
The Boy whitout a name

The Story of a boy and his Journey for Revenge

Rouge_Uchiha · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

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As the Boy and the Girl walked they began to grow hungry. "Hey, Murihito when was the last time we ate anything?" The boy said as they walked. "Hmm if I had to guess we had our last meal two days ago." She answered. "Man some Boar sounds good right about now you know." The Boy said as The girl stood still. "Hey what are you doing?" the boy asked "Nothing." She replied in a shaky tone of voice. "I can hear it in your tone what's wrong with you?" the Girl then fell to her knees gripping her abdomen. The Boy Rushed back to her. "Hey hey tell me what's wrong so I can help." the boy begged "I gotta find something to eat," she said the boy kneeled beside her. "Don't worry I'm gonna find some game for us." The boy said as he began to rush off. "No that won't work," she told the boy. The boy Lifted his haiori sleeve "how about this?"

the boy said presenting his forearm. "But I don't wanna hurt you." the girl said she turned her head. "If you won't do it then ill do it for you." the boy said before he bit into his forearm "Stop you gonna fuck yourself up." "Don't worry demon blood remember." he said whit a mouth full of his own bloody flesh "Here Eat it and on the bright side I can see how fast it heals." He said as he handed the girl the flesh "I won't accept it next time." She Pouted The Boy ignored her Pouting "Shh Do you hear that?" he asked the girl. "Hear what?" she Responded "The Sound of steel clanging and whatever it is it coming this way." As she looked around she could see Seven Armored Figures Just as he finished Speaking A young man Leaped from a Tree above Down Behind Murihito And The Boy "Amon the Targets Are in range!" He yelled as 12 other boys Jumped out of Corresponding Trees and onto the Seven Figures Driving Blades into them. The Young Man Then Grabbed murihito and the boy and fled "why we're you two just standing there like you never seen a shogun and who are you two?" the young man asked the two as they passed through a passage in-between two large stone walls. "Shogun Like Warrior?" The boy asked, "We'll talk more when we get to the Resistance Camp also what are your Names." The Young Man Asked the Two "Im Murihito." The Girl Responded. "And You?" The Young Man asked Looking at the Boy "It's Not Important enough to remember So I don't." The Boy Responded. "Fair," The Young Man Said Before Mimicking a Sparrows Call in Front of a Wooden Gate. "What are you doing?' Murihito Asked the young man. "Just wait." he said as the Gate Began to Open "Hey You know our names so what's yours." The Boy asked the Young Man "It's Isski Isski Suzuya." He replied As 10 younger kids Ran up to him "Big Bro Isski how was the Raid?" one asked, "Did you Bring Toys like last time?"

"Woah Woah Woah guys don't worry We Brought Toys Clothing Food and much more but Amon is Transporting it." "So that's why Big Sis Amon isn't here." A kid responded "Amon she sounds like a Passionate Character when can we meet her?" Murihito Asked Isski "Isski You Bastard!" Isski laughed "We'll speak of the Devil and She appears."Amon Dropped the Sack of goods She carried and approached the Three. You Bastard You Forgot to grab the Cloth and Potatoes!" She Roared She turned to see Two new faces "Isski where'd you find these Two?" She asked "When we were returning from the Raid. I found these two surrounded by Shogun. So I and the others stepped in I'm guessing the shogun were there because of the border. Isski Answered and this one Arm Sleeve is Bloody." as he walked off Amon Extended her hand "Nice to meet you two This is our Little Slice of Chaos." She said as she shook the Boys hand "Yoo Amon Catch." Isski yelled as he threw her the Bandage Wrap "Thanks Isski!" She said as she Snatched the boy's arm sleeve up and Wrapped his arm. When the boy walked outside he was surprised to see the girl handing out toys. "One for you and one for the cutie right here." She said Pinching one of the children's cheeks. The boy Smiled Well "Murihito is enjoying the kids." As time began to wind down Amon Began to Prepare the Foul that they had hunted days Prior in front of a Fire with the help of Murihito. "Muri I'm going to go find Issei." The Boy said as she ruffled her hair. Amon looked and Smiled "Is he your big brother?" Amon Asked Muri. "He's Much more to me he my better half to put it simply." She said while Fidgeting. "Oh, So he's your Lover," Amon Said As she brought a mug up to her lips. Murihito Spit out the Foul she was Chewing "No no no nothing like that." She Proclamed while blushing and stumbling over her words. "Ok, I get so he is your Lover," Amon said as she took a sip from her cup. As The Boy and Isski Sat in Isski's Tent. Isski asked The boy a question "Your eye it's dead I'm not sure but it looks that way am I right?" "Yeah, your right it happened some ago but what's your guy's problem with the Shogun?" He asked to avoid any more questions "They Ransacked our Village Took what they wanted and killed who defended themselves or family My Older Brother was in our shack and heard what was happening he took up his blade to defend our mother but he was cut down along with my father." "And your mother?" The boy asked, "I and her fled into a nearby forest and hid as the days passed at first she was ok but when she would see my face she couldn't help but cry the loss of a child drives a mother to do unthinkable things she committed seppuku." Im sorry to hear it's in the Past but the Past is my Driving Force." "Hmm, Vengeance Is my Justice as well" The boy Explained what had happened up to this point "Oh so we share the Same Hardships." As the Boy Looked over he saw Isski Fast asleep As drifted off not long after.

End Chapter 7....