A man was reincarnated into the body of a clone trooper. Follow him as he navigates the Star Wars universe, rise through the ranks of the Galactic Republic and perhaps change the outcome for him and his friends.
**Authors note**
I will change my way of writing to 1st person so yeah.
On the bridge CT-8788 or Captain Dust was overlooking the Planet of Geonosis and all the fighters flying around. He had a helmet that had red markings on it. He had a visor equipped to his helmet, his armor had red stripes along its arms and shoulders. He was also wearing a white kama with black outline. He also had a DC15A on his back and a Dual DC-17 set which was on his hips. As he began thinking about his training in the Officer Course.
The Officer Course was a mix of the Basic Course and the Command Course. Firstly, there was mainly two types of clones. The ones made before the war and those mid-war. The ones being born mid-war matured throughout a 1 year time-span while the ones before took a decade. This means the first got less training than the 2nd. Luckily Dust was apart of the 2nd.
The first five years of his training was focused on basic training. Formations, rank-structure, chain of command etc, mainly information about how thinks work. He also gained training as a baby as he got implanted training memories. In the next 2 years after the basics they would gain a basic combat training for Officers and Command while normal troopers would have another five year instead of two. This means the Officer/Command Training Basic Combat part would be twice as hard and twice as fast as the normal troops. Then came the three years that made the difference. This course was customized for everyone. You could take three main roads. Combat Officer/Command, Strategic Officer/Command or Special Officer/Command. Combat Officer/Command would be something that trained you to be similar to Captain Rex. Whom stood with his General at all times. Strategic Officer/Command would be more like Gree or Cody whom organised troops and stuff instead of being mid fight. Special Officer would be people like RC Captains, Instructors, Pilots etc. Dust went through the Strategic Officer Course. This mean that he had 10 hours of training everyday.
First two hours were physical training with everyone. Then everyone got 2 hours with guns. 1 and a half hour with main guns and 30 minutes with side arm. Dust chose the DC15A as main and Dual DC17 as side. After this he had 3 hours of the leadership course. Mainly how to lead, be calm and strategy. Then he had 2 hours with simulations. These would differ from time to time with different battlefields and situations. The last hour was for special events. Such as Citadel climb. Spars or other stuff. You could also take the specialized weapon training that 1 hour 2 days every week, which could include knife training, long knife training or hand to hand combat. Hand to hand would be stuff such as fighting with pistols. Dusk took the long-knife training and pistol hand to hand. Another thing to note is that for Officers graduating before the war which Dust did. They were then assigned a unit, which for Dust was almost entirely his Company. He was then put in charge of training and helping his fellow cadets pass. What made Dust stand out was that all his Cadets passed. This was due to his previous life knowledge where he went through the Military and therefore knew more than other officers due to his 5+ years of knowledge about it.
Similarly, even though clones are known for their maturity. They could not compare with Dust who had 35 years under his belt in his previous life.
*Back to the stuff*
The Comms center within the Venator bridge flared up and a person was visible on it. This was Commander Gree. Immediately upon seeing my Commander I turned around and saluted. All the Captains and the Rear Admiral whom he found out was named Hound did the same.
"Captain Dust, the dogfight started 5 minutes ago and it is almost time for the troop deployment. The enemy blockade has retreated and the fighters retreated to the surface. We will be pushing through with all our Acclamators. The Fighters have also pursued the enemy and now is the perfect time to strike." Gree said
"Understood, Commander. I will order my troops to move to their LAAT's immediately"
"Very well. Also, Rear Admiral. Deploy all your fighters including the ones meant to escort the LAAT's. We need the bombers and their escorts as they have a lot more powerful defensive formations than we originally thought." The Commander said turning towards Hound.
"Understood, Marshal Commander!"
"Good luck Captain, we are relying on you to save the Jedi's." Gree said before he disappeared from the comms.
After Gree was gone from the comunication device I quickly pressed a few buttons and the map of the arena quickly appeared.
"Alright so, when we arrive there could be alot of different situations that happens. 1: The Jedi's are winning and have wiped out the majority of enemy forces. 2: The Jedi are being defeated but they are spread out. 3: They are winning but still spread out. 4: They are loosing but defending in a circle. The 2nd is the total worst while the 1st is the best in total and 4th best in terms of extraction. 3 Is the most annoying one. If it is the 1st then we'll just station a few LAAT's at each entrance to blockade reinforcements while we slowly picking the Jedi's up. If it's the 2nd we'll have to send LAAT's around to pick people up then quickly move, we're likely gonna loose a few clone and jedi's if this happens or maybe a LAAT. If its the 3rd we'll do the same but its fewer risks. In the case of the 4th we'll form a circle around the Jedi's with a total of 15 LAAT's. We'd then have 10 above them giving air support and 15 flying around doing damage."
The other Captains thought a bit before all of them agreed to the plan. "Alright, go get your troops set up inside the hangar" I commanded.
"Sir, yes sir!" The other captains quickly said. And with that they all left. Just as I was about to leave the comms flared up again. This time it was another person, infront of him there stood a small green person, also know as Yoda.
"Greetings, Captain. After discussing with Gree it has been decided that I shall join you on your extraction mission"
"Understood, Grand Master. I shall prepare for your arrival."
"Very well, may the force be with us."
And with that the communications device died down. Immediately after that I took on my helmet and began moving towards the hangar. As I was running down, dodging Troopers running from all sides to all places. I got messages from my Lieutenants and the different Captains that we were ready. I quickly entered the Hangar, and just as I entered I got a message stating that Master Yoda's ship was docking. I quickly ordered the Captains and Lieutenants to follow me as we formed up in front of his ship.
The doors opened and infront of me stood the famous Grand Master Yoda. He looked exactly as he did in the movies.
