
The Blessed Farm Girl Has a Spatial Pocket

# BLESSING As soon as she opened her eyes, Li Fu’er had not only just been born in a farmhouse in a mountain, but all her luck that she was supposed to have had also been taken away. Her grandmother was a wild savage, and thought of Li Fu’er as an unlucky child. She would beat and scold Li Fu’er every day. Her aunt thought she was an eyesore and added oil to the fire all day long. She treated her as a servant of the family, and was tempted to skin her from time to time. Her cousin was arrogant and was the one who stole her luck away. She even planted evidence to frame Li Fu’er for her near death. Li Fu’er’s father was the only person in the family who wanted to protect her. However, he was incompetent and cowardly, allowing the older three family members to work her to the bone and bully her. A dignified and lucky girl had been treated worse than a dog in that household. *** But now that she was reborn, she would take back everything that belonged to her! With a spatial pocket in her left hand, and medical skills in her right, plus all the luck from Heaven! No one would stop her from doing what she wanted! Those who wanted to hurt her would feel the hurt on themselves! Those who wanted to scheme against her would find it turned against themselves! As for those who were good to her, she would bless them. [The peasant girl who transmigrated into a novel with a lot of luck VS the hidden royalty of the dynasty]

Lost Hustle · Général
Pas assez d’évaluations
40 Chs

Not Marrying

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

Li Fu'er looked back at her.

Madam Li looked away in disgust. She quickly realized something and turned back to ask her to leave. She had something to say to Second Brother!

Li Fu'er did not leave. She faced her grandmother directly. "Grandma and everyone changed their attitude towards me because of this?" She looked at her father.

Second Li's expression changed.

"What did you say?"

Madam Li's voice immediately became sharp. She was just short of calling her a b*tch, as if something had been exposed.

Li Fu'er quietly pointed out her guilty conscience?

"Why would I feel guilty?"

Madam Li said sharply, "Sister Fu, I've already said that I have something to say to your father. You shouldn't listen to this, Second Brother."

She talked about the stupid girl and then faced her Second Brother.

"Mother, I want to know too," Second Li said.

Sister Fu shouldn't be listening, he wanted to know what she had to say.

"What do you know? Second Brother, you don't believe me either? Just like Sister Fu, you're thinking about everything. Sister Fu, our family just wants to treat you better. When you grow up, you have to get married. You don't want to stay at home either." Madam Li found an excuse.

Li Fu'er looked up and made no comment.

Second Li opened his mouth. "Mother."

"Sister Fu, you're not ashamed of your marriage at all. If it were someone else, they would have left long ago." Madam Li suddenly said.

Second Li also felt that Sister Fu was not shy at all. Was she too young?

"What's there to be embarrassed about living such a difficult life?" Li Fu'er replied as she looked at them. She could say whatever she wanted.

"Grandmother and the flower woman must have agreed long ago?"


When Madam Li heard this, she was about to mock her. As expected, this brat Li Fu'er knew!

"The flower woman came to my door and only talked about my marriage? Second sister isn't young anymore. She looks older than me. She doesn't have to marry? Or do you want to throw me out alone and sell me off to marry me? How much silver will the flower woman give Grandma afterwards?"

The meaning of Li Fu'er's words was unclear.

"Sister Fu!" What! Madam Li's face twisted and she reached out to hit her.


Li Fu'er dodged.

Second Li stepped forward to stop her.

Madam Li could only endure it. "Sister Fu, Sister Yan isn't like you. There are many people coming to her door to propose marriage. Do you think she's like you? You have a bad reputation and are born to suppress others. You're also the eldest in the family. You've never married. What do you want your family to do?"

She questioned her.

"I can't compare to Second Sister, but if it weren't for Grandma spreading rumors about me jinxing my family, would my reputation be like this? In the past, I didn't understand and thought that I really jinxed someone! Now, I don't feel that I jinxed others. Instead, I feel that I'm lucky. Look at me living well until now. It might be Second Sister who's unlucky," Li Fu'er retorted calmly.

Madam Li Wang retorted. "What happened to Sister Yan? What do you mean by I caused it? It's the truth, and you're blaming me?"

"We'll find out in the future. When it comes to Second Sister, you're like this. Can you calm down?" Li Fu'er narrowed her eyes.


Madam Li looked down at her with contempt and narrowed her sinister eyes. "Don't waste your efforts comparing yourself with Sister Yan!"

Li Fu'er said she didn't compare herself with her. What was there to compare?

"Mother," Second Li said as he was not happy about this.

The Li family…

"No matter what, I don't want to marry and go elsewhere. I want to be with Father," Li Fu'er made clear.

Second Li was very touched. "Sister Fu, Mother, I also don't want Sister Fu to get married too early."

"No way."

Once again, Madam Li told them that she had an agreement with the flower woman to marry her to someone no matter what—

"Mother, I wanted to say it just now. You agreed without explaining things clearly." Second Li's expression was unhappy.

