
Chapter 1

"what!!dad you can't be serious, there's no way I'm getting married to Mr.Richard.He's old enough to be my grandfather, moreover,he has five wives already,I can't be his sixth wife"Angela said,not believing what her dad just said to her.

"You leave me with no option but to marry you off to Mr.Richard.I have told you time and again,get yourself a boyfriend, you are 22 for goodness sake and you have not introduced a guy to me.You are my only daughter,Angela and I'm not getting any younger"William said.

"mom please"

"I'm sorry dear but your dad is right"Isabelle, Angela's mother said

"Mr.Richard is throwing a party this Saturday and you will attend this party, get to know him better"William said


"That's enough,I have said enough on this matter and that's final"William said and turned to his room.Angela could not believe her ears.she turned to her mom with a pleading eye but her mother shooked her head.

"Really??"Angela asked when her mom gave her a negative answer."I can't believe this"she said as she took her hand bag and stormed out of the house angrily.Her mom turned to Vivian, Angela's best friend and said"talk to your friend"

"I'll talk to her,I promise"Vivian said as she left the house as well.

Outside William's house, there was a car parked outside, Vivian entered the passenger seat as Angela who was already in the driver's seat drove out of the compound.

"Viv, I don't know what to do seriously,how can I marry that old man"Angela complained as she drove towards the east where she stayed with her friend.

"But it's not a really bad idea you know,both of you will make a really cute couple"Viv said as she pursed her lips trying very hard not to laugh.Angela turned and looked at her friend with an unbelievable expression.

"Viv,what did you say?"she asked.Vivian who could not control herself burst into laughing


"Viv it seems you do not know how serious this is,you might wake up one day and find out that I'm married to a very old man.He being old is not the problem,the problem is that he has five wives already,I can't imagine becoming the sixth wife,that too to an old man"Angela answered with irritation.

"Ok ma, I'm sorry"Viv said as she tried to control her laugh.The remaining trip to where they stayed was in silence.

Not too long,there reached their apartment.Angela parked her car in the garage and they walked into the house.

Angela slumped on the sofa while her friend sat on the sofa across her.

"Believe me,I don't know what to do,I can't get married to that man"Angela lamented.

"why don't you tell your parents about James"Vivian asked

"Are you serious right now, what do you want me to tell my parents?Dad,I have a boyfriend but it's kinda complicated.He's in the states doing his masters and he'll be back after six months.when he Comes back I promise I'll introduce him to you"Angela said and looked at her friend"Then guess what dad will say,Angela you're lying to me,is it because I am forcing you to marry Me.Richard that's why you're telling me a lie?....Viv dad will not believe me when I tell him about James"Angela said.Vivian kept quiet for a while thinking of something then she suddenly said"what if you have a contract relationship"she paused as she tried to observe her friend's reaction, when her friend did not reply,she took that as an opportunity to continue"Pay someone to be your boyfriend for a period of time, maybe few months"Vivian said.Angela thought about what her friend said and just when she was about say something she heard her friend laugh.

"Hahaha,I'm joking"Vivian said.she just said that to make her friend stop worrying.

"But you know that's not a bad idea.I'll explain my situation to this person, we'll pretend we're in a serious relationship.Believe me dad is going to believe when I tell him"Angela said hopefully.

"But what if your dad ask why you didn't introduce him earlier, what will you tell him??"Viv asked

"Simple, I'll tell him that we wanted to know each other first"Angela said as she looked at her friend and smiled"what would I have done without you",and with that she hugged her friend"Thank you"Angela whispered to her friend

"You're welcome,now get that frown off your face"Vivian said as she disengaged from the hug."Now let's go upstairs"Vivian said as she carried her bag and walked upstairs and her friend followed her.