
Chapter 2

I read through the spell with excitement. Spells was my favorite class in school, so I was also up to a challenge of learning new spells. It also just so happened that tonight would be a full moon! I looked through the ingredients need because unlike the other spells, this one seemed to need a potion, and many other requirements, to unleash the spell to its strongest. One being the full moon, of course. The potion needed crescent moon flowers, fairy tears, a dragon scale, and last, a strand of fur from a Lycan of great power status in the pack. I groaned at the last ingredient. Sure, there were Lycans, however we had signed a peace treaty, so if I were to get the strand of fur then I would have to tell them the reason. But, the main reason I really didn't want to get one was because that Lycan would, for sure, tell an adult in my coven. If anyone found out I was attempting this spell, then I could get into serious trouble. Even my parents, who were high on the power status, wouldn't be able to keep me out of trouble from everything. 'Well, no time to self-pity, time to think of a way to get the ingredients, I thought as I started forging many ridiculous plans inside my head.

I had been racking my brain for places they kept Lycan fur. I knew that AT LEAST one family would have it. Either that or the coven adults had it hidden somewhere. Somewhere no witch would dare look...

"THE FORBIDDEN FOREST! " I all but yelled in my room. Immediately regretted my outburst as I heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Rushing to close the book and put it on the shelf before my door opened, I raced to my desk. However, just mere milliseconds after I had slammed my spell book shut, my door burst open. In tumbled Logan and Eva.

I let out a relieved sigh when I saw that it was them. Logan and Eva were my childhood friends and the ones I trusted most in this coven. Yes, even more than family. This was because I wasn't a legitimated child. I was an adopted child. Logan and Eva were the only creature in our supernatural school that had welcomed me with open arms. Ever since, they were practically family. They're also adopted, which might have played a part in us becoming so close, but at this moment I was glad I had them. Whenever I was in trouble, they had always been the ones to stand up and defend me, even if it meant fighting my parents. I was eternally grateful to the moon goddess for blessing me with such amazing friends.

"You guys scared the shit outta me! What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath.

"Oh, our bad... We just couldn't stop ourselves from bolting when we heard u scream the Forbidden Forest. The walls have ears, y'know?" Logan reminded.

I felt my cheeks heat up and could only imagine what shade of red I had turned. Logan let out a mocking laugh as my face heated up while Eva playfully punched him. He calmed down and turned to me with a serious expression that did not look like him at all.

"In all seriousness, though, why were you thinking about the Forbidden Forest? It's called the Forbidden Forest for a reason, y'know?" He asked in a serious tone.

I quickly explained to them about the peace treaty I had seen on my father's desktop once. There was a specific agreement stating that they would send a strand of Lycan fur a month while we supplied them with sufficient healing potions. I also told them about how I needed Lycan fur for 'The Spell of Truth'. I watched as their eyes widened and their facial expressions changed as I told them the story.

***3 hours later***

After a long hour, I had gotten them on board. We had been devising many spells and tricks we could use to sneak in and out of both my home, which was guarded 24/7 by guards, and the Forbidden Forest, also guarded 24/7. Out of our thousand stupid ideas, we finally found one. It was 6:00 already by the time we had decided on a plan and started gathering our things. We had decided to perform the spell and concoct the potion in the forest, so we would need to bring all the necessities to brew a potion. I went to the ingredients rooms in our home and picked out the ingredients we had. Crescent moon flowers, fairy tears, and a dragon scale. I stored them away safely into my storage space. Being a witch meant that the first spell they ever taught you was storage magic. I also tossed in a cauldron, mixer, and the spell book.

We then opened my window, checking the path below. Seeing no guards, we hopped out of my windows and jumped on our brooms. We sped into the forbidden forest, avoiding the air patrol. We then landed in around the middle of the forest and wandered until I found the tree I was looking for. The map had shown that there was a secret hut in the forest. It was concealed by magic. However, as long as you knew what you were looking for, you could find it. In my case, I knew exactly what I was looking for. Having been in my parent's offices as much as I had, I could tell when something had been covered up by magic. I felt around the trunk of the tree when I felt a door knob. It was a slight bump, but I could feel it. Taking hold of the knob, I turned it and pushed into the middle of the tree, taking in the room that was revealed before my eyes.