
The Boys: All for One

The Boys, a world of artificial superpowered beings all given their abilities by Compound V, a drug developed by a nazi scientist brought to the States. So how does something from a fictional world relate to me, well if you must know it's because reincarnation is real and this world was also real, aka this place is my new home. I was also born to a couple of well scumbag is too nice a word for the people who sold me out to Vought. They essentially abandoned me and Vought experimented on me, injecting me with Compound V. The only problem, there were no noticeable effects or superpowers, and even when they tried to test me, nothing happened. They thought that perhaps my powers would show themselves when I hit puberty and so they set me up with a foster family, leaving me to my own devices while they well took care of me being the operative word (who knew a cruel and monstrous company like Vought would also know equally terrible people) and for thirteen years nothing happened. Well, not until I met a super who had superspeed, well not as fast as A-train (I think) but still extremely impressive, and well I took it. I took their ability and made them completely normal and while they had some Compound V in them still they no longer had their ability and now I do. The first thing I did, was murder my foster parents and destroy their bodies using an explosion to fake their deaths. Why I did it, because Vought an insurance policy for me and them, in the event of their deaths, was enough to put me through business school (something I wanted to go to in my previous life but never had the chance to) now I'm here, with a stack in the company with all the supers at my disposal, who life can be amazing at times. (I don't own MHA or The Boys and they belong to their respective owners, same as the cover image, and this is based off Komega's web novel)

Dr_Insane001 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


"You're probably wondering why I didn't use Zinc in my element, why did I let Homelander see my face and let him live."

I said to the Nomu as I was cleaning up the remains of the two humans who failed to become Supe's and eventual Nomu's. The only one to remain had grown hundreds of eyes and was bleeding out before I took the ability and made it better. I gave him the regenerative abilities all the other low-ends had, super durability, and finally well Homelander and the eyeball guy weren't the only ones with laser vision although this one was far weaker, still strong enough to kill a person but it was on the weaker end. 

"I wanted him to, I want Homelander to live so that Vought stock remains consistent and if they play this right they could go higher which means more funds for me."

"I mean an organization as large as the one I was going for doesn't get that kind of cash out of nowhere out stupid is that, and I would also like to keep my current lifestyle."

I heard a door open and I knew that it was the other low-ends bringing in more supe's for me to turn.

"Also Zinc, the place I ordered from might've had it but not for the reasons I needed it for, and also who the fuck would ask for a zinc mask or for zinc to somehow be involved in the manufacturing process."

"Well, that and I'm also human I forget things, and this was more of a short-term and rushed plan than one carefully thought up and planned."

I began putting away my cleaning supplies as the last remains were taken care of by the Nomu.

"No the biological weapon selling plan is more long term, I sell to both criminal contacts in the underworld who now know me and would want to do business with me, and to the US government once I show them what I have."

"Now for the human rights concerns angle, well are you really human anymore, I mean I pumped you all with so many powers it's a miracle you're alive."

One by one the remaining Nomu brought down the super test subjects, including the middle-end which had scored "Zeus" or something like that. He was an older middle-aged guy who could control lighting, not as well as Stormfront but decent enough to grab my attention. He could also fly and like a lot of other supes had regenerative capabilities, with a few more powers I might be forgetting. 

"Hey your back, and oh boy did you bring back a good haul, set them over there, and make sure they're chained up don't want them to try escaping."

"Now why, that is a big question, well it's simple profit and control, I want to make an amazing stream of income and to make my own little rival organization, the Vought for the criminal underworld so to speak."

"So to do that I needed to have the right products for sale, aka you guys, and well the control part is a little harder to explain."

"I want to shape this world in my favor, in my little organization's favor, and well I need Vought around to keep churning out supe's by the dozens and then I use them for whatever I need them for."

In the background, I could hear the chains clamping down on them, as I got the remaining Compound V injection ready. 

"I remember in season 4 I think or somewhere around that time that Homelander wanted to be King of America or like Caesar or something."

"I did die before I could watch the other episodes, although the friend letting me watch on their Amazon Prime account and I was fighting a bit, probably over something stupid like people do."

"Anyway, control is all I'm after, and Homelander being the company's number one product gives me all the profit I need."

"Then when Stormfront comes into the picture oh now that is going to be a good day to know how Compound V is made."

"The only question now is what to do with Ryan, the only natural supe in the world, I mean do I leave them alone to try and see if he develops more powers or just take his abilities."

"That question is very important because it reveals whether or not I need people with Compound V flowing in their veins to take it or if All for One works on natural supe's."

"If more natural born supe's are born then I can have a continues source of new powers to experiment with but if it's the first one then I need to figure out a strategy on how to get a continues supply of people."

One by one the supe's woke up and one by one I took their abilities making sure they couldn't break their chains.

"But I don't want to be too cruel, sorry for blabbering for son long but I just don't have anyone to talk to except for you my brain dead monsters."

Taking a string in hand and approaching the first supe, a young man in his early twenties and had the ability to freeze things when touching it. Problem was he would get frost bite and he couldn't weaponize it or use it for whatever they wanted, that and he wasn't a popular hero when he was in Vought payroll.

In the end he became a standard issue low-end Nomu, which I was hoping wouldn't be the case but well you can't win them all. In fact "Zeus" wouldn't be the new Middle-end Nomu, no that would be a middle age woman who was extremely tall and had arms hard as steel.

I gave her a durability power that turned her body hard as metal, which actually helped increase her original ability power. Next I gave her one of the speedsters power making her fast and deadly, next minor regeneration which would help in making her not a glass cannon.

Then I felt my phone ringing and I got it out of my pocket looking at who was calling.

"Who look whose calling me, Madelyn, this shoudl be a fun conversation."

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