I start to get hungry again not to mention Cookies.

Maybe I should give the two granola bars to cookies. No, I'll half it with her shell get one and I'll get the other. Sorry Cookies but your human also needs substance, I will feed her half when she wakes up and then the other half when I feel like she's getting hungry. I guess I will also split the water with her as well. I'll keep the other bar and eat it when I need it same for the water.

Sigh... It's not looking so good for me right now. It's going to be troublesome lugging Cookies and my other stuff around. After these thoughts, I smile and think it wouldn't be cool If I had an inventory like in Minecraft wait a minute new world new powers. Considering this I look at my water flask on the ground and bend downwards to touch and moments later as I expected the instant I touch my flask it blinks out of existence.

Seeing this my face goes through multiple expressions from shock, surprise, joy, realization, and finally an evil smile. Then I say OOO doggy whoever gave me these powers has fucked up now and no takebacks.

Quickly I stand up on my tippy toes and do a full 360 a couple of times to check if anyone will see what I'm about to do. After all, I don't want people to know I can make shit disappear and reappear whenever I want. That will definitely get me captured and caged like a lab rat. Thinking this I unconsciously reinforce the fact I don't want anyone to know what I can do.

Bending back down I do the same disappearing trick for my bag and the two granola bars. Standing Back up I think I need to start moving I don't know where the fuck I am or how far I am to a hopefully human civilization.

Thinking back to all the survival videos I watched over the years first thing I need is water then shelter. Actually I already have water so let's just go find shelter. Well, I guess to start I'll go the opposite way the sun is going down so east. Actually, I don't know if it's east or west but for now, I'll call it east. I guess I'll carry cookies until I find a cave or something or maybe just an overhang, I think even if I find a cave, I think I would still choose an overhang because I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to a 8ft tall angry bear ripping my face off because I unknowingly invaded his home. Shiver me timbers yeah fuck that I think I'll just find a tree to climb up and chill there. YOSH! With a plan in mind and cookies in hand I'll start my adventure in another world hahaha.

Scene Brake-

Aryans POV:

I think it has been about an hour well actually I don't know for sure my sense of time has always been skewed. Like when I'm working, I feel like it's been hours but in reality, it's just been 30 minutes at most. All I've walked passed so far is more grassy hills and other small fauna. However, I know one thing for sure it's that I've walked about 2 miles so far.

I'm pretty familiar with distance traveled on foot because I do some walking every morning thanks to a certain somebody. Speaking about that somebody I should stop and check on her right now. Thinking this I come to a stop from my walking pace and bend down to take Cookies out of the front pocket of my sweater. Good thing I got a conveniently placed kangaroo pocket on my sweater where Cookies can rest.

When I'm ready to take Cookies out and check up on her I gently grab her as I would do to a wet oreo that's about to fall apart. However, just when I'm about to take her out of my front pocket I hear what sounds like a child's scream. Whipping my head up like I just heard someone call me a fat lazy bastard I stop my previous actions and try to listen to see if I could hear screaming again but all I hear is the nearby grass swaying and the wind continuing to do what it does best be annoying and cold. So being the bumbling fool I am I Stand back up and start running in the direction I heard the screaming from.

Scene brake-


A/N: This story is also on Royalroad under the name Justhebest, ill be your friend if you can put this book in your library on Royalroad as well. :)

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