
Cap. 11

After my bath, I saw the works of art that the commander of the forces made.

--They look good… Commander you should prepare some good archers and some scouts to check the perimeter the imperials should be arriving soon, I want to see their expressions when they see the beautiful view… Ha hahahaha ha

--Right away…

"Vi-Viscount, we've finished counting the loot, if you could check your share.

A young man came running towards me with a list, similar to an invoice.

--Armor, swords, spears, shields, coins, gold, silver, bronze, daggers, clothes...? Boy, tell me, are the cars full? [I don't understand even half of what is written…but ok]

--Of the three wagons, two are full and the third is half full, we have separated the money from the equipment and other goods, the total is 150,000 helios in cash, the price of the recovered weapons, equipment and clothing has not been evaluated but a value close to a million is assumed...

The young man gave his report quickly, I just gave him the thumbs up.

--That's good, bring me some strong armor and a big gun... if the imperials come and they don't chicken out I'll need another wagon, be prepared.

--Yes sir.

Looking towards the horizon where towers of bodies stood, the desire for battle grew stronger and stronger.

--... [Come, come little soldiers! Fight, scream, cry and fall, leave your bodies and possessions, become money in my pocket]

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--Ummmm, this is depressing don't you think Commander?

--I can't understand your point of view Viscount.

--We prepared the towers as a provocation and intimidation, I thought that the imperials would be more fierce but it seems that they were scared, their explorer returned after the second tower, about four hours have passed and they should have arrived...

--Viscount, did you want to continue fighting?

--Partly... but I think it's better if we can avoid unnecessary fighting, we've already retaken the Red Castle so let the soldiers take care of it... Commander, I'll withdraw now.

--Yes, thank you for your cooperation.

--No problem, it was a good exercise, commander, call me if you need help, I'll charge you with more of that delicious fruit.

--With Pineapples?...

-- Seeeep … they are delicious, consider it a friend's price, I think most of the high officials already know how I work, I am a hero in name but I work as a mercenary, as long as the payment is adequate I can consider accepting the request, if not I can always go to the demon army.

--Viscount please don't make heavy jokes...

--It's not a joke commander, there are many mistakes in the Duchy and personally there are few here that I like, for those few I am here with you... otherwise the day after my "call" I would have escaped to the north.

--Spare us from having him as an enemy, we already have enough concerns with the White Hero of the Empire.

--The White Hero of the Empire?

--If you are a Summoned Viscount like you, the empire had in its possession a sword relic and they called a hero with white armor, blue eyes and golden hair, I don't know if he is stronger than you but only the armor and that sword relic are amazing treasures, plus there are rumors that that guy conquered and tamed a Hippogriff.

--So the hero of the empire is a template blonde with an imitation griffin.

--It is a derogatory way of saying it but it is correct.

--Do you know anything about the hero of the kingdom?

--The kingdom, that would be the Maiden of the March, according to rumors she is a beautiful young woman with flaming hair, emerald eyes and powers close to ancient magic, the kingdom did not have a relic but it seems that some adventurers found an ancient scepter in some ruins from the magical era, and they gave it to the maiden, although I don't know if she has achieved any achievements, she is known to be worshiped by the adventurers of the kingdom and always travels with at least 200 guards.

--Thanks for the information... I'm leaving, see you Commander.

--See you Viscount Zenit.

I said goodbye to the Commander, and began to rethink my plans.

--… [Magic Weapon + OP mount + Template Blonde = A pain in the ass… Redhead + Rikolina + Magical girl + Idol = another pain in the ass]…shit.

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It has already been a month since I came to this world, I received a small cash commission as a reward for my actions in the recovery of the red castle, it was around 30 million heliums which is the standard currency in the dukedom, being the mintage the larger the token of 100 thousand helios and the smallest the one of ¼ helios, the blacksmith or the scholar has not arrived yet, so the wagons full of armor and weapons are parked in the courtyard, and they only serve me as weights to exercise.

