
The Church - Else World

Within the realm of shadows and sorrow, an amalgamation of dark fantasy elements takes form in the world of Vesperia. Hauntingly grand churches, reminiscent of ancient edifices seen in tales of old, dominate the desolate landscapes. These imposing churches stand as enigmatic fortresses, their towering spires reaching towards the brooding skies. Carved grotesques and eerie sculptures adorn their weathered stone facades, their presence evoking a sense of macabre beauty and ancient mysteries. Deep within the sacred halls of these churches, devout priests and priestesses practice their faith, guided by an enigmatic belief akin to Pascal's Wager. They preach of unseen forces that shape the destinies of mortals, invoking both hope and trepidation in the hearts of their followers. These holy men and women are not mere conduits of faith; they are wielders of supernatural powers. Drawing upon the essence of esoteric energies, they perform miracles that heal the afflicted, offer protection to the faithful, or unleash righteous fury upon adversaries. Yet, hidden within their ranks are those who delve into forbidden knowledge, delving into the darkness to tap into eldritch forces and perform sinister rituals. Within the depths of these churches, relics from forgotten eras lie concealed. These artifacts hold echoes of forgotten heroes and cataclysmic events, whispered legends of power and despair. Brave warriors, known as Chosen Blades, clad in armor reminiscent of legendary knights and mysterious hunters, embark on perilous quests to retrieve these relics, hoping to shape their destinies or protect the world from their malevolent influence. However, not all that dwells within these churches is righteous. Hidden cults and covens lurk in the shadows, their twisted devotion leading them to worship ancient, malevolent entities. They manipulate the concept akin to Pascal's Wager, exploiting the fears and desires of the vulnerable for their nefarious purposes. Unholy abominations and creatures born of twisted sorcery roam the land, a product of the profane rituals conducted within these sacred walls. These monstrous beings, born from the fusion of corrupted souls and arcane energies, lurk in the depths, eager to prey upon the unsuspecting or challenge those who dare to uncover their dark secrets. In Vesperia, the interplay between faith and darkness unfolds within the haunting churches, as souls and forbidden rituals intertwine. Mortals must navigate treacherous paths, torn between the glimmer of hope and the seductive allure of forbidden knowledge. The destiny of their world teeters on a knife's edge as they confront the enigmas that lie hidden within these sacred and sinister sanctuaries.

Charley_Siwale · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 : Nightfall

Daniel sat back in his seat confused, wondering what he had just seen he thought to himself 'no this can't be happening they can't be involved in this'. Moment's later holly started to panic breathing heavy, blubbering things that don't make sense and hitting the cars dashboard. Daniel held both her hands and slapped her ''get it together you'' Daniel said. ''I'm sorry this is all just a little too much to take in'' holly replied. After starting the car Daniel told holly ''well you don't need to take it in we aren't even sure this documents real so let's get our minds straight and find out what's going on''. After hours of driving they stopped at a motel in bourdon at town about 300miles from their first stop. They got settled into a room and Daniel took off his shirt to get ready to take a shower on his back was a birth mark like symbol '' has that always been there?'' holly asked. Looking at the mark, ''well no, I just saw it recently.'' He said. ''I'm asking because I have one too on my back'' holly responded. ''it doesn't seem like a coincidence we both have the exact tattoo on our backs, let's talk about this later.'' Daniel said. After showering Daniel wore his clothes and decided to sleep in his room.

All I see is red what happened to my room theirs blood everywhere this blood isn't my blood. Oh no where's holly? Let me check then next room, wait who's that walking around holly's I can't see him clearly with that sack over his head he looks like some kind of butcher I need to find out what's going on, his walking into the kitchen let me go in and see if holly is okay. Oh god its holly and she's tied to a table covered in blood and missing some fingers let me help her before that freak comes back hold on I can't touch anything everything is going right through me like I'm some kind of ghost wait could I

have been killed in my sleep. It sounds like his coming back I can hear something ''very, very good. If I do say so myself, I chose my quarry well the tattoo on your back has been fate sealing the deal holly. You were supposed to be my second victim but you've suffered quite brilliant the agony on your face

is exquisite. But the screams of my victims are what do it for me''. It sounds like his enjoying this that bus- tard, hold on what's that buzzing sound his here and he has a freaking chainsaw with him, we are so screwed, he just passed me like I'm not here his going towards holly ''SCREAM FOR ME!!'' no stop you can't do this, he buried his

chainsaw into her chest bloods painting the walls in messy strokes and its dripping down everywhere ..... ''AHHHHHHH stop holly!!!'' Daniel screamed, he had awoken from a horrific dream, hands pressed over his face still petrified by what he had just dreamt, holly had run into the room and asked '' what's wrong? I heard screaming''. Daniel replied '' it's nothing go back to bed I just had horrific dream that seemed to real for comfort''. They next morning Daniel was still scared and con- cerned, ''holly I think we should get going something about staying just doesn't feel right to me''. Holly responded ''but we just got here why leave now?''. Daniel answered ''trust me it's the right thing to do'' as they got into the car and started to live the hotel everything had suddenly gone pitch black and Daniel started to swerve off the road something had appeared

in the car that it had no eyes and was bleeding through its eye holes it whispered ''for those who see the future is red, but for 2 lives 25 will be dead''. And everything went back to normal. '' Danny wake up will crash'' holly said

as she tried to keep the steering wheel straight. Daniel woke up and took control of the car he stopped and got out to think holly got out to and asked '' are you okay? You've been acting weird lately''. Daniel responded '' I'm alright I just I'm pretty tired is all''. They got back into the car and started to drive to the nearest gas station to refill because Daniel had suggested they head to his parents' house and then hollies parents' house to find out the truth. After a few hours of driving they fi- nally found a fuel station and bought some gas almost immediately a bunch of police cars and ambulances were seen heading in the direction they came from. They ignored it and walked into the mini mart to buy food after getting what they wanted the too got to the teal and noticed everyone in the store had their eyes glued to the tv mounted on the wall, Daniel asked just a few hours away from here look'' the man pointing at the tv. Daniel and holly looked up at the screen and the

headlines were as follows 25 PEOPLE KILLED AT BLACK LIGHTS MOTEL IN BOURDON TOWN AND ONLY ONE SURVIVER. The news lady reporting from the scene it's a sad day here in bourdon as 25 people at black lights mo- tel slaughtered and their bodies could not be identified as they've been cut up into chunks of meat. The only survivor had not comment and was traumatized by the incident, the only thing he had to say was the tattoo isn't here continuously till the doctors took him to a hospital. That's it for now Jane sonny reporting from black lights motel.