
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 3

QuiverWing didn't know what to do or say that could help this poor dragon. "Where did she go!?" The death screech, screeched.

"QuiverWing you went invisible again. Can you even control it?" Scorch told her. QuiverWing relaxed her scales again and then shrugged, "I don't think I can not properly at least".

"I guess that's something you can practice then" Scorch sounded a bit frustrated about it. QuiverWing headed to the lake to go fishing as she was feeling a bit hungry and didn't want to depend on Scorch for food. She picked up an empty fish basket.

She spent a good hour or two fishing, when she realised that the basket was now full. She picked up the two handles and lifted into the air and flew back up the hill to the cave. When she got there, she saw the screech death asleep, curled up in a ball on a moss bed and Scorch finish the last fish in the other basket. "That's a lot of fish" Scorch whispered.

"I did spend a couple of hours fishing" she whispered back.

She had this feeling like she has had moments like this with him but she can't remember any of them. QuiverWing carefully placed the newly filled basket into the corner, trying not the wake the screech death. She then sat down and ate her fill and she saw Scorch giving her a funny look when she breathed ice on them. "You freeze them?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah you want to try it?" She offered holding one of them out to him. He just nodded and took it, you could hear the crunch of the ice when bit into it. Scorch made a funny "no thank you" face and handed it back, shaking his head.

QuiverWing shrugged and ate the once she froze and went back to bed. The next morning she woke up to the sound of a dragon screaming in pain. She dashed out to see what was going on, to see that the screech death getting her scratch cleaned out with salt water. She sighed in relief when she saw that no-one was getting hurt and then offered to help. Scorch said "you can hold her down so I can clean them properly". She did exactly that, when he was finished she let go of her. "You ok that seemed painful?" QuiverWing asked.

"Yes I will be fine now, it just stinged a bit" she responded.

QuiverWing went to the garden to rest the sun when she noticed some freshly dug up ground and labels of herbs. "Scorch!" She called out. She then saw his skull pop of of the cave, "yes what's wrong?" He asked, confused.

"What are those?" She pointed to the labels.

"Oh those, they are the gardens I made last night when I woke up, beautiful aren't the" he sounded proud.

"Is that the right amount of sleep for you?" QuiverWing wonderd.

"Not really but I can't sleep... I have... don't worry" he tried to do a dismissive head shake.

"No you're telling me" she narrowed her eyes and she can feel her purples turn from round to slits. "Why do you care exactly?" He was asking for general answer.

"Because I don't want you over whelming yourself" her voice was sturn and demanding.

"I've been having memories of how my King died... he sacrifice himself for me and the thrown was never secure after that. I think you can see that with Petle." He lowered his head in gref "he was the perfect ruler, he toughy me everything I know about healing."

"And you can't sleep properly now" she guessed and he nodded.

He then jumped up on a rock and rested in the sun. She mumbled to herself "I was gona lay on that rock" then she went to a cliff on the other side of the garden. She liked it up there, she could see the whole garden front up there and a bit in the cave. 'I can see Scorch in my resting position. Wait why would I feel like that is important?' She thought then questioned why she had this wired feeling for him. 'Is this friendship?' She guessed. She had a grin on her face as she went to sleep, since her last sleep was interrupted.

By the time she woke up it was past midday, Scorch was working on his herbs garden. "What you planting there?" She asked and he turned his head and called out "chilli's they help with colds and flues".

"Maby I could use one of those I think I come up with the cold" she snifiled and realised that her nose is blocked. QuiverWing was sure she saw his eyes light up with something that she could not recognise. "Sure thing come with me the herb that I use to diagnose colds is in there" he walked or skipped up to the cave and turned around to make sure she is still there.

As soon as he got to the wall of herbs he reached for a purple berry that smelled sweet. "Here eat this, if you have a cold it will taste soure and if you don't it will taste sweet" it looked like a big smile fild a ghostly aurora on his face. She took it and then ate it. QuiverWing immediately spat it out "aaaa that was so sour 'gag' but it smelled soo sweet" she cried.

"You must have a really bad cold for it to be that sour" he said in a sofy voice.

He then began to ruffle through labels and herbs until he pulled a yellow pepper out and gave it to her. "This will cure the symptoms but you should eat citrus like orenges and keep warm" he began to nod his head then she got it. "You've been starved for a patient haven't you?" He then looked embarrassed and fiddled his claws.

"I guess your right but I can't help it I remember being a very famous healer and was always looking for apprentices and helper and herb gardens but now" he turned to the garden then the sleeping screech death "nothing just empty it's not what I'm use to. I need to be busy to feel like it's normal I hope you can understand"

She tilted her head at him and then agreed to one of her plans to help him. "I could be your new apprentice if you want I mean I have helped you out a little bit" she could see the firey light burst into a forest fire in his eyes.

"Yes I would love that, you're gonna love the healing skill" he pulled on her wing to the garden and then she released that there was no turning back now. She spent the rest of the day learning 3 different types of herbs: ones that have to be in the sun, ones that have to be in the shade and ones that have to be 50/50. By night fall she could name over 30 different herbs and there property's.

She went to the fish barrow and split 3 ways between her Scorch and the screech death and went to bed. She felt proud that night, proud that she helped Scorch out and all the dragons in the future. But then a thought came apone her, Queen Petle she wants her dead the moment she finds out she is alive QuiverWing is dead. She couldn't sleep with that lurking her mind, 'I could go to Scorch he could be awake' she considered it for a while then got up and headed to Scorches cave.

She felt her claws scrape across the stone floors and then she nocked on the side of the entrance room. Scorch responded immediately "come in" she walked in and saw him standing on his moss bed and a sleeping chamber fire pit infront of it. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked but her voice sounded shaky. He tilted his head looking concerned "of course you can come sit down" he scooted over making room for her. She sat down and the moss was more dry than hers. "I can't stop thinking about Queen Petle and the snow leaps waring I can't sleep".