
An Offer You Can't Refuse

A few minutes later, Morello took Li Yang and Jake up to their room for the night. It turned out to be the very same room in which they'd stayed when they'd arrived at the hotel with Olga, after deserting from the Poet's camp next to the burnt-out Paradise Villas.

"It smells a little musty in here," said Morello, leading them into the room while holding the saucer with the candle in an upraised hand. "But that can't be helped. We haven't unsealed any windows on this floor yet. You want fresh, uh, fresher air, you leave the door open. Water's on between seven and eight. Cold only, but you're tough guys, you can handle it."

"Okay," Jake said doubtfully.

"I'm leaving you this candle. I can find my way around this whole place with my eyes closed. Make sure you kill any living creatures that want to share this room with you. Whack them the moment you see them, if you can see them."

"You mean insects? Like cockroaches and ants?" asked Jake.