
The broken thrown. A new light. book 1

QuiverWing, the last chameleon dragon in Yutar, wakes up from an iceberg. She and the dragon who she wakes up with, Scorch, realised soon that an enemy wishes her death. QuiverWing must fight for survive or perish. Can QuiverWing survive or will she think of something different to stop the bloodthirsty enemy. Within her moments of waking and not remembering anything she finds love, friendship and hatred.

FunPup · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 2

Just a minutes later she arrives at the right cave. "Yep just what I thought everything is not here, guess I just have to rebuild" Scorch said with a sigh. He then began to reorganise the clay pots, wooden baskets and threw away the things that were not salvageable. QuiverWing just sat at the entrance of the cave watching him. "Umm, do you want any help?" She offered.

Scorch shot up from his conservation, "Yes you can take this basket" he shoved a basket in her front claws "and gather herbs for me. Any herbs you can see put them in there and thank you" he went back to organising. QuiverWing flew to the forest and got anything that looked like a herb and moved on to the fild were she could she lots of different types of herbs. When she got back at sunset the cave looked completely different. Clean and organised, no more dust and the cobwebs collected in a jar.

"Scorch you in the back!" QuiverWing called out. A small black skeleton emerged from the shadows, now covered in healing equipment. "That's a lot of herbs you found" Scorch said as soon as he saw the basket. "I guess you're wondering why I have all of this. Well I clearly remember being a healing dragon, I do remember a lot of it so I might as well go back to the thing I love."

QuiverWing just smiled and handed the basket over and he immediately began to put them in the pots. "Hey you even got yellow snipers, they are rare from what I can remember" he called out in a complement. "They are? They were everywhere in the fild" as soon as QuiverWing said that Scorch made a funny look. "There was no fild, only forest" he sounded lost and confused.

"Things must have changed, how long were we trapped?" QuiverWing tried to reinsurer him but only made him sadder.

"Who knows" he said slowly after a pause, then went right back sorting the herbs.

"So how will the other dragons react to an undead sky keeper?" QuiverWing asked by instinct, she felt like she said that very same question before. Scorch snorted a laugh "so you do remember, at least some facts. I know sky keepers are rare but an undead one!" A waterfall of laughter broke through him "but I remember being well known as the best healer in all of Yutar"

QuiverWing just fiddled with her back claws, she wasn't sure why it was funny. "I guess you wouldn't get it, it is more of a sky keeper joke after all" he stared down at his herbs. It looked like if he still had a mouth he would frown. "Is something wrong?" QuiverWing asked but she felt like she would understand. "Yes, no, I don't know. Its complicated, don't worry" he squinted his eyes the way all dragons would if they grind. "You know if you need to talk to someone you have me" she offered.

"I don't think you need to worry about me, I can take care of myself but thank you" he declined.

She wasn't sure how she felt. "Do you... remember meeting me?" He looked a little shocked by the question, but a bit uncomfortable at the same time. "Umm I don't truly know... I feel like..." he paused, unable to keep eye contact.

"You ok?" QuiverWing was more confused then concerned and it showed in her voice.

"I just need to get back to sorting these herbs out, there's a room in the back that I put moss down for bedding you should get some sleep" he swished his tail dismissively.

"Right, good night then" she didn't wait for a response and just walked to the room he signalled to. There was a bed of moss on the floor, not too damp, not too dry. It was perfect for her. 'I wonder how he got this bed perfect, or why he didn't want to answer my question' she thought to her self. She didn't need too long to fall asleep she was past out immediately.

She had a dream that night but she couldn't remember all of it. All she could remember was a hatchling but she couldn't remember what kind. She woke up to the sound of birds and for the first time she felt alone, she could be the last of her kind. What if Scorch is the only dragon she could relate to? Or if things go the wrong way and Queen Petle finds out about her. 'Wait I'm a chameleon dragon, my scales can be invisible. Hiding from her will be easy' she grind to the thought and she forced on a skill her instincts knew.

"QuiverWing you- wait your gone already? How you should of walked right past me" he narrowed his eyes.

"Didn't you sleep?" QuiverWing asked after hearing that.

"QuiverWing?" He jumped. She then relaxed her scales.

"How did I forget you can change your scales? That is the main thing you're known for." He smacked his skull with his front claws.

"Wow don't beat yourself up it's just one fact" she giggled. He just shook his head and shaped his jaw as if it was stiff.

"I got some fish from from the river and lake, feel free to have as much as you want"

She didn't realise how hungry she was she was. She didn't even eat any dinner last night. She watched him walk to his own cave and then disappear, she then walked to the large barrel that she saw the night before. She saw a large variety of fish, she took a few different once and try to breathe fire but only ice came out. 'Wait I'm an ice dragon?' she tilted her head and bit down on her frozen fish and made a nose of approval. She then did the same to all the fish she ate.

She spent the morning working on her reading skills on the labels Scorch put up and and ice beem on a rock in the over grown garden. By midday Scorch emerged from the cave. "So you can breathe ice?" Scorch sounded confused.

"Yeah I tied to use fire but ice came out" she explained.

"Well I did needed to kill those weeds so you helped me out there" he sounded calm now. QuiverWing bumped noses with him, she can remember that it ment friends. He just let it happen looking a little embarrassed.

"Can you do me a favour?" Scorch asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I need this garden clean of weeds and those tees and bushes can use a trim but don't get rid of them, thank you" he then turned and sorted the last of the herbs and getting seeds from most of them. QuiverWing froze then pulled out the weeds and with her (newly found) razer, sharp claws trimmed the tree back and the bushes into a neeter formation. She spent hours out there then once she was done, she noticed how beautiful the garden was and the cliffy walls proved the perfect herb garden. 'Maby thats why Scorch choose this cave' she thought to herself.

She wondered into the cave and saw Scorch with a wounded screech death, a deep scratch went from her shoulder to her wings. "What did that?" Her voice was filled with shock. The death screech tilted her head.

"So your saying this doesn't look familiar?" You could hear the sobs in her voice. "Dermana he is the screech death that got banished to the outlanders." It sounded like she could bearley talk.

"You don't have to continue" Scorch said quickly.