

In a world where power reigns supreme, Subh Born into a family of revered beings, he is the only one without supernatural abilities. When tragedy strikes and his grandmother is brutally murdered, Subh is falsely accused, cast out, and left to navigate treacherous waters alone. Determined to unearth the truth and reclaim his rightful place, Subh embarks on an epic journey filled with danger and discovery. Alongside unlikely allies, he delves into the dark underbelly of his family's legacy, uncovering long-buried secrets that threaten to unravel everything he holds dear. "THE CHRONICLES OF SUBH: ECHOES OF FURY" is a gripping tale of redemption, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a hero who defies fate itself. Join Subh as he battles against all odds, forging his own path and challenging the very fabric of destiny to emerge triumphant in the face of adversity.

silverhorn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


One sunny afternoon, Subh and Anaya sat by the lake, skipping stones across the water's surface. The sun glistened on the lake, creating a serene atmosphere.

"Subh, do you ever miss your home?" Anaya asked, her voice thoughtful.

"Sometimes," Subh admitted, "but being here, with you and Guruji Jñāna , has made this place feel like a second home."

Anaya smiled, her eyes reflecting the warmth of the sun. "I'm glad you're here. You've taught me so much, and I've never had a friend like you."

Subh felt a deep sense of gratitude and affection for Anaya. "I feel the same way. You've been like a my dearest friend to me, Anaya."

They spent many evenings like this, sharing stories and dreams. Anaya told Subh about her aspirations to become a healer for her village, inspired by the kindness and wisdom Subh had shown her. In turn, Subh shared his desire to master the Eternal Flame and use its power to protect those he cared about.

As the three months neared their end, Subh knew his time on the planet was coming to a close. One evening, as the sun set and cast a golden hue over the forest, Subh and Anaya sat by the lake, their favorite spot.

"Anaya," Subh began, his voice tinged with sadness, "my guruji sarva , will be coming to take me back soon. My training here is almost complete."

Anaya's eyes filled with tears. "So, you're leaving?"

Subh nodded, feeling a lump in his throat. "Yes, but I will never forget you. You've been a wonderful friend to me. You've made my time here special, and I promise I will come back to visit you."

Tears rolled down Anaya's cheeks as she hugged Subh tightly. "You better keep that promise, Subh. I'll be waiting for you. Thank you for everything. You've made me feel stronger and braver."

Subh hugged her back, trying to hold back his own tears. "I will come back, Anaya. I promise you. And when I do, I hope to see you even stronger and happier."

The next morning, sarva arrived, as promised. He saw the bond between Subh and Anaya and nodded in understanding.

"It's time, Subh," Guruji sarva said gently.

Subh turned to Anaya, his heart heavy but determined. "I'll be back, Anaya. Until then, stay safe and keep practicing what I've taught you."

Anaya smiled through her tears and gave a brave nod. "I will, Subh. I'll be here waiting for you."

With one last look at his friend, Subh took Guru sarva's hand, and they stepped into the shimmering passage. As the world around him blurred and shifted, Subh's heart ached with the pain of leaving, but also filled with hope and determination. He knew that this was not a goodbye, but a promise of a future reunion.

Back home, Subh's training continued under sarva's watchful eye. He was now more determined than ever, fueled by the promise he made to Anaya. The memory of their time together and the bond they shared became a source of strength and motivation for him.

At evening, as the stars sparkled in the sky and the campfire cast a warm glow, Subh sat beside Guruji Sarva, feeling a mixture of anticipation and unresolved anger. The memory of his grandmother's death, the killer who had torn his family apart, and his promise to Anaya consumed his thoughts.

"Guruji," Subh began, his voice laced with a simmering intensity, "do you think I'll be able to find the person who killed my grandmother?"

Sarva placed a reassuring hand on Subh's shoulder, his eyes filled with wisdom and understanding. "I believe you will, Subh. The bonds we form with others are powerful, and the drive for justice can be a guiding force. Keep your goal in your heart, and you'll find your way to the truth."

Subh nodded, feeling a mix of determination and anger. He missed his grandmother deeply, and he missed Anaya, the friend who had given him strength and hope. He knew that the power of the Eternal Flame was not just about strength and abilities, but about avenging the wrongs done to his family and fulfilling the promises he made.

Sarva's gaze grew serious, and he took a deep breath before speaking again. "Subh, your training here has been important, but there is more for you to learn. There is a Gurukul (school), nestled deep in the forest, where spiritual powers are taught. These powers will help you harness the Eternal Flame in ways you cannot yet imagine."

Subh's eyes widened with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. "Gurukul? Spiritual powers?"

Sarva nodded, his expression gentle but firm. "Yes, Subh. The Gurukul is a place of great learning and enlightenment. It will help you increase your power and understand the true essence of your abilities. But it will also be a challenging journey, one that will test your spirit and resolve."

Subh felt a lump in his throat, a wave of emotions crashing over him. The thought of leaving Sarva, his trusted mentor, filled him with sadness. "Guruji, I... I don't want to leave you. You've taught me so much, and I don't know if I'm ready for this."

Sarva's eyes softened, and he pulled Subh into a heartfelt embrace. "Subh, you are stronger than you realize. You have a kind heart and a brave spirit. The time has come for you to embark on this next phase of your journey. And remember, you are never truly alone. I will always be with you in spirit, guiding you."

Tears welled up in Subh's eyes as he clung to Sarva, the weight of the moment pressing down on him. "Thank you, Guruji. I will carry your teachings with me, always."

As they parted, Sarva looked into Subh's eyes, a deep understanding passing between them.

In his mind, Sarva thought, "Subh has a hidden power within him, one that resides in his eyes. It is a gift that will reveal itself in time, a power that will aid him in his quest."

But he kept this thought to himself, knowing that the discovery of such a power must come naturally, when Subh was ready.

The next morning, as the first light of dawn broke through the trees, Subh prepared to leave for the Gurukul. He felt a sense of determination and resolve, knowing that this was the path he was meant to take. With one last embrace, Sarva bid him farewell, his eyes filled with pride and love.

As Subh ventured into the forest, his thoughts turned dark and vengeful. He remembered the face of his grandmother, her kind eyes full of love, and the cruel way she had been taken from him. The memory of that night, the horror and the helplessness he had felt, fueled his resolve. He also remembered Anaya's words, her dreams, and the promise he had made to her. The memory of their time together by the lake gave him strength and hope.

Deep in his heart, Subh knew that this was not an end, but a new beginning. The spiritual teachings of the Gurukul, the memory of his loved ones, and the bond with Anaya would guide him on his path. And as he walked through the forest, he felt a sense of grim determination, knowing that he was destined to seek justice and fulfill his promises.

Subh's journey was just beginning, he knew that he would face more stronge opponents,