
The Chill Night Cometh, A Fairy Tail

Enticed by the promise of meeting a living, breathing, dragon, team Natsu sets out for a new continent dominated by an immense empire. does this Empire truly hold the answer to Natsu's question, or does only deception await the mages. *This takes place before the events of the Grand Magic games as I want meeting a dragon to be a new experience. This will contain elements from other anime, books, and video games with the main influence being Elden Ring. ALL criticism is heavily encouraged, as I write fanfiction to practice for school. Please, enjoy!*

PandaMan_64 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

An Introduction to an Empire

"Lucyyyyyyy, I'm so bored" Natsu said lazily, laying on a tabletop with his head hanging off the side. "Well Natsu, we should take a job! You've done nothing the past week and I need rent money soon." Natsu's response was to groan tiredly, and promptly roll off the table. Lucy sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, and grabbed the back of his shirt before lifting. Instead of resistance, Natsu popped back up screaming, "Alright, great idea Lucy! Happy, we're going on a job!!" "Aye!"

The two rushed over, suddenly energized by the 'revolutionary' idea that was to do their job as mages. Natsu made his way to the board, and started muttering titles. "Dig out a collapsed tunnel, no, bodyguard for a noble, boring, slay a dragon… SLAY A DRAGON!?" His shocked exclamation had silenced the entire hall, most couldn't believe what they were hearing. For most, to slay a dragon was both, a) an impossible idea as it is believed that dragons went extinct hundreds of years ago, and b) was so out of their league it might as well be fantasy.

"Lucy! We're taking this one, I've decid-" His rambling was cut short by a gauntleted fist to the skull, delivered by a fiery red headed woman, Erza Scarlet. "You idiot Natsu, slaying a dragon would be at least an S rank quest, it must be a mistake. Now, give it here." Natsu stood up quickly, ignoring the bump protruding from his head. "Look here Erza! This is an A rank quest!" She, of course, ignored him and snatched the quest before holding him back by the forehead.

Erza read over it for a moment, before cocking her head and opening her mouth and speaking. "Well, it seems to be an A rank. The quest is not to slay a mature dragon at the height of its power, but an old one that was already injured by a high rank wizard. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, I've decided." Gray wandered over from his position watching, and Lucy just shook her head at Erza's antics.

"Team Natsu will be accepting this quest!"


Train to the Capital, 8:00 AM

Natsu lurched as the train turned, his green face drawing an annoyed look from Gray and a sympathetic one from Lucy. "Y'know flamebrain, maybe this would go smoother if you got over this sickness of yours." "Shu-shut the hell up ice princess." All Gray gave in return was an annoyed look, before returning his gaze to the window. Lucy sighed, before turning to Erza to ask a question. "I don't understand why we have to go to the capital anyway, isn't this just another job?"

"To tell the truth, I'm in the dark as well. The job list said it was located in the 'Empire of the Stars' so we may have to be transported across the sea officially." Erza's answer only introduced more questions, vocalized soon after by Gray. "Never heard of that place, is it on a different continent?" Lucy and Erza just shrugged, "It doesn't matter, this dragon might know where Igneel went." Gray rolled his eyes, but he could understand the sentiment of wanting to find a parent.


Royal Palace, Crocus, Capital of Fiore, 1:00 PM

The Palace was huge, easily dwarfing all 4 mages and Erza's 'suitcase.' "C'mon guys, let's get the official mumbo jumbo outta the way." Gray wandered up the stairs, only stopping when he noticed that his clothes had disappeared and were currently being held by an appalled Lucy.

20 minutes, many screenings, and confirmations they were who they said they were, and they were sitting in a room with a single man behind a long table. In front of him read simply, 'Minister of Foreign Affairs.' "Sit, all of you, we have much to discuss in regards to your job." The man spoke formally, but quickly to a group of four, of which only the two women were paying attention.

"The job you have chosen takes place in a continent across the sea to the East, in an Empire known as 'The Eternal Empire of the Stars,' otherwise known as Vespera, and ruled over by their leader, Crios of the Chill Night. His empire is incomprehensibly massive, spanning 12 million square miles. For comparison, they could fit almost 10 of Fiore within their borders." Eyes widened, and Natsu and Gray finally began to pay attention. "How come we've never heard of them then? An empire that large has to be known, right?" Lucy's question received a sharp look from the man, before he answered.

"Careful sensory information has kept them out of all books in Fiore. If the population knew that such a threat existed, they would panic. Something we are not equipped to handle." Gray looked confused, and was about to speak before Erza interrupted. "Surely it's not that much of a threat, Fiore is home to some of Earthland's greatest mages." "Vespera employs an army of 10 million men and women, all of whom are %100 loyal to their emperor, of which 3 million are mages." He met blank looks, so he sighed and continued on.

"Fiore has a population of 17 million."


