
Morals and Promises

Olga and Irina left for the hotel a few hours later, just as the night sky began to lighten with the approaching dawn. Olga was the proud owner of a new implant: its glow was hidden under her thick hair.

Before Jake and Li Yang agreed to let her join their colony, Olga had to swear solemnly to behave herself and obey them—in both worlds. Jake wasn't happy with the way she sounded while she swore her oath of allegiance. He said:

"You don't sound like you mean it. You're fucking around with me."

"So far you're the one that's been fucking around with me," Olga snarled. "You fucking robbed me. I hope you realize that."

"I robbed Bobby, not you," Jake said smoothly. "I just took the stuff you stole from him earlier. And now I, I mean Li Yang and myself are offering you protection from Bobby, and a ticket to the New World. I think it's a good deal."