
The Boys: Reborn as Soldier Boy

A 30 year old man is given a second chance at life when an attempt to save a child, a mystic order and a glowing gem would cause him to suddenly appear in season 3 episode 4 of The Boys tv show. Not as himself, but in the body of one Benjamin Gillman, aka “Soldier Boy”. Weirdest part, the child is still with him. Watch as he learns to handle the power, love and hate of the man he has become. All whilst trying to figure out what exactly he has brought with him into this world. “The universe is a machine for the making of Gods” - Henri Bergson (French philosopher) ——————————————————————————— This is my first attempt at writing, so please give me all the constructive criticism you can regarding grammar, writing and plot. I look forward to improving as the chapters start flowing and will update with any improvements you can provide. My upload schedule will be inconsistent. However, if I don't upload one week, the next week, I'll release two chapters so that you technically don't miss out. Due to a tie for the vote on a system, I will keep a character information chapter and update their stats there accordingly. (No levels, just to monitor progression) Expect to see the use of profanity and descriptive violence in this fanfic. There will be no sex scenes or harem I use the handle M.M Inferyes and Melancholic Melody on multiple sites.

MM_Inferyes · TV
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27 Chs


The feeling of the wind through my hair as I travelled under the star-studded sky filled me with determination to never be at the mercy of another again.

'Damn, freedom tastes even better than Jane Wyman's ass!'

With memories of the past at the forefront of my mind, I walked for hours through the Russian countryside, only taking a moment to relax once I could no longer see or hear anything related to that hell hole of a compound.

'I will never go back in that fucking box.'

Looking around for a place to rest, I noticed a group of trees surrounded by comfortable grass only 100 yards away. Crossing the distance in seconds, I gently placed Dawn onto a dry patch and sat by a rotten oak. Resting my back against the bark, I began to weigh my options as I stroked Jamie's head and looked up at the night sky.

'I need to wake Dawn up. I'm surprised she hasn't...'

My thoughts were interrupted by the sensation of a little paw patting me on the chin.

I looked down to find the inquisitive face of Jamie staring at me.

"Squeak?" Jamie seemed to question with a tilt of his head whilst pointing his paws at Dawn.

"What do you want, I'm thinking. Is it something about Dawn?" I replied in an annoyed manner as I looked over at her figure and saw no change in her situation.

The hamster nodded at my inquiry and began squeaking and gesturing wildly.

'Why can't I just get one moment of peace.'

With my senses telling me that Dawn was just deeply asleep and my moment of reflection disrupted by his continuous squeaking, I began to lose my patience.

"Look, Jamie, I don't fucking understand what you are trying to say, so stop the fucking squeaking!!" I said sternly.

The hamster suddenly stopped and began to stare intently at my head, his adorable golden eyes bulging with resolve.

'Huh, when did his eyes turn golden?'

"Jamie?" I questioned in confusion at his sudden shift in attitude.

~Master Boy, Child wake soon?~ An old and posh British voice suddenly whispered in the centre of my mindscape.

"What the fuck!!" I yelled in response, jumping up from the ground and into the branches of the tree like a spooked cat.

Due to my sudden leap, Jamie fell out of my lap and rolled along the grass multiple times.

With anger on his face, he stood up and began berating me with his squeaks.

I ignored his attempts to tell me off whilst I hopped down from the branch struggling to hold my weight, slightly embarrassed at my reaction.

"You can talk? And why the fuck are you British? Is this a fucking Paddington bear situation?" I asked him in shock as I approached him.

With a confused expression, he stopped complaining and once again began to stare intently at my head.

This time I could easily notice his feeble attempt at entering my mind. My natural defences had partially faded over the years of torture. However, my level was still way above many who have practised the art to their perceived idea of perfection.

'I'll have to improve upon my defences before I deal with Mindstorm.'

Interestingly Jamie's power level, whilst adequate, appears to be too weak to have penetrated my defences.

'I should've been able to deflect his telepathy or at least noticed his intrusion.'

