
CHAPTER SEVEN: Dinner party (1)

The next morning at the office, Charlie was looking forward to see Eve today. His mood is totally different from the way he usually is and everybody in the company is scared about his mood, they even asked his secretary Dan what is wrong with him today but he said he doesn't know.


Eve getting ready for work in a hurry because she was very late for work and she doesn't want to be sacked. She hurried speeds to work without eating breakfast.

She got to the company and notices everyone looking at her weirdly but she ignores it and proceeds to her office first before going to explain herself to her boss even though she is embarrassed about what happened last night.

Eve drops her bag, tides her desk and turns to leave before she was drawn back by her friends Sue and Nars. She looked at them with a puzzled face meaning to ask why they did that.

She whispers to them in other not to attract the attention of other workers around them, "what?, Why did you drag me like that?, I would have fell down you know".

"Sorry about that, but there is a big problem" said Sue while Nars repeats after Sue.

"What problem?" Asked Eve becoming scared.

"Hmmmm...." Murmured Sue, "say something" shouted Eve on a low tone.

"Pictures of you kissing the boss yesterday at the pub has gotten out" said Sue while fidgeting.

"What!!!!!!" Shouted Eve, "what did you just say?" Eve asked rhetorically.

Eve began to pace around while Sue comforts her, "calm down sweetie pie, don't stress yourself out, it's still morning" said Nars.

Eve looks at her colleagues in awe and said, "calm down! Calm down! How can I calm down when the whole company will start to think I am probably a slut trying to win the boss's heart by seducing him!" Exclaimed Eve. She continues to pace around without stopping.

Sue's face brightened up as she thought of a solution to Eve's current problem, "why not speak to the boss, let him handle it" 

Eve thought for a while and said to herself, "I am already embarrassed facing him so how will I tell him about what is happening". She bits her fingers and is frightened of why all this will lead to.


Charlie sits in his office oblivious of what was happening beyond the four walls of his office, until Dan rushed into his office without knocking, while panting.

Charlie looks up to find out who comes into his office without knocking and to see Dan and asked angrily, "why didn't you knock before entering?".

Dan realizes his mistake and apologies, "I'm sorry sir but you have to see this" said Dan as he hands over the tablet to him. Few minutes later Dan begins to see angry brew on his boss face and becomes scared knowing something is about to happen.

Charlie looks up from the tablet and asks Dan, "when was this uploaded" asked Charlie while gritting his teeth to surpress his anger.

"This.....this morning sir" Dan said his voice shaking.

"Find out who uploaded the news and let me know within 1hr" said Charlie while handing over the tablet to his secretary.

"Ok sir" said Dan, he turns to leave the office, relieved that his boss didn't throw anything at him. He remembers what happened when one of the company's artist annoyed him, his anger lingered and when he went to report on a matter related to that same artist he was sent to the hospital because of an injury on his arm. He waves the memory and heads to the technical department to find out what he was ordered to find out.

Charlie calls Eve into his office. He lifts his head when he heard the door open, "why didn't you tell me about the news circulating the company" he asked without even allowing her to greet him first.

"I...I didn't want to bother you sir" said Eve while stammering.

Charlie laughs, he stops and said, "Border me?, I was also talked about in the news and you say you don't want me to be bored" he sighs, "You may leave". He rests his left hand on his forehead and goes back to what he is doing.

Eve is surprised about his calm nature because she was expecting him to be angry but he is not, "why I'm I scared about his calm mood?" She asks herself while walking out of the office.


When Eve reaches her office, Sue and Nars came to meet her and ask her why the boss called her to his office, "nothing much, he just asked why I didn't report to him about the news" said Eve.

Sue and Nars perplexed with Eve's response, "isn't he angry or anything of that sort?" Asked Sue.

"No" Eve answered as she drifts away thinking why he is calm about the news that is circulating.