
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

She decided to go out flying agen but couldn't find anything to decorate her sleeping chamber. Once she got back the screech death was gone and Scorch was in the garden. She saw he was alone as well. "So were did she go?" She asked.

"I sent her to a mental health healer because you know" he explained with a huff and smoke rose from his nose.

"You seem upset by this" she observed.

"I had to convince a dragon she is going crazy to protect you. It's cruel to do something like that" he swished his tail around and accidentally hit QuiverWing and the smell of blood is all they could smell.

"Oh my winds of life you're bleeding like crazy!" He almost screamed. She flinched when she walked on her left front leg. And then realised that her leg was like a waterfall of blood. Scorch scrambled to get cobwebs and he tried to stop the bleeding with them and went through the hole jar and she was still bleeding. "You're gona die of blood loss if this continues" he panicked. She felt dizzy and she wanted to sleep, she closed her eyes and felt a little jab on her ribs and looked over and her vision went blurry and then she passed out.

Everything was cold and dark she started to panic and she screamed "SCORCH!" She screamed for him over and over. The pain on her leg was starting to get unbelievable. She tried to run but nothing only darkness, she tried to call for Scorch but yet again nothing, only darkness. She began to cry not from the pain but the throght that she was going to die. A blinding bright light appeared infront of her and she dove towards it. She opened her eyes taking a deep breath, her mouth tasted of death and then she felt Scorch hug around her neck. "QUIVERWING you alive!" he cried into her shoulders and his voice alone make her burt into tires herself as she wrapped her claws around him.

"I thought I killed you, you stopped breathing and your pulse went I thought I killed you" he sobbed and she pat his shoulders. "It was dark and cold the pain but the bright light brought me back Scorch it's ok I'm alive, I'm here" she explained to him and stopped crying.

"I'm pretty sure the light is ment to take you" he continued to cry.

"I know but I'm here with you I'm clearly breathing, Scorch I'm alive" she said again. They hugged for a little while and once Scorch stopped crying he let go, he wiped away his tears and sniffled "I guess you gave me the cold" he tried to joke.

"How long was I gone then?" QuiverWing asked looking around.

"About 40 minutes" Scorch admitted.

"40 minutes! It felt like 5" she exclaimed.

"Really well at least now you know that I will cry over 40 minutes for you" he said awkwardly. She tilted her head.

"You cried from the moment I died?" She was more flattered then concerned. He fiddled with his claws looking embarrassed with a tear still running down his skull. She looked at her leg and there was no cut (blood stains but no cut) there wasn't even a scar. "Is that normal?" she asked him. She saw him turn then tilte his head.

"No it's not" he explained.

He moved towards her and examined her leg, "that is not normal at all" he continued. Then he got a bunch of different herbs and equipment to find out what happened. "You do know you can't just diagnose me with something to forget the fact I basically died, right?" She schooled him.

"I know but it's what I always done to help myself get over with something and you're the only dragon around" he explained sighing.

"You mean your king?" She guessed with a smirk. She saw him shoot up and look at her with a panicked look. "Hmm" he went.

"You heard me" QuiverWing nodded her head up, holding back laughter.

"You know, just die already" he said sycasticly.

"Already calm down I was just messing with you" she said whilst sitting up.

"Here just eat this and tell me what you tast" he said holding out one of his claws. She took it, snift it and then ate it. QuiverWing wasn't sure what it did tast like, first it was sweet then it was spicey and then it was milky. She told Scorch this, "interesting no one has ever said it was milky before" she nodded his head and then looked at the labels thinking. He then wrote something down and handed her another herb, the moment she bit down on it she spat it out immediately. "Thay is so spicy" she explained.

"Spicy? This herb has never gone spicy before" he did the same on a different label. She tried a bunch of different herbs some mashed together and others on there own. Most of them came out unexpected and others were common to have but Scorch still couldn't find an answer to her disappearing cut/scar. She went to bed with her stomach feeling wired and Scorch said it would be normal. She went to bed with a really full belly. She woke up in the middle of the night to Scorch laying down on the moss bed, "what are you doing?" QuiverWing asked in a sleepy confusion.

"I... I couldn't sleep and when you spent the night with me I felt like it was easer to sleep" he explained himself. QuiverWing was too tired to argue with him "just don't be too noise" she mumbled and fell right back to sleep. That morning she woke up and found Scorch cuddled up to her, she forgot what happened last night and just sprang up "what are doing her?" She spoke shocked.

"You did say I could spend the night" he argued. QuiverWing felt stupid and just layed back down "right I almost forgot" she felt something warm in her heart. She wrapped her tail around him and he hugged it, she made a little 'squeak' sound when he did.

"Pfft what was that?" Scorch giggled. She felt her scales tingle in embarrassment. "You don't have to answer I was only joking" he continued to giggle. 'Wait I'm actually cuddling with Scorch' she kept wondering how she even got this close with him. QuiverWing and Scorch spent another 2 hours together and she could hear him breathing peaceful agen, she then purred. She felt like past feelings were playing a part in this like it was routine. "Are you just gona purr all day then?" He asked and QuiverWing had a sting of shock because she didn't know he was awake. "You're awake?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Yep and so are you" he answered, rubbing his nose on her tail. She then began to lick the top of his skull and he started to purr. She saw him stretch out and nuzzle her chest she felt calm, loved and happy at that moment. When she tried to lick his neck she cut her tongue and he lifted his head and giggled like it tickled him. "Not my neck" he explained turned around and saw the blood on her tongue, "you ok?" His voice was more concerned then it should be. "Yes it has already stopped bleeding, don't worry" she advised him. QuiverWing stood up and stretched out "we should get some breakfast" she suggested.

He looked a little disappointed but nodded and went out the door. She followed him and when she got to the fish basket she released it was empty "want to go fishing with me?". He asked with a grin and nodded to the entrance of the cave. "Sure I would love to know how exactly you fish" she said narrowing her eyes.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough" he answered with a wink and then he walked out the cave she followed him to the lake.

When they got there he jumped in with no hesitation "Scorch your sinking!" She exclaimed.

"Oh I'm fine I'm undead remember I don't need to breathe" he explained.

"I feel like I can hold my breath for a while" she randomly blurded out.

"QuiverWing you're a chameleon dragon by theory you can hold your breath for a month"

"A month!" She didn't really believe it.

"Yep and I saw it my self back when my King was alive" he went from happy to sad with thay sentence.

"You know you're stuck with me now, right?" She asked in a jokey manner.

"Don't worry I know" he shock his head and dove into the lack and she followed his lead.

They got the bucket full and over flowing that they aye there fill on the edge of the lake. "Hey do you want to try cooked fish instead of frozen?" He asked.

"Sure thing" she agreed. He breathed a plume of fire on a salmon and past it too her. She took a bite and her world changed, the rich flavour and the soft meat and the temperature was perfect. Once she finished the salmon she liked her lips and glanced over at Scorch "that was delicious" she claimed. "I know, I should teach you how to breathe fire yourself" he suggested.

"You would?" She sounded more excited then she felt. He nodded and ate the rest of his breakfast.

She flew up the mountain with the fish basket in her back claws and Scorch on her back. She landed at the entrance and pushed the fish basket in place "wait how did you fill a fish basket on your own?" She asked out of curiosity. "I struggled" he answered as he stumbled to the garden "Well I gota teach you how to maintain the garden you coming?" He asked then swished his tail to signal for her to follow. She followed him to the garden and Scorch started the lesson immediately about how to keep the ground fertilised, how much water every different herb needs and were to put each herb were. By the end of the day she was sure she could make a hole new garden of her own.