
The Celestial Thief

Noctus as been roaming the earth and the universe for thousands of years. After having meditated two centuries in an ancient Kree city, doing something (?), he awakens just in time to participate in the event leading to the Inhuman outbreak.(Agents of Shield season 2, predating Age of Ultron) The MC do NOT have meta-knowledge of the future but he knows more than Odin or The Ancient. Spoiler Warning ! The Mc is a shape-shifter that change it's genre regarding it's humor and actions. He is calm, calculative and a bit of a nerd. He love RnD and History but prefers observing without intervening. She's a battle junkie, always ready for a fight (especially in bed). She's joyfull but a bit narcissistic and kleptomaniac (the author deny any similarity with another fiction character, she's not that crazy). And never say that they are two different personalities if you can't stand a death glare of someone who gave Hela cold sweat.

Darkiel · Films
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Raina was sitting in a chair next to her bed when Artemis entered their assigned room next to the lab, followed by Skye and Jemma. She didn't react to their entrance, staring at the wall, lost in thought. Artemis let out a disappointed sigh before smiling again and slowly approaching the porcupine-like woman.

"How do you feel ?" She asked while observing her. Her voice startled Raina, making Artemis smile even harder but Raina's next words made it disappear just as quickly.

"You ? How are you here?" She asked, turning to look at Artemis, seeming to recognize her without ever having seen her.

Artemis didn't answer right away, just staring at Raina seriously, thinking about the different possibilities that would explain why Raina had recognized her. If the young girl had recognized her after seeing her face, it could have been because of portraits or statues representing her that she could have seen somewhere, but she had recognized her just by her voice and Artemis was certain that she never had her voice recorded on earth. Which left only one possibility.

"Tell me Raina, who am I?" The Goddess asked, seeking to clarify her hypothesis as Skye and Jemma stood at the entrance trying to figure out what was going on.

"I don't really know but… Last night I had a dream. It seemed like I was floating above a training room with tatami mats and in this room, she" Raina pointed to Skye. "was trying to use her power to make a pot of water vibrate. I recognized you because you were facing her while giving advice." Raina seemed to notice what was happening as she reflected on the fact that the three people she had dreamed of were in front of her.

"I recognized your voice from the dream." Artemis continued to stare at Raina and then began to glow softly, her appearance quickly changing to be Noctus to Raina's shock who stared at the frozen ebony haired youth.

"I wanted to prank you with a bad joke at first. But now I have good news and bad news for you Raina. The good news is that it seems your power isn't just your physical appearance but also an ability to have visions in your sleep. I think the vision you had represents a scene of the near future. We will need to determine your accuracy and check how well this power works before I can help you try to control it."

Noctus gave everyone in the room a second to register his words and continued before Raina could snap out of her stupor.

"The bad news unfortunately is that the ability to predict the future often results in the premature death of the individual able to do the predictions to maintain the universal balance." Noctus sat up and stared at the thorny face of the new divineress as he pondered what future events would disturb the balance between the humans and the Inhumans enough to need someone with this type of power.

"You can change your appearance." Raina didn't seem to really register what Noctus had said and she still seemed stuck on Noctus possessing the ability to change. "But you can't change other people's appearance can you?"

Noctus shook his head. "Sorry, believe me you are not the first to want to change your appearance. But with my current abilities, I can't help you with this. I will try to create something to relieve the pain but this is all I can do"

"It's better than nothing, I'm not going to have to put up with being like this for long anyway apparently, right ? You just said I was going to die prematurely because of my power." The young woman had listened to what Noctus had said despite her lack of reaction. The ability to predict the future was certainly powerful, and it seemed logical that there would be downsides. If suffering in every waking moment until Noctus found something and dying early was what it would take to have a chance to make history, quite literally, then so be it.

Noctus sighed and turned to Jemma. "You may note in her records that she has the ability of prescience when asleep. From now on, every time she wakes up, someone will have to record what she dreamed of so that we can analyze it and prepare accordingly. For now, just helping her relax when she's not sleeping is all we can do to relieve her pain."

Jemma nodded and sent several messages with her tablet. "I will make the necessary arrangements. We've never had an individual who can predict the future in the index. Fitz is going to go crazy trying to figure out how such a power works."

While Jemma was putting everything in place to take care of Raina, Skye walked over and asked. "When you say premature death, how long are we talking about? Is it possible to prevent it?"

"It depends on several factors. Predicting the future makes everyone helpless in the face of a predetermined fate. No one likes it so many people will want her dead, including allies. She will end up predicting her own death to accomplish an unknown purpose. To be honest, she will be lucky to live a year."

Skye looked at Raina who had fallen again in her thoughts. "And there's nothing we can do about it? The future is not fixed, is it?

"Of course not." replied Noctus. "However, her kind of power tends to stabilize time in small portions by their predictions. When a prediction is made, the whole universe will function to realize the predicted events. Trying to change a vision of the future would be like going against time itself. Very few beings in the universe are capable of this."

"All you had to do was tell me it wasn't possible, you know?" As always, Skye ended up having more questions after Noctus' explanation but she decided to say nothing and change the subject.

"So my training will consist of trying to make water vibrate?"

"We will certainly get there before the end of the day if we follow the schedule I planned. Raina, you can come with us but I imagine you would prefer to stay here."

Snapping out of her thoughts, Raina looked at Noctus and Skye and nodded. "You can go, it won't be useful or pleasant for anyone if I come."

Accepting Raina's refusal, the two headed for the exit, followed by Jemma who had just finished her arrangements.

A/N: Short chapter but my PC decided it was the moment to die. Remember when I said I had everything on google doc because inkstone didn't save my last chapter ? I love myself right now. Anymay, Raina is just a pain in the ass, I don't know what to do with her power honestly, if someone have an idea.

Next chapter will be significantly longer. Until then, as always, comments are appreciated and a good motivation. ;)

Darkielcreators' thoughts