
The Brutal Dragon's Queen

In the enchanting world of Eldoria, where mystical creatures roam and magic flows through the veins of its inhabitants, a tale of courage, sacrifice, and unexpected love unfolds. Alana Nightshade, a witch with a resilient spirit, for years endured the chains of servitude in the opulent Kingdom of Veridia, ruled by the tyrannical King Argus. But destiny weaves an intricate tapestry when the realm faces an imminent threat from the fearsome Dragon King, Baron. Desperate to protect his kingdom and maintain peace, King Argus hatches a treacherous plan. He strikes a dangerous deal with Baron, offering his own daughter\'s hand in marriage and a peace treaty in exchange for safeguarding Veridia. However, the princess, Amara, is too loved by her father to face the perils that await her in the dragon's lair. King Argus, knowing of the slave\'s beauty, coerces Alana to assume the role of the princess and accompany Baron to his kingdom. In exchange for her cooperation, he promises to free her mother and brother from the shackles of slavery. Alana embarks on a journey filled with uncertainty, disguising her true identity while residing in the majestic Dragon Kingdom. She is determined to protect her family's future. But as she spends more time in the company of the enigmatic Dragon King, she discovers a different side to Baron—one that defies the tales of his brutality. The scars that mar his body are a testament to the battles he has fought and the sacrifices he has made. Alana\'s unwavering courage and unyielding kindness captivate Baron, drawing him closer to the very essence of love he had believed himself incapable of experiencing. As their hearts intertwine amidst the flames of destiny, they face myriad challenges—political machinations, ancient prophecies, and the unforgiving flames of war. This epic fantasy novel that explores the power of love and redemption, showcasing the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Join Alana and Baron on an extraordinary journey through a world where magic and destiny collide and where love may just be the key to salvation.

Ludinor · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


Baron is in his office, trying to work but his mind is full of memories of last night.

- What is it, Baron? You don't look concentrated today. - Dante says.

- I'm fine. I think.. I'll concentrate better if Alana was here. -

- She's on your mind? -

Baron admits by nodding. Dante smiles, very happy for his friend.

- I don't think I remember seeing you this happy. She's being so good to you. - Dante says.

- She's the one, Dante. I'm sure. -

- Why's that? -

- She doesn't fear me or disgust me. When I'm angry, her scent and touch calms me down… She desires me like I desire her. And you know women can't pretend to be aroused with us. -

- Oh.. You two went to the next level? How was it? - Dante is curious, and still happy for his friend.

- Magical. Unique. No woman ever got aroused by me, they pretended it and were always looking away to not face me. She looked me in the eye, her arousal filling the room… We made love four times yesterday and she wanted me every time. -

- Four times?! Do you want to kill her? -

- I know. I apologized. But she's so delicious… She also wanted to, even if she became exhausted at the end. -

- I see. I noticed that she treated you differently from the beginning. Maybe her background made her face real monsters and all of them didn't look like monsters. She doesn't judge by the looks. -

- Yes. I believe that too. -

- And… I'm sure she loves you. You're perfect for each other. A brute and a delicate flower. It ended up being the perfect match. -

They laugh.

- Idiot. -

- Queen Alana. The Queen of Dragons and Beastmen. - Dante says.

- I love that. -

- And I can see you're already working on my nephews. I can't wait to babysit my nephews! - Dante excitedly says like a little boy.

They heard a knock and it was a castle guard. He bows, greeting his King. Then a cloaked man comes inside and bows to the king too.

- Zain. Thank you for coming. - Baron speaks standing up.

Zain removes the hood from his head, showing his tanned skin and older face. He's bald and has a blond and gray beard, and brown eyes.

- My King Baron. I came as fast as I could. - Zain speaks.

- Thank you, again. I know you prefer living in your cabin away from political positions, but I need your help. - Baron says.

- I wondered why you needed my help to make me come here. -

Baron looks at Dante and nods. Dante leaves with the other guard.

He tells a quick story about his peace treaty with Veridia and a little about Alana.

- So you want me to see if this Lady Alana is really a witch and if she was sent to kill you by King Argus? -

- No. She's not on his side. And I'm sure she's a witch. Even I can sense her magic. - Baron says.

Then he explains a little about who she is and her past. Zain listens quietly, then he senses something coming from behind him and he looks at the door.

When Dante comes inside with Alana, Zain is shocked. He looks at her in amazement. All of them noticed the way he's looking at her.

Zain walks to her, looking around her and he can see a colorful aura around her, that it looks like he's looking at the most beautiful thing in the world.

- Alana, isn't it? - Zain asks her.

- Yes.. - She answers.

- My name is Zain… - Zain says, then looks to Baron. - Now I know why you called me here, King Baron. - He looks again to Alana, but in her eyes now.

Baron walks to Alana and wraps his arm around her, not really liking the way Zain is looking at her. Zain looks at her aura spreading around Baron slowly, like it was hugging him too.

