
The Chill Night Cometh, A Fairy Tail

Enticed by the promise of meeting a living, breathing, dragon, team Natsu sets out for a new continent dominated by an immense empire. does this Empire truly hold the answer to Natsu's question, or does only deception await the mages. *This takes place before the events of the Grand Magic games as I want meeting a dragon to be a new experience. This will contain elements from other anime, books, and video games with the main influence being Elden Ring. ALL criticism is heavily encouraged, as I write fanfiction to practice for school. Please, enjoy!*

PandaMan_64 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

The New Dawn

I'm trying a new dialogue format due to a suggestion from last chapter, let me know what you think!


University Entrance Hall, 9:00 AM

"Welcome to the university, the professor's room is G67, located in the basement. Please, enjoy your stay."

Those words were spoken by a regenerated Clarrise, seeming as if she had never been broken. Amazed by this, Natsu had tried to punch her again to see if she would regenerate. Evidently, he never got the chance as he was being shoulder carried by Erza. As they walked, it became clear that the room was much closer than they ran yesterday. They had taken a looping route, going backwards before returning to the front half of the building.

Eventually, they reached the hall and entered. They found every seat, hundreds, filled with students in robes wearing different colored masks. In the front, sat those with dark blue masks, and in the back were those with white. As no seats were available, they opted to stand awkwardly in the back. This didn't last long, however, as the professor snapped his fingers and from the marble floor rose 3 more seats.

The four marveled at the casual way he did it without using magic circles! Sitting down slowly so as to not disturb the others, they settled in for the lesson. Professor Feynman clapped his hands, and off they went.


Subterranean Lecture Hall, 11:00 AM

They stood as the last of the students filed out, making their way to the desk instead of out of the door in the back. The Professor smiled, beckoning them forth as he opened his mouth.

"So, whatcha think? Today's lesson was pretty basic, the students just got off break you see."

Natsu seemed to disagree with the basic point, as his eyes were swirling and he was muttering to himself. Erza smacked him over the head, and that seemed to wake him right up as he opened his mouth a second later.

"That was totally weird! You spoke a buncha gibberish, and the students were completely silent! I mean, don't people usually talk in school?"

Gray rolled his eyes at Natsu's blatant disrespect, before replying.

"Just because you didn't understand anything doesn't mean it was gibberish, flamebrain. The point about the students is true though, what's up with that?"

Feynman chuckled, waving off Natsu's comments good naturedly and replying to Gray's question.

"All the students who attend here have gone through years of schooling and testing beforehand, and are the pinnacle of their age group. To give up all that effort so you could talk to a friend seems like a waste, no? And besides, the masks have purposes besides showing rank in the class. If you don't know who's next to you, why would you want to start up a conversation? Remember, the goal of this academy is to produce results for the Emperor and his advisors, that goal is undermined by slacking in class."

Lucy nodded in understanding, before she gave a questioning look and tentatively raised her hand. Feynman nodded at her, and made a motion.

"But where did they learn before? I mean, we didn't see any other schools in our walk through town. And as far as I can tell, you're the only teacher in this school."

"Well to clear that up, I'm not the only one. And they learned elsewhere. You really think this is the only school in the entire continent?"

This was punctuated by a look that screamed 'are you dumb?' and Lucy blushed before nodding in understanding. Erza took this opportunity to speak for the first time.

"Is it possible to meet these other teachers? I'm sure they could provide insight into more subjects."

The answer he provided came quickly, almost too fast.

"Ahaha, you don't need to worry about them… Anyway, I think it's time you guys got going. I have some, uh, homework. Yes, homework to grade."

They nodded slowly at his awkward speech, muttering goodbyes and shuffling out the door. However, the second they reached the hallway, Natsu spoke up.

"He's hiding something. When Erza asked the question, his heart rate sped up and I smelled sweat on him. Something that shouldn't be possible given how cold it is."

Eyes widened, and suspicious looks were directed at the door. However, Erza's cool head prevailed and she responded.

"We'll return in the night, we don't know who could be here now. I think it's time we meet the 'teachers' on the upper floors."

They nodded, before departing, the intention to return burning in their minds.


Adjacent Rooftop, 1:00 AM

"What the hell? There shouldn't be any students here at this hour."

This was whispered by Gray to the others as they lay prone on a rooftop, watching as hundreds of students filed into the building. This only seemed to make Natsu more suspicious, as he voiced his opinion.

"Whatever it is, I'm betting it ain't good. If we merge with the crowd, we can get inside easily."

Normally, this would be impossible as things like a full suit of armor stood out. However, they had covered their clothes with black cloaks for the night. With a nod, they leapt off the building, crouching to silence the fall, and added themselves to the back of the group. They followed inside, and up they went. They reached the second flight, and people began filing through the door. Inside, they found nothing resembling a school.

Metal snakes coiled up gargantuan pillars into the ceiling, lights flashed every few seconds, illuminating the large machines lining the walls. And in the center, a blood red orb, pulsing every few seconds. A bell rang, and the students who had lined up against the wall began walking single file to the orb. As the first one reached it, he pulled a knife out, and promptly slit his own throat.

