
The Church - Else World

Within the realm of shadows and sorrow, an amalgamation of dark fantasy elements takes form in the world of Vesperia. Hauntingly grand churches, reminiscent of ancient edifices seen in tales of old, dominate the desolate landscapes. These imposing churches stand as enigmatic fortresses, their towering spires reaching towards the brooding skies. Carved grotesques and eerie sculptures adorn their weathered stone facades, their presence evoking a sense of macabre beauty and ancient mysteries. Deep within the sacred halls of these churches, devout priests and priestesses practice their faith, guided by an enigmatic belief akin to Pascal's Wager. They preach of unseen forces that shape the destinies of mortals, invoking both hope and trepidation in the hearts of their followers. These holy men and women are not mere conduits of faith; they are wielders of supernatural powers. Drawing upon the essence of esoteric energies, they perform miracles that heal the afflicted, offer protection to the faithful, or unleash righteous fury upon adversaries. Yet, hidden within their ranks are those who delve into forbidden knowledge, delving into the darkness to tap into eldritch forces and perform sinister rituals. Within the depths of these churches, relics from forgotten eras lie concealed. These artifacts hold echoes of forgotten heroes and cataclysmic events, whispered legends of power and despair. Brave warriors, known as Chosen Blades, clad in armor reminiscent of legendary knights and mysterious hunters, embark on perilous quests to retrieve these relics, hoping to shape their destinies or protect the world from their malevolent influence. However, not all that dwells within these churches is righteous. Hidden cults and covens lurk in the shadows, their twisted devotion leading them to worship ancient, malevolent entities. They manipulate the concept akin to Pascal's Wager, exploiting the fears and desires of the vulnerable for their nefarious purposes. Unholy abominations and creatures born of twisted sorcery roam the land, a product of the profane rituals conducted within these sacred walls. These monstrous beings, born from the fusion of corrupted souls and arcane energies, lurk in the depths, eager to prey upon the unsuspecting or challenge those who dare to uncover their dark secrets. In Vesperia, the interplay between faith and darkness unfolds within the haunting churches, as souls and forbidden rituals intertwine. Mortals must navigate treacherous paths, torn between the glimmer of hope and the seductive allure of forbidden knowledge. The destiny of their world teeters on a knife's edge as they confront the enigmas that lie hidden within these sacred and sinister sanctuaries.

Charley_Siwale · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 : Nightmare

After listening to the news Daniel was terrified his dream was coming true and started to panic leaving all the groceries he pulled holly into the car and started to drive real fast '' we need to get far very far as far as possible'' Daniel yelled. '' what's wrong? Why are you acting so scared all of the sudden.'' Holly asked. Daniel stopped the car and started to explain his dream to holly. She was fearful for her life and everyone around her after hearing what Daniel had to say. After staying parked for a few minutes Daniel decided to change the plan ''holly we can't go to our houses yet, we still don't know if what killed those people is specifically targeting us or not and we might risk getting more innocent people killed'' holly answered '' yes you are right, so what do we do now'' ''let's ditch the car it might how we are being followed, lets walk I know someone who lives near here.'' Daniel said while getting out of the car. The two walked for some time it was almost sunset and and the snow was making it hard to keep going but they eventually got to the house place Daniel had been decided to go to, it was a big mansion as they opened the gate holly asked Daniel '' Daniel who's house is this and what are we doing here?'' Daniel answered '' it's my uncles house, it theirs some who's likely to tell us the truth it's him'' holly caught Daniels hand but aren't you afraid he might be one of them'' she said. ''no he can't be him and my dad haven't talked since I was 7 they don't get alone so there's no way he can be part of all this'' as they approached the house they noticed all the windows were barricaded and right before they could knock or say anything some from one of the barricaded windows asked ''who are you before I turn you into mincemeat with the explosives in my court yard'' Daniel immediately shouted '' wait uncle max it's me Daniel, little Danny '' and the man responded '' little Danny 'could it really be him' come in''. As the doors of the house opened Daniel and holly walked in but immediately they stepped foot in the house max grabbed their faces with wet hands as he let go they moved back and Daniel said '' what the hell was that '' max answered '' the only way I could truly know it's you my hands were covered in holy water and if you were anything else it would have burnt you right on the spot, so it really is you Danny you've grown so much''.

Max then hugged Daniel and asked what his doing at his house Daniel had explained the whole situation from the beginning after the whole explanation uncle max knew everything and said '' I knew this day would come, show me the tattoo on your back.'' Daniel took off his shirt and turned around ''I see an upside down v in a circle I know this but it isn't your dads work'' Daniel wore his shirt and asked '' wait it isn't then who's is it because holly has one too'' max answered ''I don't know but what I know is that's how you are being followed'' Daniel hit his hands together and said '' I knew it'' they went to take a seat in the living room and holly asked '' but won't it come here to kill us'' max responded '' hahaha no my dear this house is built on holy ground and has sheltered a great number of people from evil, as at right lets focus on getting those tattoos off you, I will call someone capable I would do it myself but I lack strong enough holy water to do it " max had gone to make a call to his capable associate while Danny and holly remained in the living room when suddenly everything went pitch black again and the same voice as last time whispered to Daniel '' for those who are saved a price must be paid, blood must be spilt to fulfill deaths will'' then everything was normal and holly kept shaking Daniel to wake up after he had woken up holly said '' it happened again didn't it. Daniel responded '' yes'' max had come back into the room and Daniel had explained what had just happened to him saying '' uncle max we need to leave whenever I see these things something bad happens'' max responded '' you are safe as long as you are in this house''. After max said this holly said '' since we might be here for a while mind explaining to us how you know so much about all this if you aren't part of it''.

'' Okay let me tell you how I know so much'' max said '' a long time ago before your parents and I used to be part of a church that was meant to eradicate evil beings from the world of the living, we did this for 9 years together, Daniel your dad wanted more as he was never one to settle he made a contract with a demon to be granted power, greater than that of mortal beings and convinced the rest to do the same I had refused this evil power and told the church of his plans, for some time we fought against parents forces and in the end the church won. Your parents were stripped of their power and an exorcist cleansed their souls. They swore to live normal lives but the grudge your dad held against me is what led to us being so distant and to how I know so much, I retired and went moved out here far from him