

In a world where power reigns supreme, Subh Born into a family of revered beings, he is the only one without supernatural abilities. When tragedy strikes and his grandmother is brutally murdered, Subh is falsely accused, cast out, and left to navigate treacherous waters alone. Determined to unearth the truth and reclaim his rightful place, Subh embarks on an epic journey filled with danger and discovery. Alongside unlikely allies, he delves into the dark underbelly of his family's legacy, uncovering long-buried secrets that threaten to unravel everything he holds dear. "THE CHRONICLES OF SUBH: ECHOES OF FURY" is a gripping tale of redemption, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a hero who defies fate itself. Join Subh as he battles against all odds, forging his own path and challenging the very fabric of destiny to emerge triumphant in the face of adversity.

silverhorn · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Subh set off toward the Gurukul, his heart filled with determination and a mix of emotions. The forest path ahead was dense and shadowy, but his resolve to gain greater strength and wisdom kept him moving forward.

As he walked, he suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes. Emerging from the shadows was a tall, imposing figure with a malicious grin on his face. The villain, known as Viraaj, was notorious for stealing from travelers and terrorizing the region with his formidable strength and cunning.

"Hey, kid," Viraaj sneered, stepping into Subh's path. "Hand over everything you have, and maybe I'll let you go with just broken hands and legs."

Subh looked at Viraaj with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "Sorry, but I don't hand over my things to bullies. Why don't you find someone else to bother?"

Viraaj's grin faded, replaced by a scowl. "You've got some nerve, boy. I'm giving you one last chance. Give me your things, or I'll break you."

Subh crossed his arms and smirked. "You must be joking. Do you even know who you're talking to? Maybe I should give you a head start to run away before you get hurt."

Viraaj's eyes flared with anger. "You're going out of your limits, brat. I'll make you regret those words!"

With a roar, Viraaj lunged at Subh, swinging his fists with incredible force. Subh, however, effortlessly dodged every attack, his movements fluid and precise. Each time Viraaj struck, Subh was already out of reach, making the villain's assaults look clumsy and slow.

"How can you dodge my attacks?" Viraaj growled, his frustration mounting.

Subh chuckled. "I'm not dodging your attacks. You're just so slow."

Fuming with rage, Viraaj gathered his spiritual energy, his hands glowing with a fierce light. "Let's see you dodge this!"

He unleashed a powerful blast of spiritual energy at Subh, who once again dodged it with ease. However, when Subh glanced back, he saw that the small mountain behind him had been completely annihilated by the attack, leaving a smoking crater in its place. A shiver of fear ran down Subh's spine, but he quickly steadied himself.

"You're quite destructive, aren't you?" Subh taunted, though he felt a flicker of anxiety. "But it looks like you missed again."

Viraaj, panting and exhausted from the exertion, glared at Subh with pure hatred. "How... how are you so fast?"

Subh shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe you should spend less time terrorizing people and more time training. You might actually hit something."

Realizing that Viraaj was worn out from his attacks, Subh took advantage of the moment. With a swift movement, he disappeared in a flash, leaving the villain standing alone, seething with rage and humiliation.

As Subh continued his journey through the forest towards the Gurukul, his thoughts drifted to Anaya. He wondered what she might be doing at that very moment. A smile formed on his lips as he recalled their time together by the lake, the warmth of her friendship, and the hope they shared for the future.

Anaya's Progress

Back in the village, Anaya was diligently practicing her healing skills. She had set up a small area near the edge of the forest where she could focus on her training undisturbed. Animals and villagers alike had begun to seek her out, knowing her reputation for kindness and growing expertise.

Anaya was kneeling beside a wounded deer, her hands glowing softly with a gentle, soothing light. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, channeling her spiritual energy into the deer's injury. The wound began to mend at an astonishing rate, and the deer looked up at her with gratitude before bounding away into the forest.

Next, she turned her attention to a young boy with a twisted ankle. She placed her hands over the injury and concentrated. The boy watched in awe as the pain subsided and his ankle straightened, fully healed within moments.

The villagers murmured their amazement and gratitude, surrounding Anaya with appreciation. She smiled humbly, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment in being able to help others. Her abilities had improved significantly since Subh had first taught her to channel spiritual powers, and she felt a sense of pride in how far she had come.