"At ease, Captain. Are the troops ready for takeoff?" Yoda asked.
I alongside my officers quickly took our hands down and went in the at ease position. "Grand Master Yoda. All 574 troops are stationed in the hangar awaiting your arrival and preparing themselves to enter the LAAT."
"Very good, very good. Order the men to enter the LAAT's, we just took control of the space above Geonosis. All other landing units are preparing for takeoff but Mace has already made his attack so hurry we must."
"Understood, Master Yoda." I said before turning on the comms on my arm and quickly gave the order.
"Please follow me to our LAAT, Master Yoda." I said. And with that we all began marching. I entered a LAAT alongside Yoda and Lieutenant Tyr. Each of the Captains spread out within the LAAT's and each LAAT had a Sergeant, Lieutenant or a Captain in it. I quickly strapped myself to the LAAT to prepare for takeoff. I then gave the order for Ajax to take off.
The LAAT's closed the doors before leaving the hangar and eventually the Venator. As we began heading into the surface the LAAT's opened the doors one after another. The view that blasted me immediately was thousands upon thousands of fighters and cruisers flying around dogfighting. The Republic had quickly defeated the weak space defense and had now entered the atmosphere where enemy fighters could enter from the ground. Luckily our bombers had done their job in the initial suprise attack and many fighters and landing zones were wrecked during the bombing. As we entered through the clouds we saw that there were a lot less dogfights. Both enemy and allied. However the anti-air artillery quickly spotted us and began firing.
"Evasive maneuvers!" I quickly shouted. Luckily we managed to save a lot of LAAT's from the initial assault but we lost 1 LAAT. Quickly after we began loosing LAATs steadily and by the time we broke through we had lost 5 LAAT's.
"All Captain and Lieutenants report!" I ordered. I quickly got responses with the Captains first and Lieutenants after. It seems we lost 1 Lieutenant from one of the other Companies. I then turned to Yoda.
"Master Yoda we will be arriving in approximately 1 and a half minute."
And with that time quickly passed. Everyone began double checking their weapons. I took my DC15A from my back and prepared for the battle. It was then we arrived at the Arena. I quickly saw that the Jedi Forces had lost around half of their forces to 90 Jedi, there were mostly Masters and veteran Knights left.
Quickly put my DC15A to my shoulder I began firing. Being most proficient in long range combat I began firing before we even began to descend. I quickly spotted 2 B1's who would be within our LAAT blockade. I hit one in the chest and one in the head.
"Team Alpha form a circle around the Jedi Survivors. Team Beta hover above and use heavy weapons to suppress enemy fire. Team Charlie, pilots do as much damage as possible." Immediately after I gave the order we began descending. Returning to the battlefield I quickly spotted 2 B2's aiming their rockets at us. I quickly shot 3 shots into the first B2's chest. I then shot the arm of the rocket charging up and he quickly exploded.
"All troops focus on the B2 battle droids." I ordered and began firing another round at B2's who could cause problems. After 15 seconds we reached the Ground. "All troops change positions to facing the other side of the Jedi's." I ordered as the Jedi finished the remaining Droids within the circle. I then spotted Padme, Skywalker and Obi-Wan entering the LAAT belonging to my Second Lieutenant Cheek. Turning back to my side I saw Mace Windu and Plo Koon coming to us.
Standing beside Yoda I took out my dual DC17's and began laying fire at any droids close. With deadly precision I managed to rack up a total of 15 kills before we began flying out of the Arena. As we were flying out of the Arena the Acclamators had managed to advance past the arena and was now beginning their landing phase. As they were flying towards the landing spot set up by Commander Gree he quicky spotted the fuel cells. He quickly gave the order at the same time as Padawan Skywaler.
"Aim above the fuel cells" The order was then given to all pilots through the comms.
"Good decision, Captain." Plo Koon said as he saw my rank due to my armor.
"Thank you, General"
As they proceeded past the now destroyed fuel cells the enemy artillery fire had quickly increased. Seems they managed to put up a defensive line. Too bad they couldn't defend the arena I thought. As our ships were being shot down Mace quickly gave the command to land. After landing, the majority of the Jedi Forces went out. As Plo Koon was leaving Yoda stopped him.
"Master Plo Koon, a new battalion for you I have, hmm"
"Ah Master Yoda. Which Battalion shall I be assigned to?" Plo Koon answered.
"212th Battalion, you shall get. Under the command of CT-8788 Captain Dust, it is."
"Very well."
Plo Koon then left as Master Yoda and his LAAT flew towards the forward command center.
"Greetings, General. I assume Master Yoda told you about your position?" I asked as I walked infront of Plo Koon.
"Ah, Captain Dust I assume? Of the 212th?"
"Yes, General. Commander Cody is the usual Commander but he got placed as a legion commander temporarily. So I have taken over command."
"Very good. We have received our orders from Commander Ponds. Our orders are to join the main charge of our forces"
"Very well, shall I prepare our men for a forward assault?"
"Yes, I shall meet you at the frontline command center."
With that I left Plo Koon. I immediately called for my Captains. I also took off my helmet.
"Alright boys. It's time for some actions. We have been ordered to join the Main force in fighting the Separatist droids. We will be personally led by High General Plo Koon. Organize your Platoons and Squads and meet me at the battlefield command center. Plo Koon will be waiting there for us. "
"SIR, YES SIR!" They all screamed. They then took off to organize their units. I then took out my communication device on my hand and put on the sequence for my Company.
"All troops, report to your Sergeants. Sergeants take you squads to meet up with your Platoon. Lieutenants get your platoons to the battlefield forward command center."
I then put my helmet on and began moving towards the Battlefield forward command center.