
chapter 2

The next day,Angela woke up with a terrible headache so she did not go to work.She and her friend stayed at home watching TV, pressing phone and sleeping.Later in the afternoon, Angela became hungry,she went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and her mouth fell open as she saw how empty the fridge was.

"Why didn't you tell me we ran out of provision"Angela yelled frustratingly at her friend who was in the living room.Vivian did not hear what her friend said but she heard her yell so she walked to the kitchen to ask what happened.

"Why are you yelling"Vivian asked.Angela did not answer,she just opened the fridge wide enough for Viv to see.

"Ohhh....."Vivian said as she scratched her head"I think I forgot to tell you that we ran out of provision"Vivian said

"Arrrrrgh"Angela closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen.She went to the living room and sat on the sofa, frowning.

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you"Vivian said as she sat beside her friend.Angela did not answer.She was too hungry to think of anything.After sitting silent for a while, they both decided to go to a grocery store that was close to where the stayed.

* * * * *

Vivian had gone inside the store while Angela went to pack the car before going in.She just entered the store, opened her purse to take out something when she bumped into someone.Her purse fell and since it was open, every thing inside spilled.

"Oh!!, I'm sorry"The person said as he picked her purse and the things which had fallen.

"I'm really sorry"he said again but Angela was not paying attention to what he was saying.She just admired the good looking man in front of her.He was tall,had broad chest.He was putting on a black trouser and a shirt but he left the first two button open.It was indeed something to feast on and Angela's eyes admired the beauty in front of her.

"Ahem.."The Young Man cleared his throat and that pulled Angela out of her thoughts.

"Oh, I'm so sorry,I wasn't paying attention to where I was going to and I bumped into you"Angela replied as she collected her purse from him.

A small white paper slipped out of Angela's purse but she didn't notice it.

"No.... I'm sorry,I was the one pressing my phone and I bumped into you. I'm sorry"He said.

"That's fine"Angela replied as she did not want to keep dragging with him.She has embarrassed herself already, looking at him like that."Thanks for helping me with my purse"Angela said as she walked away without waiting for his response.She mentally slapped herself for ogling over that guy.Meanwhile,the guy who bumped in Angela turned towards the direction Angela went and smiled when he remembered how she admired his body.He turned around to go when he noticed a card on the floor,he picked it up and saw a name: Angela William

"Angela"he mttered as he looked at the direction Angela went and a smile played on his face causing his cute dimples to appear.He put the card in his pocket and left the grocery store.

Angela and her friend finished buying what they wanted and went home.Vivian did all the cooking while Angela just watched.Angela did not know to cook so she didn't bother helping. Vivian finished cooking and both of them ate to their satisfaction.

* * * * *

"Ray,what are you looking at"Maria, Raymond sister asked when she noticed that her brother was glued to his phone.She came closer to him so that she could get a better view of what her brother was looking at.

"Who's this?"She asked when she saw Angela's picture in her brother's phone

"someone I bumped into at the grocery store today"Raymond answer

"And....?"Maria asked.Raymond did not answer her.He seemed to be in a deep thought, suddenly he asked his sister

"If you're to rate me from 1 to 100,how sexy am I?"Maria was speechless as she gaped at her brother.

"Why did you ask?"Maria asked instead of answering

"Maria can you please answer me with answers instead of questions"Raymond said,a bit irritated by his Lil sister's questions.Just when she wanted to answer,he told her to forget it as he picked up his phone and got busy with it.Maria kept looking at her brother.she was surprised when her brother asked how sexy he is. Maria did not understand her brother but she didn't push it.

"Raymond I'll love to go shopping"She said after a while.

"Shopping for what"Raymond asked not taking his eyes off his phone

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about the party Mr.Richard is throwing this Saturday?"Maria asked not a bit surprised that her brother did not remember.Raymond looked up from his phone, thinking.

"Oh...."That was the only thing Raymond said when he finally remembered his sister was right.

"so are you going to accompany?"Maria asked

"No, I'm busy"Raymond said curtly.Maria pouted like a child who was denied candy."I wish James was here"Maria said pouting.Raymond stopped what he was doing on his phone when he heard what his sister said