Lucy's gasp was muffled by Erza's hand over her mouth, though she looked just as shocked and disgusted. One by one, they began the march of death. The blood spilled would be absorbed by the orb, and with every dead body the color would get darker. The pile of bodies soon blocked the way, and they watched horrified as Clarrise came out to the platform, and pushed off into the darkness below.

Natsu clenched his teeth so hard they might crack, and his glare intensified 10 fold.

"So, Feynmans behind this?! I'll destroy him!"

With Natsu's shout, their position had been revealed and alarms blared. The previously dark room came alive with spotlights as the group was blinded, and the tapping of a crutch sounded behind them.

"You came, huh? I wondered how long I could fool the nose of a dragon, and it seems my time has ended. Well, it doesn't matter now."

At this, he turned towards the orb, dropping the crutch and spreading his arms wide.

"It's magnificent, isn't it? The cocoon of an Eldritch god, to come alive in this very city! Fed by the blood of some of the finest magicians in the land, it will bring enlightenment to us all. And here you are, able to witness this magnificent event! Rejoice! For you are in the presence of the great Kalutt, The Ravenous One!"

As his proclamation came to an end, the last mage perished, and the orb pulsed once more before falling still. However, light shone from the inside, and an inhuman shriek pierced the air.


The four screamed, falling to their knees to clutch the sides of their heads. And even over the roar of the inhuman, you could hear the cacophony of laughter emitting from the professor. The cackle of a madman who would see the world burn.

"This is it, it's finally here, THE DAWN OF THE NEW HUMANITY!"


The city burned around them, the cries of women and children pierced the air, only to be drowned out by the stamping of a hundred feet and the shrieks of an elder god. Natsu groaned, pushing himself up out of the rubble and taking in the carnage surrounding him. He spotted the professor, and shouted.

"Why, WHY! Why would you do this!"

"Why do you ask? I already told you. As the age of the gods passed, humanity grew complacent with their power, weakness plagues the land. By reviving the gods of old, I can usher in an age of strength! No more will silly things like friendship and comfort be the thoughts on everyone's minds. They will slaughter each other to gain more strength and save themselves! It's GLORIOUS!"

Natsu snarled, igniting his fist and glaring forward.

"You're wrong. People would never betray their friends that way!"

The professor sighed, shrugged off his coat, and raised his hand in beckoning. Natsu roared, before rocketing forward in a burst of fire. Feynman ducked, bringing up a fist coated in purple to strike Natsu's exposed ribs. Natsu turned midair, and brought his foot down. "[Fire Dragon's Claw!]" his foot ignited, slamming into the professor's face and sending him flying back.

He slammed into a piece of rubble, and slowly stood to his full height.

"It seems I underestimated you, no matter. [Gravity Well.]"

Spheres of darkness flew towards Natsu, faster than the human eye could see. Luckily for Natsu, he was no normal human. The first were dodged, flying past him harmlessly. He slid under the next one, before the last caught him as he stood up. However, instead of the explosion he had braced for, the sphere dragged him straight into the fist of the professor, which caught him in the face and broke his nose.

Natsu groaned, clutching his nose as he stood back up. With a snarl, he cracked it back into place and rushed the professor, engaging fire coated fists with gravity coated ones. Feynman dodged the opening uppercut, retaliating with a kick to the stomach which Natsu blocked. Faking an overhead kick, Natsu used the hand put up to block to kick off into the sky. He breathed in deeply, intoning "[Fire Dragon's Roar!]"

Feynman widened his eyes at the stream of fire, coming at him too fast to dodge. Instead, he feebly crossed his arms in an X formation. The searing heat rammed into him with the force of a freight train, knocking him out and onto his back. Natsu breathed out, deciding to leave his unconscious form for later so he could deal with the other, larger, threat.

Erza and Gray chose this moment to wake up, quickly standing as they realized the situation surrounding them. A few hundred feet away, a red larva rampaged and killed without care.

"So, this is the result of all that suicide? Pointless."

Spat Gray, his clothes already off as frost gathered around his form. Erza nodded sadly, before speaking.

"We can deal with that later, for now, let's destroy that beast!"

And as the other two spoke as one, they charged.


"[Requip: Heaven's Wheel!] Gray, get us above it!"

Gray nodded, clasped his hands at his side, and thrust out. Beneath their feet, a platform of ice began to slope into the sky. They sprinted up, and when they reached the top Natsu dove right off and propelled himself downward with fire from his feet. "[Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!]" He crashed like a bullet into the top of Kalutt, his fist breaking skin and filling the head with fire. It screamed, and they only got worse when dozens of swords pierced each of its eyes. It bucked Natsu off, who landed safely on the ground.

In the next second, Gray was in front holding a gargantuan hammer made of ice in his hands. It slammed into Kalutt's face, knocking it backwards. As it lay there squealing, the three of them pounced on it, striking the face as one. Jumping backwards and off it, they watched it explode in a shower of blood, guts, fire, ice, and steel.

Finally some action! Sorry for the slow upload, a family member went into surgery so I was occupied. Anyway, let me know your thoughts!

PandaMan_64creators' thoughts