
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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57 Chs

Chapter 9- Thriller Bark Part one

2 months later...

I woke up in a fit of coughs, because of the smoke coming in through my window, I got changed and looked outside to see Captain Smoker, waiting for me, I jumped out the window and landed on the sidewalk using geppo. He didn't look too happy, then again when had he ever been happy? He looked at me once over and sighed, taking a large puff of his cigarette. 

"Look, Ryusaki, the navy has given you a mission that aligns with your talents."

"What is it, captain?" I was growing more impatient.

"You have been sent to retrieve the body of someone who once had the power to rock the seas!"


"Your ancestor, Shimotsuki Ryuma."

My jaw dropped and my mind started working overtime, why does the Navy want Great Uncle Ryuma's body, should I comply what should I do?

"Ryusaki, his body is in the hands of an evil man, yet we can't risk our relationship with him as a warlord!"

"WHO IS IT!?" 

"Gecko Moria, the shadow fruit user."

I allowed the statement to sink in, and then I just nodded.

"The sword's mine, that's a family heirloom."

"Take it, we just want his body."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Run tests, see if we can somehow make others like him, it would be a great thing for Vegapunk!" 

"And do I get a say?"

"You would if it was Sengoku's decision, but this time, the Gorosei called the shots, there's a little marine ship, with a single cabin, toilet, and kitchen waiting for you at the port, oh, and don't forget to pick up your month's food supply from Tashigi!" 

I walked dejectedly, down to the port, making sure I stopped at the base. Tashigi-san was waiting for me, I walked into the base, where she stood with 3 sacks of food, I picked them up onto my shoulder and looked at Tashigi, "Arigato Tashigi-san" she blushed a little before regaining her stature, "My pleasure, commander Ryusaki-san!" I smiled at her and made my way down to the port, feeling a little less like shit.

The ship was around 2x smaller than the Merry, that the straw hats have, I reached out and grabbed it, feeling using my devil fruit for every object on the ship, once I was sure I had everything, I used the Oki-sa Oki-sa no mi to enlarge the ship by 20xm and I watched as each room extended, the ship became a full galleon, and I clambered on board, for secrecy, I tore down all the Marine sails and replaced them and scratched out the marine insignias on the ship, and I was ready to sail.

As I entered the open seas, there was one thing that bothered me, I hadn't checked the system in a while, what if my stats had gone up? 


Strength: S

Stamina: AA

Speed: S

Haki: AA

Sword: S

Defence: A

DF: Oki-sa Oki-sa no mi 

DF Mastery: 100/500 Maximum Increase = 30x

Moves: Gravi-smash, Gravi Wreck, Gravi Death, Weight Loss, Baloon, 0kg, Blink, Blink and slash, Blink-dash-slash-gravi-smash combo. 

Haki: Good armament, Good observation, Normal conquerors

Occupation: Marine

B$: 210,000,000- Marine Salary = B$1,000,000 per year for now

The ship cuts through the open sea, and I find myself alone, leaning against the weathered railing as the moonlight paints a silver path on the restless waves. The Marines have entrusted me with a solemn mission—to retrieve the remains of my ancestor and the legendary sword, Shisui. The isolation of this journey only deepens the weight of the task ahead.

The nights are long, and the days endless as I navigate the vast sea in solitude. The rhythmic sounds of the waves become my constant companion, a reminder of the isolation I've willingly embraced. The monotony of the open sea tests my patience, but I know that the destination holds secrets that could shape the destiny of the Blackthorne lineage.

Days turn into nights, and I spend my time honing my swordsmanship on the ship's deck, the steady movements a form of meditation. The shimmering reflection of moonlight on the water offers the only variation in the otherwise unchanging scenery. The ship becomes both my sanctuary and prison, the wooden confines echoing the solitude of the open sea.

As the ship sails farther from familiar waters, I study the map repeatedly, plotting my course towards the designated coordinates. The island, surrounded by an air of mystery, remains elusive on the distant horizon. The journey becomes an odyssey of self-discovery, an introspective voyage into the heart of my family's legacy.

Solitude, however, is a fickle companion. The creaking of the ship's hull, the howling of distant winds, and the occasional splash of waves against the bow become haunting echoes that whisper in the silence. In my quarters, I reflect on the sacrifices made by my ancestors and the duty that now rests upon my shoulders.

One night, a storm brews on the horizon, dark clouds gathering ominously. The ship groans and pitches as the waves grow tumultuous. I battle the tempest alone, steering the vessel through the chaos. Lightning streaks across the sky, revealing glimpses of the treacherous sea. The storm rages on, and I cling to the mast, determined to navigate the ship safely through the maelstrom.

In the heart of the tempest, as the ship battled against the furious onslaught of wind and waves, I clung to the mast with a determination that echoed the resilience of my ancestor, Ryuma. The roaring sea seemed insurmountable, but with each calculated maneuver, I steered the vessel through the chaos. Lightning illuminated the tumultuous waters, revealing looming walls of waves that threatened to engulf the ship. The hull groaned under the strain, but the sturdy vessel held steadfast against the tempest's wrath. Hours passed like an eternity, until gradually, the storm began to relent. The clouds dispersed, the wind's fury abated, and the once-turbulent sea transformed into a gentle undulation. As the first light of dawn painted the horizon, the ship emerged from the tempest, battered but unbroken, a testament to both its resilience and my unwavering determination to reach the elusive island that awaited on the distant horizon.