- I called you here to teach her how to improve her magical skills, Zain. Can you help her? - Baron says.

- Tell me, child. What do you know about your magical skills until now? - Zain asks Alana.

- I know how to heal wounds. Make some fire, but I don't have much control of it. I can heal plants that are sick too.. I guess this is it. - She answers.

Zain nods, analyzing her answer. He didn't sense lies. He's also a beastman, so he can hear her heartbeat too.

- Since when do you have powers? And since when you hide them? -

- Since I'm a child. Since I can remember. - She answers.

Zain nods again.

- What are your father and mother's names? - He asks her.

- Palad and Elleanor Nightshade. -

- Do you know where they come from? -

She denies it with her head. Zain sighs, still amazed by her.

- You're killing me, Zain. Why are you staring at her like this? - Baron speaks.

- My king… She's not a common witch. I never saw such a big and bright magical aura in someone. Living as a slave made her conceal her magic, but I believe that also could hide her from being discovered. No one would imagine such a powerful witch would be a slave.. With all due respect. - Zain says. He looks at her again. - She just said that she created fire, and healed plants. Wizards and Witches use their own energies to create magic. She can take energy from nature itself and convert it into magic. This is more than uncommon. -

- What are you saying? - Baron asks.

- There's a prophecy. It says that one living being will appear that is capable of having the greatest powers of nature's magic. Another living being with the same powers will only appear again when the previous one dies. - Zain explains.

Baron, Dante, and Alana look like trying to understand everything.

- Are you saying that lady Alana might be this person? - Dante asks.

- I'm sure she is. I'm a Wizard for 40 years, I know many wizards and witches and I never saw such a strong and big magical aura. Even from the most experienced ones. - Zain affirms.

- Wait. What? Powers of nature? I can't be something like that. It's not possible. - Alana says, completely overwhelmed.

- I know it's something you all were not expecting to hear, but it's the truth. You did right calling me, King Baron. Not only to teach her but also to protect her. The prophecy calls her kind a Phoenix. A phoenix never dies, it comes back to life somehow. A Phoenix is hunted, because can be the most powerful weapon. Once people know, they will desire this weapon. If they can't have it, they will kill her so no one has it or keep her locked so she doesn't rebirth somewhere else. - Zain explains.

Baron's arm instinctively presses her closer to him.

- You always wanted me here and be part of Galard. Now I have a reason to stay. This is beyond political problems. - Zain says, taking off his cloak.

He didn't want to stay there too long, but now he doesn't pretend to leave at all.

- I think… I need some tea. - Alana softly says.

She's a bit drowsy with everything she just heard. Baron takes her to sit, then kneels in front of her and holds her face to look at him.

- Everything is going to be all right. I promise. You will be safe here. -

- It's not only me, Baron. The people of Galard will be targeted because of me. You will be targeted.. - She says, scared.

- I'm a dragon. Killing me is not an easy task. And being my Queen would already raise enemies' interest in coming here. Don't ever think that your people wouldn't die in honor to protect their Queen. -

- Oh… So, you two are really together? I wasn't expecting that from you, King Baron. - Zain says, smiling. - You tamed the dragon. That is even more uncommon. - Zain says to Alana.

- Save it, Zain. -

Alana chuckles and hugs Baron's head.

- I'm no Queen. I wasn't raised to be that. I just love a King. - She softly says. Baron smiles and hugs her too.

- A real Queen was never raised to be Queen, lady Alana. -

Dante calls Zain with his head. The woman just admitted she loved Baron, Baron needs to do something and Dante will give him the space to do that.

Zain and Dante leave them alone.

- Alana? - Baron says and looks at her face. - Do you really love me? - He asks.

- I do.. Shouldn't I? - She asks, worried.

- Alana.. - He kisses her firmly. - I love you too. I want you to be my Queen. You're the only one for me. -

- Baron, you're not only my king. You're my home. With you I can be myself, I feel safe. How could I not love you? -

He smiles happily.

- I feel the same. I can be myself and you always look at me with the same eyes. You don't fear me, you loved me the way I am. You made me stop seeing myself as an ugly monster, you made me see myself as a man again. - He says.

- I love you the way you are. For me, you're the most handsome man in this world. - She speaks, passing her hand on his face and chin.

- And I love you the way you are. -

They kiss again, deeply and passionately.

- We need to stop or else I'm going to take you on my desk. - He says trying to calm down.

He carries her to sit on the window.

- And you stay here. I don't want any man smelling your sweet arousal. - He speaks.

- It's your fault, you know? - She says awkwardly.

He chuckles and kisses her forehead.

- I know you're overwhelmed with learning about who you are. And that you're probably scared with what you will learn. Don't forget I'll be always with you and I'll protect you forever. - He affirms, holding her face.

She smiles and nods. She doesn't know what to expect from anything about the future. The only thing she knows is that she wants to hold on to him, but she also wants him to hold on to her and be himself.