I quickly scanned my mind and found the source of the issue. It appeared that the golden light had established a link between me, Jamie and Dawn. The only conclusion for this link I could fathom was that my subconscious trust in the little man and child allowed for the connection to form during my souls blending.

'I need to figure out this golden light shit soon; I know this has something to do with that fucking gem.'

The link was made of intricate patterns way beyond my understanding. However, one of its side effects seems to be a form of bond-tracking that Jamie had hijacked via his basic telepathy.

'Well, that can't happen again.'

I focused on allowing Jamie's attempt at communication to be diverted to a section of my mind separate from my core identity.

I was very quick in the process, as I could see he was struggling with the strain telepathy brings on the body.

Once the area had been designated, I allowed his message to come through.

Instead of words, this time, I was sent image after image of the hamster's life before he had been experimented on by the Russians. It was a life that could almost equal the torture we faced in the compound.

Starting with his doomed birth in a lab, he was quickly gifted to the daughter of one of the Russian scientists.

All was fine at first as they would play and watch films together, but then she grew bored, and when she was bored, she would experiment.

It was already disturbing enough that she clothed him in little dresses and called him the princess. This budding psychopath went beyond the average psychopathy present in little girls. One could wonder how such a level exists. Well, this bitch reached that unimaginable point by dangling him on the edge of death. She starved him, cut him, removed his appendages and gave him the bare minimum to stay alive. Even his cage was a form of torture, via its cesspool of filth and bones of the previous pets provided by her equally cruel father.

The only moments of relief in his life were when they would watch Batman movies and shows together. For some unknown reason, she was obsessed with Batman, and Jamie would be left alone to fall asleep to the reassuring voice of Alfred.

One day the father noticed with surprise and delight how Jamie was still alive even after the horrible treatment he was receiving. Interested in him as a specimen, the scientist grabbed him despite his daughter's tantrum at losing her favourite plaything and brought the poor creature to the lab to be experimented on.

Over time as the experiments with compound V and my blood became more effective, he healed from his wounds and began to develop sentience. With his thoughts gaining a narrator, he adopted the inner voice that comforted him the most during his times of hardship. The voice of Alfred Pennyworth.

'That fucking Russian pair of psychopaths deserve to feel so much pain that they beg for the sweet release of death!!'

I closed the transmission and allowed that section of my mind to be continuously open to only Jamie's specific brain waves.

'It should be less of a strain for him to talk to me now.'

"We aren't leaving Russia till we find those fuckers." I said coldly.

~Master Boy, I do want hurt them!~ The hamster whispered as he shook with anger that quickly turned to sadness. ~But know not where they be.~

"Even if we have to search this country brick by brick, we aren't leaving without some vengeance." I replied to the traumatised hamster, "Go rest and look over Dawn whilst I try and figure out a plan to get some clothes and find those Russian cocksuckers."

Jamie nodded and flew towards Dawn's peaceful figure. Just as he was about to reach her side, the hamster noticed an etching on the rotten tree that my back had previously covered. He got closer and then turned around with an excited squeak.

~Master Boy, I know place. Not far from village with mean girl.~ He said eagerly, his little face brimming with bloodlust.

'Looks like It's a family reunion.'


Authors note

So this is the second chapter of the week, and I hope you read the previous chapter note as it will influence the type of chapters you get next week. Additionally to those questions, I have three important questions to ask. Don't worry about spoilers as I won't always follow what you guys want ;)

1. What should happen to the little girl who tortured Jamie?

A) Jamie kills her

B) Soldier Boy kills her

C) They let her live

D) Suggestions

2. What should be done to Homelander?

A) Soldier Boy kills him.

B) Soldier Boy keeps him alive.

C) Suggestions

3. What should be Soldier Boys name to those close to him?

A) Soldier

B) Ben

C) Ambroise

D) Sol

E) Suggestions

Fun fact: Translucent is a new character created for the television show. In the graphic novel, the remaining member of The Seven was an "alien" character named Jack From Jupiter, a knockoff of DC's Martian Manhunter.

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