
Chapter 1

THUD! I flew back and hit the marble flood of the training hall as I felt the impact of my spell. 'Dammit' I thought. I had been working on this spell for months, yet I still couldn't quite master it. Sure, the cloning spell wasn't the easiest, however, as the daughter of two of the most powerful witches, a spell like cloning myself should have been a piece of cake. Aside from my high birth, I was also the coven prodigy, excelling in any and everything I tried.

My frustration got the better of me as I took a break from being flung to the floor. I watched as the other witches and wizards practiced their spells. After a deep breath, I recalled how my parents had described the feeling of cloning one's self. I then walked back to my training area and closed my sky-blue eyes, focusing all my mana into my mind and imagined myself cloned into three. I opened my eyes slowly to see if it had worked. It did not surprise me to see that there were another two versions of me standing in front of me, waiting for their orders. 'YES!' I thought as I saw my spell had finally worked! Closing my eyes yet again, imagining, this time, instead of me splitting into three, morphing back into one. I didn't hit the floor, so I assumed I had performed it correctly. I opened my eyes to see that I was alone again. Excited, I practiced my new, long practiced spell a couple more times, before confidently strolling out the training hall.

I checked my posture before knocking and entering my father's office. He looked up from the paperwork scattered across his desk and his eyes softened when he saw me. Standing up and walking around his desk, he engulfed me in a big hug and said, "Hello Sweetheart."

"Hello Father." I responded, "How has work been?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder at the mess of papers.

"It's been..." He paused, following my eyes to his desk, "busy." He let out a sigh before asking, "So... What brings you to my humble office, Honey?"

An excited smile escaped my matte pink colored lips. With a playful tone, I answered, "Guess!"

He let out a chuckle at my remark and pretended to think for a minute before guessing, "You mastered how to clone?"

"Bingo!" I exclaimed. It wasn't a surprise that he knew, as both my parents and brother knew I had been struggling with the cloning spell for the past two weeks. I then stepped away, signing that I was about to show. I closed my eyes and focused my mana on creating two more identical images of myself. As my clones appeared, I opened my eyes and grinned from ear to ear. I then closed my eyes again and retracted the mana that my clones formed from back into my body. I opened my eyes, holding in my urge to jump up and down like a little kid, and studied my father's reaction.

"I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT SWEETIE! That was PERFECT!" He exclaimed. His hugs were bone-crushing, and he engulfed me in one of them. He released me, holding me at arm's length away and muttered, "My baby's growing up!" He wiped a fake tear from the tip of his eye as he rushed to his desk and searched through the documents, picking out the documents he needed.

"I have a meeting right not, I will be home by 8:00 for dinner. Until then, practice your potion making and study some. I know you have an exam tomorrow in potions." He reminded with a wink, which I returned with a smirk, before he hurried out of his office to his meeting.

I returned to my room. It was plain, with its beige walls, a sleek white desk, and a queen-sized bed with a storage headboard. It was basic, but it was home to me. I know any other girl would have complained, but I was different, as I wasn't in my room much. A simple aesthetic was what I preferred. I picked up my backpack that was lying on the floor near the door where I had dropped it off earlier before running off to the training hall. I bounced to my desk, excited to learn more. Being a "prodigy, " I had always enjoyed studying and learning. This earned me the nickname of Nerd at school. Digging through my bag and I picked out my potions textbook. Having already studied for the exam in the library during lunch, there was no need for me to study. I read through my notes again, however, because no harm in going through everything again. I flipped to page 450, Chapter 8. I slipped on my glasses and flipped through the pages, my eyes scanning the contents of the chapter and taking mental notes.

After about an hour and a half, I finished studying. Closing the textbook and sliding it to the side, I bounced over to my wooden bookshelf to the left of my desk and grasped my favorite spells book. Flipping through the book, I found a spell that I had never seen before. The spell of truth.

"The 'Spell of Truth' opens secrets to the witch/wizard's naked eye. On the full moon, the 'Spell of Truth' reaches its highest potential. The 'Spell of Truth' is designed for fully fledged witches and wizards.

Warning: Not recommended for witches and wizards that have yet to come of age."