
The Broken Hero

It's dangerous to think of yourself as a hero and someone else as a villain

Demon_In_Hiding · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Double Points

Happening upon a city that appeared to have the sun setting on it was surreal, as I realised I came from one that was shrouded in darkness, and was delighted to know how strong I had become and for my future progression.

With the sun setting, I paid more attention to the energy entering my body to feel it virtually went down to nothing, to which I let out a sigh. Moving on from that, started walking around a little without being in my slow-mo mode, did really help to pass the time as I looked around for a target.

Being me, I got bored of that approach and decided to try to expand my hearing to envelop the city. Listening in on the most nonsensical dribble I had ever heard coming from around me, brought to exhale out of irritation.

Anyway, after a while, I found what I was looking for, so in my endeavour, I made steady progress, making sure as I got closer so that I wouldn't lose them amongst the noise of the city. Finding myself before an alley where I heard pleading coming from an office worker.

Looking closer, I noticed a group of thugs beating up the civilian who had blood dripping onto his work top, glancing away not paying any more attention as I thought of places nearby where I could store my UA uniform. Gazing up, I thought about being able to put the uniform on top of one of the roofs neighboring the alley.

Activating my speed, I went up to the roof door broking the lock leading me out to the roof and undressed, putting them under some cover just in case it rains. Standing up, clad in my black Kryptonian suit, and stepped onto the ledge just above the thugs.

I watched them for a little longer than I would like to say, but fortunately for me, they finally let the civilian, run along home, and my only reason for not stepping in was for no witnesses to see me last with this group, so if I did interrupt that would have been a massive inconvenience for the future.

With a devilish smile, I dropped off the roof and in between both walls of the alley, only because I saw they started getting comfortable huddling around each other looking at what they plundered from that guy who ran off.

Landing upon the concert floor, I heard the subtle crack of the ground beneath me, startling them into looking my way. Still holding onto my smile, I said "Oh, look here, villainy at the dead of night, so cliché"

The big guy out of the group who had metal spikes growing out from his body stepped up first will a snarl to his voice "Hey little man, what brings you to this side of town, don't you know what happens to wannabe heroes" as he towered over me, so he had to bend down to look me in the eyes.

My laughter began echoing through the confines of the alley wall when the big guy looked at me all confused by my actions, "What are you doing, don't you understand the situation you are in" holding onto my stomach as I finished off my laughter.

"No, no, no" I answered with a playful tone as I continued "I am here to do what society won't and that's cleaning out the trash, with a smile" as I finished the big guy went to retort "What the fuck is th-"

With a good fist sized indent now resting on the front of his chest, his body was flung back, smacking into all the junk that was littering the floor of the alley. However, his two little henchmen were still in a daze after their leader flew past them.

Walking up to the two of the startled them out of their daze as they got themselves ready to fight, to which I said "You know I have been wondering if people of this planet have stronger bone structures, hope you don't mind me doing a couple of tests do you"

walking closer to the both of them, the one on the left decided to through a hail marry right at my face, but I easily caught it, cupping my hand around it and smiled at him saying some kind words "Thank you, I didn't know I had a volunteer"

Leisurely applying more pressure into his fist caused him to buckle at his knees, and caused him to start pleading for mercy "Really, I just started, couldn't you do it when I actually broke a bone" and I did just that hearing the bones in his hand succumb to the forces I applied.

However, in doing, so I noticed a green cloud slowly flowed out from the man grasping his disfigured hand, I simply looked on with disgust and was also intrigued, but I also decided whilst he was on his knees I might as well break them as well.

Stomping on the man's bent knees caused him to howl out in agony, which also caused more of the green cloud to seep out of him I said, "I guess your bones are like all the other peoples, I am disappointed"

Although I was still quite curious as to what the cloud was, and I needed to find a guinea-pig to have them test it out from me, and began looking around to found the cloud guy's friend hiding away in the corner and smile.

Pulling him out of his hole, I lifted him up in the air and throw him over to towards the green cloud with him screaming for his mercy. As he landed within the cloud, he looked my way with rage in his eyes and started to curse my life and my family.

But I watched as he slowly started to melt, screaming in despair whilst his skin started to peel off his face and his clothes began to meld with his flesh as he slowly died, gurgling his own blood as his body slowly turned to sludge.

When the system happened to ding, giving me a good surprise tonight.

[Death Of A Human Found Near You 1 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Death Of Quirk User Found Near You 2 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Total = 3 Cosmic Energy Added]

Interesting, that's new, or maybe I was never able to see it as the system was hidden from me until only recently.

Suddenly a thought hit me, if I got the system notification for this guy what happened to the first guy I thought I killed, glancing further down the alley, and then directed my hearing down to hear that he was still breathing which made me smile brighter.

Stepping over to him, looking at him sprawled across the floor almost soundly sleeping, there with a serene expression. Seeing him all comfortable, I raised my foot and stomped down on his shin, hearing it shater and then soon a scream that soon followed after.

Wanting the shouting to stop, I picked him up from the ground with my hand clasped around his mouth. "Now, now we don't want someone hearing you" not that I really cared, but it was fun to torment him.

Throwing him into the wall, cracking it whilst his metal spikes punctured the bricks before he landed on his broken leg, making a groan. I gave him a nod for listening, but first I needed to just quickly kill that acid cloud guy.

Whilst he was still spewing out green puffs of smoke when I walked towards him to go along and entered into the cloud, reaching the man crying with his legs turned to dust and grabbed his head, forcing it into the wall.

Getting the whimpering to stop, I pulled my hand out from the wall, flicking the blood from my hand onto the floor, when I heard my system ping out.

[Doubled For Directly Killing]

[Death Found Near You Of A Human 2 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Death Of Quirk User 6 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Total = 8 Cosmic Energy]

Well, that's strange why was the maths wrong on the quirk front, I will figure that out later, but for now I want to go have fun killing the spiky guy. I spent the good a good half an hour tormenting him, pulling out those metal spikes that protruded from his body.

Molding the metal in my hand into different shapes and sizes, testing out how strong they were and buried them into his leg, pinning him to the ground with each of the metal spikes I pulled out from him.

Seeing so much blood all over the floor, as I went along and stabbed him again in but this time in the shattered shin wondering how much he would scream, and hearing it I was surprised he hadn't died yet when my system dinged again.

[Doubled For Directly Killing]

[Death Found Near You Of A Human 2 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Death Of Quirk User 10 Cosmic Energy Drawn]

[Total = 8 Cosmic Energy]

Good there died, but I still don't get why the number keeps changing.