I am currently in the study of the mansion listening to a reading and writing class by Lira, who at my request and order now wears a colored ribbon in her hair, yellow for Lira and green for Mirra, seeing double was already Getting tired so I just forced my cards on them, though the two of them are still like a pair of hamsters on a wheel, running back and forth with their little competitions. It is worth mentioning that these two have tried to sneak into my bed a couple of times but personally I am not the type of man who would assault them, unless they ask I will not move.

--And that's how it is written... Is everything okay master?

--No problem, you're good at teaching.

--The teacher is intelligent, in just a few days he has already learned most of the required words and numbers, Mirra and I took several years...

--Don't feel bad, I'm just a stranger, don't let that affect you...

--Well, with that we finish for today... Master, can I ask you something?

--Sure, no problem... [It's rare for them to start a conversation, but it's a good sign]

"Will the teacher stay…here…with…us?"

--Ummmm... well that's my plan... [As long as the Duchy doesn't do something stupid I'm going to stay]

Avoid the cute look of the girl who rarely shows her emotions, [Hey, using those little eyes is cheating…they're always expressionless and now you're coming out with this, that's cheating]

--Lira... you should smile more, show more emotions, your sister also talk more, express yourself more, maybe that way she won't desert to the demonic army...

I tried to change the mood with my patented tacky joke, and she gave me a big smile… [It hurts, her smile burns me…]

"Yes!…we were taught that a maid shouldn't show her emotions but if the master orders it, we could try it.

With her cheeks a little flushed, and with her hands tightly gripping the folds of her skirt, she couldn't help but feel a terrible pain in her chest. [Too cute, it burns me!!!] Putting on my best poker face I decided to start a little interrogation.

--Lira, I can now ask you a question, why do you two always try to sneak into my room?... well actually I can understand the purpose but I don't remember ordering that kind of services.

The now expressive maiden blushed to her ears and covered her face with her hands, being infinitely adorable which is poison to my eyes. I am a cynical and cruel man, but that does not prevent me from liking beautiful things, I appreciate art, culture and beauty, I like women like anyone else, but there are two things I cannot win against, girls with animal traits and cuteness bombs like the one in front of me right now, it's not something like unbridled lust but rather a compulsive desire for protection and possessiveness.

"We…were taught…that…that was the duty of a servant…but we still…are…"

--STOP… stop, there's a moment… I've got it, you don't need to say anything more, I won't ask you to tell me who taught you that, I'll just discuss it later with the dirty old man another day, you don't need to force yourself, if you're aware of what they were going to do and actually you want to do it I won't refuse, but if it's just to carry out your orders, I'm going to go live in the demonic army.

I quickly stopped her confession since her sweetness was killing me… [God is too much cuteness together!!!]

"But…master, that means I can…"


I let out a stupid voice as my brain collapsed…

--What are you trying to say?

--Master…I…actually…I like the master.

--This is serious?

Lira only blushed even more and just nodded with her eyes closed.

--...Oh...Well~ [GODDSSSS Too much Innocence...I feel dirty for doubting her!!!...Damn!!! Where the fuck is the FBI when you need it? I want to be locked up in Alcatraz]

I yelled and cursed to myself, while keeping a cool smile. I approached the pretty and now shy maid and hugged her, she was startled and trembled in my arms but did not resist.

--I am as you know a bad man, hero in name only, I am a foreigner, possibly I will have to flee for my life one day and I will leave this dukedom, old Patrick will try to marry me by force with some noble family starting with the girls of the Emboar house, besides I am not from this place, although I have no plans to return to my home, I also have no plans to settle in one place for now… you are a good girl, you are still young, beautiful and intelligent, but if you still you want to continue I will not oppose. I am a bad man, if you want something from me just say so... be honest with yourself and then be honest with others, you want me to pamper you, tell me and I will pamper you, you want me to scold you, ask for it and I will punish you, just say what you want.

When I finished giving my unromantic response to her confession, Lira just hugged me tightly and started muttering in a very low voice.

--… [Step on a mine???]

-- I wanna…


--I wanna…