
The Conquerors bloodline

Be warned, this story heavily revolves around sexual content. You have been warned. While there is plot, it is not the focus. *** Parc Evans was taken from his home world and thrust into another. Tasked with the chance of becoming a king of conquerors he travels through dimensions. Taking on and conquering all who stand before him. *** I make no claim to owning any characters or settings except those of my own making. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/t2usr5e4qh Patron: https://www.patreo*n.com/Lasarus Remove the * from the Patron link.

Lasarus · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
307 Chs

Tale of the Stalker [3]

Their voices were faint though echoed loudly through the relatively hollow confines of the private dining room. Though, they spook exceedingly little, not anything Weiss could hear from her place watching ms. Goodwitch staring at a small biscuit topped with some type of cream and tomato puree with such force it may very well burst into flames at any given moment.

Seeing nothing likely to change anytime soon she peeled away from the door and pressed her fingers against her shaking head. "Why did I do that?" she grumbled and climbed the steps onto the main floor. As she moved to climb up to the second floor her steps faltered as her heart shivered uncomfortably. Her head tilted down in the approximate direction of where Parc would be sitting with her lips squirming like worms.

"Can't be jealous, he's my teacher." Twisting her head she forced herself to ascend just one step before pausing once more. "He' my teacher, he can date other people. Just like he's dating Ruby's mother and that blue haired woman…" a twitch assailed her cheek, she stormed up the steps.

'I'm making it sound like we have a relationship.' It was a ridiculous concept, for as attractive as professor Evans was, he was just that, her professor. He was meant as nothing more than her teacher and a person for her young mind to fantasize about but soon get over once graduation came about.

Brushing those thoughts away with every step she was soon upon the others and seated down, their drinks arrived with her tea steaming beneath a small dipping bowl, a bag with leaves dying the water a brilliant shade of amber.

"So?" Yang leaned over and stared wide eyed.

Weiss picked off the dipping bowl, set it to the side and brought up the tea to her nose. It was fragant with an underlying hint of mint. Perfect.

"So nothing. I have morals Yang, what the professors date is like is none of my business."

"Uhhuh," Yang smirked as if unconvinced, leaning evermore closer, "you know Weiss. I never knew you had a birthmark there. Hell, I didn't even know you shaved 'there' of course you do like polishing 'there' while whining 'his' name, oh wait, no, you go for 'sir' inst-"

"They were quite and Ms. Goodwitch was insinerating the apperief with her glare. Now forget everything you know." Weiss responded in as calm a trembling tone as she could while she was steaming like it was her that was on fire.

Summer simply stared at Yang, unsure if she should feel proud that her daughter so easily manipulated the truth out of someone or if she should be preparing to punish Yang for forgetting a concept known as person boundaries.

Blake turned an eye Weiss' way as Ruby slurped loudly from her glass of strawberry lemonade. "Birthmark?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Yang, do you?" Weiss' demonic glare so cold it practically froze the table solid.

"Nope. Definitely do not know that Weiss has this cute little birthmark just above her-" water splashed loudly against Yang's face soaking her down to her breasts as Ruby stared blinkingly at her glass now empty of water, Weiss sat stock still taking light testing sips from her cup.

Setting down her glass, a malevolent smile turning her eyes into threatening halfmoons. "Oh my, Ruby, how could you mess like that. Look at Yang, now she has to go clean up."

"But I didn't-"

"You should hurry up and get all of that 'sticky' water wash out of your hair Yang. Who knows, if you let it dry it might give you split ends. And we both know after that the only cure is to have. It. Cut. Off." Her form becoming that of a devil incarnate as the image of a barber appeared over Weiss' shoulder, his scissors snip snipping at air.

Yang's expression fell, cheeks paling. She bolted up and in less than the blink of an eye she was gone down the stairs and towards the bathroom.

Two sets of eyes drawn her way while Ruby turned her glass over sullenly watching as barely a drop of flavoured water dripped.

"You know Weiss, you can be terrifying some times."

Weiss sipped her tea once more, "I am far from terrifying Summer. To my friends at least."

"Yang's not your friend?"

"Not in the slightest."


Exiting the bathroom with her hair dryed by her jacket, Yang growled annoyedly. That little stunt of Weiss' had proven sticky. She'd washed off most of the strawberry glaze but it had soaked into her hair and would need some serious treatment back at Beacon.

"This isn't over Weisscream, ohhh."

Halting in the doorway of the bathroom, Yang's vision was drawn to the milky glass of the private dinning room and smirked. A breath later she was by it gently pushing open the door to peer in ready to hear and see some juicy information.