However, as the day turned to dusk, a wave of longing washed over her. The bustling village and the grateful smiles of the people couldn't fill the void left by Subh's absence. She missed him dearly—the way he encouraged her, the stories they shared, and the unwavering support he provided.

Anaya sat down by the lake, their favorite spot, and let her thoughts wander back to Subh. Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered his promise to return. She had never felt a bond as strong as the one she shared with Subh, and the pain of his absence was a constant ache in her heart.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, she whispered to the wind, "Subh, I miss you so much. I hope you're safe and that you find the strength you seek. I'll keep practicing and getting stronger, just like you wanted me to. Please come back soon."

Anaya wiped her tears and looked out over the serene lake, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the water. She took a deep breath, feeling a renewed determination. Subh's teachings had made her stronger and more confident. She would continue to hone her skills and heal as many people as she could, keeping his spirit and guidance close to her heart.

Though they were apart, Anaya knew that their bond remained unbroken. She held onto the hope that one day, Subh would return, and they would once again share stories by the lake, stronger and braver than ever before.

Now back yo subh

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Subh emerged from the dense forest and finally caught sight of the Gurukul. Nestled deep within the ancient trees, the Gurukul was a serene yet imposing structure, exuding an aura of wisdom and power. Subh felt a surge of excitement and trepidation as he approached the grand entrance.

Standing at the gate was a figure dressed in simple, flowing robes, exuding a calm and powerful presence. The figure stepped forward and greeted Subh with a warm smile. "You are welcome to the Gurukul. I am Master Rishab. Come inside, we will begin the aptitude test shortly."

Subh bowed respectfully and followed Master Rishab through the entrance. The interior of the Gurukul was equally impressive, filled with a tranquil energy that seemed to hum with the wisdom of ages.

As Subh entered the main hall, his eyes were drawn to two individuals who stood out from the crowd. One was a boy he had seen before, battling the formidable Vitra in the forest. The other was a girl who looked unique.

Kavya had a regal bearing, her eyes holding the depth of ancient ballads. She wore flowing gowns adorned with musical motifs—notes, clefs, and lyres embroidered in silver thread. A pendant around her neck carried a single, rare sapphire—the "Sapphire Note"—said to resonate with the universe. She was beautiful and exuded a strength and confidence that was palpable.

Subh couldn't help but notice how these two individuals seemed to radiate power, far more than the others who were there to take part in the Gurukul aptitude test. He felt a mixture of admiration and resolve, knowing that he would soon be tested among such formidable peers.

Master Rishab addressed the gathered students. "Welcome, everyone. Today, you will undergo an aptitude test to assess your skills and potential. This will determine the path of your training here at the Gurukul."

The hall was abuzz with anticipation as the students prepared for the test. Subh felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. He glanced at the boy from the forest and at Kavya, both of whom seemed calm and collected.

The first part of the test involved demonstrating their control over spiritual energy. Students were asked to channel their energy into various tasks, from lighting a flame to moving objects with their minds. Subh focused intently, recalling the teachings of Guruji Sarva. He successfully lit a flame and moved a heavy object with ease, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Next, they were tested on their combat skills. Subh watched as the boy from the forest demonstrated incredible strength and agility, easily overpowering his opponent. Kavya, despite her delicate appearance, moved with a grace and precision that was mesmerizing, her every move accompanied by a faint, musical hum.

When it was Subh's turn, he faced an opponent with determination. Remembering his training and the encounter with Viraaj, he fought with skill and agility, dodging attacks and striking with precision. He emerged victorious, earning nods of approval from Master Rishab and the other instructors.

After the tests, Master Rishab gathered the students and announced the results. Subh, the boy from the forest, and Kavya were all placed in the advanced group, where they would receive specialized training to hone their unique abilities.

Subh felt a surge of pride and anticipation. He knew that his journey at the Gurukul was just beginning and that he would face many challenges ahead. But he was ready. He thought of Anaya and the promise he had made to return stronger. With a renewed sense of purpose, Subh stepped into the next phase of his journey, determined to master the Eternal Flame and uncover the truth behind his grandmother's death.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Subh looked around at his new surroundings and his new companions. He knew that with their support and the guidance of Master Rishab, he would be able to achieve his goals. The path ahead was daunting, but Subh was ready to face it head-on.

Apologies for the delay on the chapter; I'll strive to ensure more consistent uploads moving forward.

silverhorncreators' thoughts