"What's there to not understand? Who else would I harm? I've already asked clearly. This is for Sister Fu's own good. Look at how disrespectful Sister Fu is to her elders now. She runs out all day and jinxed us at home. She beats and scolds us every day. If your heart aches, who doesn't?"

At this point, Madam Li Wang glanced at Li Fu'er and stared at Second Brother.

Li Fu'er felt sorry for her? Stop joking.

Second Li said, "Mother, Sister Fu went out because of you." He wanted to explain again and tell his mother.

"Second Brother, there's no need to say anything. I just think that instead of this, it's better to let her get married and r learn something. In any case, she'll have to get married sooner or later. With her life as a jinx, you know that she won't be able to marry into a good family. Now that the flower woman has come knocking on our door, she might as well settle down. The flower woman is from the village and is an acquaintance. She won't lie to us. We can't keep her at home forever." Madam Li thought that she was telling the truth.


Second Li felt that his mother was right, but she also felt that something was wrong. "What were those two people like?"

Madam Li smiled. "One of them has ears that can't hear very well, but he's from the county. His family has money. The other one has legs that are inconvenient. It's good that he doesn't mind Sister Fu." She looked at the smelly girl.

Li Fu'er looked at her father.

"Mother, let's not talk about whether the other party despises her or not. Sister Fu won't marry such a person! Mother, how can you think of that!" She was going to marry someone without good hearing or had bad legs? Second Li directly said that he wouldn't let his daughter marry into such a family!

Madam Li thought to herself that it was fine as long as there's money at home? She anxiously said, "Sister Fu is not that good either. If she doesn't marry someone like them, there won't be anyone to marry. Why don't you learn something from the flower woman!"

"Learn what?" Second Li's expression was already ugly.

Madam Li Wang said, "I heard that going to a rich family—"

"Mother!" Second Li immediately refused. "I'm not selling my daughter!"

"It's not selling her," Madam Li said.

Li Fu'er had held back until now. "Not selling?" she asked gently.

"No, it's learning things. What do you know? You and your daughter are dead-brained. Do you understand?"

Madam Li said in a low voice.

Second Li did not understand.

Li Fu'er did not understand from the beginning to the end. It was difficult for Grandma to think so much and say so much to persuade her father to agree with her. "Grandma just doesn't want me to be at home. Only a dead person will marry into such a family! Do you want someone to marry them? You can marry them! Or sell yourself!"

She told the truth.

"Sister Fu, what did you say? How dare you say such a thing!"

Madam Li did not expect Sister Fu to dare to say that. She raised her voice and wanted to attack her.

Second Li had no emotions. He blocked her again. "Mother." He didn't want her to say anything.

"Second Brother, look at you. It's all because you've spoiled Sister Fu. You just treat Sister Fu like a fairy. It'll be too late to regret it if she can't get married!"

Madam Li was furious and pointed at the father and daughter. She couldn't pretend anymore.

"Sister Fu is fine, Mother."

For once, Second Li's face darkened.

Madam Li exploded. Since she couldn't continue pretending, she might as well stop pretending. "Second Brother, listen up. Sister Fu, you have to marry one of them even if you don't want to. You have to marry! You ungrateful, shameless brat!" As she spoke, she wanted to hit and pinch her, but she didn't manage to!

She had to throw this ingrate out!

Her face nearly contorted at the end as she revealed her true intentions.

"Mother!" Second Li took her hand.

Seeing that he had pulled her back, Madam Li's face recovered a little before it was twisted again. "Second Brother, I'll say this. Sister Fu, if I have to tie you up, I will. It doesn't matter if I drug you or not, you know who I am! Sister Fu!"

Second Li was silent. Li Fu'er was equally silent.

The three of them faced each other.

Madam Li felt that she had no choice but to listen.

She left.

Li Fu'er looked at her grandmother's back. After a while, she looked at her father. No one was coming over. Perhaps that was why her grandmother was talking to them like that.

"Sister Fu, your milk." Second Li opened his mouth to speak.

"Father, there's no need for this," said Li Fu'er.

"Father won't let you marry—" Second Li said immediately.

"Father, you should pay more attention to the family these two days," Li Fu'er whispered.


Second Li hesitated.

Li Fu'er remembered that she didn't give her father any food and said that she would send it over when she had time.

Second Li wasn't in the mood.

When Li Fu'er saw that her father had left, she saw Li Yan'er after taking a few steps.

"Big Sister." Li Yan'er stood in front of her.

Li Fu'er ignored her.

Li Yan'er couldn't help but whisper, "What did I do? You're not really dead. Why are you pretending?"

Li Fu'er stopped and turned back. "Are you an idiot? If I want to kill you and spare your life, do you have to thank me?"

Li Yan'er was confused.

Li Fu'er saw a little boy appear behind Li Yan'er and glare at her.

He was her youngest cousin, Li Yan'er's younger brother.

She returned to the room, closed the door, and lay down to rest.