Airship Heading East

Being on something moving and not being sick was a novel experience for Natsu. It had been explained that the airship had been enchanted, but that it was rare and he shouldn't get used to it. He would cherish it if not for one thing, the communication lacrima still blabbed on as the man from before spoke about the rules they had to follow. "I cannot stress this point enough, DO NOT under any circumstances, antagonize any citizen of the empire. I, and Fiore, do not care what you see. We cannot afford a war, we will lose with full certainty. Should you be inclined to ignore this directive, your citizenships will be revoked. Now, you should be arriving soon, good luck and remember-" Gray turned off the lacrima, getting a sigh of relief from the other team members.

"Man, that guy was annoying. I don't get what's the big deal anyway, it's just another country." Lucy turned away from the two as Natsu punched Gray for no reason, and the two entered a slug fest. She walked to the, marveling at the brilliant ocean spanning beneath the airship, held up and propelled by hundreds of wind lacrima. She leaned on the rail and breathed in the ocean air, looking out to sea, and gasping as the continent came into view.

It was vast, incredibly so, and stretched further than she could see. To the north, a great snow capped mountain range stretched into the sky, before slowly transferring into a great thick forest at the bottom. Far away, she could see a desert, outlined by a massive river cracking it through the middle. This incredible landscape was dotted by hundreds of small towns, and occasionally a great city would show.

So caught up in her awe, she hadn't noticed the others coming to stand next to her. Suddenly, they realized that the land was getting closer, and they could see a port city down below. It was beautiful, a mix of gothic and modern architecture mixing together beautifully. The roads spanned wide, and all led to one gargantuan building.

They touched down soon after, and were met by an incredibly large and bustling city.

As a port town, most of the wares being sold were fish, so Lucy was currently holding back a drooling Happy as they walked around. They had stopped to get dinner and booked an inn before, finally, making their way to the building which all roads lead to.

Entering, they were met by a large marble hall, the only defining feature being a desk manned by a young woman. When they got within 10 feet of her she began to speak immediately. "Welcome to the university, I regret to inform you that visiting hours have ended for the night. Please, return in the morning." The words were human, yet odd in some way, like they had been passed through a screen.

"Look, we're mages who came here for a job. Just let us through so we can be out of your hair." Gray attempted to argue, but met the same response. "I regret to inform you that visiting hours have ended for the night, please retu-" The girl's speaking was met by a fist to the face, resulting in shocked outcries, but instead of the bruising and bleeding expected, she cracked and crumbled into stone.

Natsu, fist still out stretched, sniffed the air once more, "I knew it, she smelled unnatural from the get go. She's the only person in this whole town who doesn't smell like the ocean." "Still, that could get us in trouble, Natsu."

As if mocking Erza, alarms went off that exact second. "Damnit Natsu! How am I supposed to get my rent money if we're in jail?!" Natsu just laughed, and started running, "Doesn't matter, we're in it now!" Full brown sprint, The four raced down the halls, the rumbling of boots on the floor muffled by their laughs.

They panted, catching their breath in the room they had ducked into to avoid guards. Once the sound of boots had passed, they became aware of the fact that someone was in the room they had entered, and was currently writing on the chalkboard across the hall. They were in some kind of large auditorium, and in front was a man in a suit with a single crutch writing on the board. "Hello?" called Lucy, causing the man to drop his chalk and turn around. "Guests, hmm? Well then, come and sit. Tell me what you need."

"We're not here for your office hours, we were just… stopping by." Gray's question caused the man to crane his neck, before making a humming noise and sitting down at the desk. "My apologies, I thought you were students from this distance. Is it you causing all that ruckus? Anyhow, come sit regardless. My door is always open to those who want knowledge."

They walked through the auditorium, eventually coming to sit in various positions in the first row. Natsu was lying across multiple seats with Happy on his stomach, Gray had opted for the floor, while Erza and Lucy sat like normal people. "Well then, any questions for little ol' me?" Lucy, in an act born from education, raised her hand, eliciting a smirk and wave in her direction from the man. Who are you, and what is this place?" He went to speak, but Natsu interjected loudly, "Yeah, and what's with that weird stone lady out front."

"Well, regarding young Lucy's questions, I am Professor Feynman, a teacher at this college. I am a physicist and magician." Here, Natsu interjected, "Physicist? What's that?" "Well, as a physicist I study what makes the world go round, what makes the universal clock tick. At this college, we study the mysteries of magic and the universe, before reporting them to the emperor. In return, we receive funding and the freedom to pursue our interests. Regarding the 'stone women', as you put it, Clarrise is a pet project of mine, created using magic. Should you come back tomorrow morning at say… 9, I can let you sit in on a class of mine. Take this, it should let you in past Clarrise."

Feynman handed over a keycard, which was then stuck in Lucy's key pouch. "Thanks! We'll be sure to come back!" As they walked away, they noticed neither the fact he knew their names, nor the sly smirk that spread when their backs turned. And as the door clicked shut, he whispered, "Yes, I'm sure you'll be back, little Culvers."

I hope you enjoyed it! I know its short (only about 2k words) but I've been short on time so I hope this is acceptable. Word count should pick up because I have spring break next week so loom forward to that I guess? Thanks for reading!

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