"…Maybe you'd like help?" Parc questioned Ms. Goodwitch.

"Excuse me?" she responded.

Yang saw a smirk rise over Parc's face as the next words sent her mind careening.

"Glynda, exhibitionism as you've learned, has risks…"

She didn't even need to hear the rest. Exhibitionism? Glynda?? Has risks???

Recoiling out of the door Yang leaned against the wall mouth agape, "holy shit ms. Goodwitch is an exhibitionist!" she whispered exclamatorily. "Oh my god that explains so much. He's blackmailing her! Ohhh, I'm so never failing combat class again."

Lost in her own world, Yang failed to realize a black haired girl appearing besides her.

"Ahem." Sayo coughed into her hand making Yang bounce and spin.

"Wha-?" Yang exclaimed. Without exchanging words, Sayo rose her brow to say 'really?' in response Yang scratched her head chuckling awkwardly as she squeezed around Sayo and inched herself towards the staircase to bolt up it leaving Sayo in a cloud of smoke.

Hastily ascending, Yang's lips curled brightly. 'I'm so getting some blackmail material from Evans.' She had the tits to do it afterall. No man could resist some healthy beauty boobies. Hell, even if he didn't give her anything, she could still get some material on Evans and use those against him, Summer was sure to be less than happy to see her lovely daughter being groped up by her sugar daddy.


Bursting out of Gloam, the five girls—Weiss especially—panted. She'd just barely dodged her fathers gaze as Mr. Evans so unsubtly offended him. The mere act making her heart patter like a rabbit thumping its foot.

Were she someone else—Yang—she may have even taken a picture of her fathers rage in that moment and plastered it on her wall due to just how unnervingly happy it made her feel.

That thought was quickly removed as she remembered what type of demon her father was. If he knew she enjoyed seeing him being angered or disrespected made her happy, she was surely to be punished.

Soft sniffs echoed from Blake as her gaze danced down the street.

"Where they go?" Yang turned left and right but found only the nightly emptiness of Vale.

"Down here, I heard somethig," Blake responded falling into a jog before stopping just before an alleyway. Her head floating while her nose flared, "they went this way." She turned down the alley and took lead guiding the four deeper only to stop halfway when a powerful smell. Her eyes flickered uncontrollably, her legs buckled as her chest and womb tightened, a dampness rising like a flood in her britches. She inched herself to the wall catching in her peripheral a shattered glass vial which she could just smell Parc's annoyingly alluring scent coming from.

"I don't see them," Ruby scanned around. Yang following suit commenting how they couldn't be far, Ruby returning with seeming pride at saying she could walk far in a minute.

"You have a semblance that speeds you up, that makes sense. Blake, can you find them or can we finally go back and stop this ridiculous farce."

Blake coughed uncomfortably as the sent melded with the mucus of her throat and glued there even worse than how tear gas did. "I'm… I don't know," she stumbled to the side, leaning against the wall.

Summer approached, concern in her voice as she asked if she was okay. When Blake didn't respond Summer brought her hand up and to Blake's forehead feeling the sumtotal of two suns worth of heat radiating from Blake.

"Seriously, you're heating up. I think you might have caught something." Lies, that much Summer knew. Blake, she was practically melting into a piece of lusting meat. Flaring her nostrils Summer caught whiff of a scent similar to Parc's though much, much stronger. A swift look around lead her to the shattered vial which she paled at.

'Oh that bastard." She knew exactly what that was. How could she not? She'd been the one to harvest the ingredients from Parc's skin not long after their… fun. Considering what Blake was beneath that bow, the effects must be so, so much worse.

Smacking her lips and yawning, Ruby stretched and sighed, "Mom's right. We should get back. I'm… I'm also pretty tired now."

Throwing her hands up Weiss said, "finally, she see's the light."

Hooking an arm with Blake's Summer helped the girl stand up right and with Yang's reluctant acceptance, escaped the alleyway forming as much distance with that detestable vial as she could. But just once, her head turned back and stared to the alley, Parc was close. That little gem on her belly told her so. He was there with Glynda listening. Maybe doing something else, something sexual.

It stoked excited flames in her heart and tightened her body, twisting her into arousal as her mind wandered further and further. Were they already doing 'it?' if so, how?

She couldn't stop it, the thoughts of Glynda, her skirt hiked up as Parc angled his penis towards her woman hood. Maybe he was pinning her down on the floor, drilling her into insanity.

Drool staining her lip a rumble of a passing car bleated her awake and tossed those wandering thoughts away.

At least until she got back to the house.

Who know what she'd do then.

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