
Cap. 12

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's official I'm the worst scum of humanity… Applause!!!

<< Clap , Clap , Clap , Clap >>

Well the summary of the situation is simple. After a light conversation with Lira we ended up having a good time together and now that cute and too adorable girl is sleeping soundly in my bed right now, but I don't regret it, it's mutual agreement so I don't care...

--Yep, it's too adorable...

I stroked her hair, while the little girl seemed to have a good dream.

--To be so pretty she does bite… ha ha ha ha.

I got out of bed and slipped into the kitchen where a sullen Mirra was waiting for me.

Dressed in her usual maid uniform and her emerald green bow on her head, Mirra stands in the middle of the kitchen with a large butcher knife and a creepy smile… fear, a word I had long forgotten, my life was a downward spiral of a lot of shit, and I developed a serious inability to scare myself but now I'm scared shitless. A pretty girl, the twin sister of the girl I was just with, is looking at me with a smile and a bloody knife.


--Oh! Master good morning, I'm sorry breakfast will be ready a little later… do you know where my sister is? He was not in his bedroom, nor in the warehouse, where he opened up...

With a warm and serene voice, Mirra calmly spoke to me without leaving her smile and without letting go of the knife, shaking it from left to right with an innocent face and dead eyes...

--Ah?...don't worry about that, take it easy...

--Yes teacher... but where is that girl?

--Yes...where will he be~.

I escaped from the kitchen, and ran to the patio. Where two cars full of armor, shields and weapons of steel and metal, basically two cars full of useful and useless metallic remains, simple dead weight awaited me. Taking off my shirt and lying on my back I slip under one of them and start exercising.

Using one of the trucks as a weight, I perform the reps.

--Up, hold, down...

--Up, hold, down...

--Up, hold, down...

--Up, hold, down...

--Up, hold, down...

Five repetitions, I exhale, inhale and start again, 30 rounds of five, a total of 150 repetitions, I have not seen the physical limit of my body since I came to this world, my wounds heal insanely fast, my body is brimming with strength and energy, I see the term physical exhaustion as very distant but not so much mental exhaustion, whether before or after the massacre in the red castle I have had many things to think about, flee or not flee, call or not the Emboar sisters as girlfriends or as adventurers; looking for information about the other summoned heroes, about this world, and now how to handle my relationship with Lira and Mirra… I'm certainly tired.

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--Master, breakfast is ready

Mirra entered the yard while midway through the second set of 150 reps. Seriously, that abyss did wonders for my body.

--Okay let's eat~

--Master... could you explain something to me?

Myrrh's normally flat voice this time was unusually flat almost inorganic, which is terrifying.

--Yes, of course... What is it? [Shit!!! How the hell did Lord Bazuma do him ?]

--Master, you prefer L ira, right?

--Eh?... [ What ! Damn miss you have no subtlety]

--Teacher. I'm not recriminating him, it's just my own cu -rio-si-ty~

--Well... you could say we came to a mutual understanding last night...

"Ah... that's fine, master, would you mind if you come to an understanding with me?"

--Ummmm… why don't we have breakfast first and discuss them together, I'm hungry…

I fled like a coward, back to the mansion and sat down in the dining room, but not before taking one of the wine bottles from the shelf.

--Come on wine, don't disappoint me... [Courage, courage, I need courage or stupidity, stupidity is also good...]

Taking big gulps straight from the bottle, I emptied the entire bottle of wine down my throat, a few minutes later the sisters Lira and Mirra came in carrying the dishes for breakfast, out of my own selfishness we all eat together at the table as long as there are no guests .

An awkward silence filled the dining room, only the clinking of cutlery could be heard, Mirra looked at us coldly, while a now expressive Lira was on the verge of tears, a beautiful expression.

--Master, I can be honest.

Mirra put down her cutlery and spoke loudly.

--Huh?!... yes of course...

--I want the same treatment as Lira.

The still expressionless twin dropped that bombshell without even blinking or blushing, while her sister could only open and close her mouth without letting out a voice.

--Umn?... I see, Lira, what do you say?


Waking up from her bewilderment, the now more expressive sister blushed and said.

--If it is not an inconvenience for the teacher, I was going to ask him the same. Please take Mirra too!

"Well, well… do I think I drink too much wine?" I'm hearing things, right?

--No master, you are not hallucinating... please love Mirra too, you asked me to be more honest and tell you my wishes, because I want to love you, I want to share this love with my sister who also loves you, so please don't I avoided her, she is more serious but she is a good girl, please don't abandon her.

Now both sisters are red as tomatoes with teary puppy eyes.

--I see... Good! That settles it... if I'm going to escape I'll take them, just like this mansion is my property, I won't be polite or courteous since you're the ones who asked for it. Since there is still no news from the palace, the army or the church, let's go upstairs~

Taking a last sip of wine, I hugged the two sisters in my arms and went upstairs to my room.

--Ma-Ma-master it's still daytime!!!

--Please wait for the night!!!

--Nonsense~ you guys are too adorable and shameless, you should be punished, putting on puppy dog eyes is cheating and deserves punishment.

Ignoring the two weeping and smiling maids, I continued my march to the bedroom.

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It is confirmed again that I am the worst scum of humanity, a standing ovation for my sins.

<<Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap>>

Fortunately no one came near the mansion yesterday and we were able to enjoy a good mutual understanding, they certainly trained them well, that dirty old high priest is certainly dangerous, that pair sure bites.

They both woke up at dawn as usual and this time we had a quiet breakfast, I went out to the patio to do my exercises, while the twins took care of the overdue chores of the mansion .

The morning passed without inconvenience and in the afternoon a carriage arrived bringing some messages, summarizing everything would be simply.

1. The blacksmith will arrive in three days.

2. The scholar will take a month to come possibly.

3. General Brise invited me to a banquet at his house tonight.

4. I have to report to the palace in a week.

Four news, the blacksmith and General Brise's party is good, but the scholar being a month late and having to go to the palace is bad news.

--Master, go to the banquet we will prepare the carriage.

--It is not necessary, the messenger was from the general's house and I already gave him my answer, he will come to pick me up, we have a horse and a carriage but no coachman, I cannot ask one of you to come while the other stays taking care the house, I'll be hiring more staff soon so don't worry about the little details.

They both nodded and went back to their work, I just went to the locker room and looked for something to wear, all my clothes came with the mansion, only the trench coat with the crest of my house embroidered on the back as Viscount is the only highlight I have, everything others are common clothes of nobles.

--Come on, with the usual...

Taking my previous costume, only this time I added a pair of black hydra skin gloves that I bought at a clothing store, if the young prince wants to stab me these gloves are tough enough for it.

I rested, prepared my clothes and flirted with the sisters until the driver came to pick me up.

--Well, girls take care of the house, coachman let's go~

Jumping into the carriage the driver urged the horse on and we began to move towards the Brise house.