
The Blade Of The Marines

The swordsman at the cusp of the world, the anti-hero of the marines, the Lord of hell, Asura's reincarnation, demon souled monster.

SMMCLIPS · Anime et bandes dessinées
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57 Chs

Chapter 51- The platform

The tension in the air was palpable as Marineford stood as a silent witness to the impending storm. The execution platform, a grim stage set for a tragic spectacle, loomed ominously in the heart of the colossal fortress. The platform, crafted from sturdy materials and adorned with the insignia of justice, stood as an embodiment of the harsh consequences awaiting those who dared defy the might of the Marines.

Soldiers, clad in the iconic marine uniforms, moved with precision and purpose. Rifles were shouldered, swords sheathed, as they lined the perimeters with unwavering resolve. The air crackled with the anticipation of war, a symphony of hushed murmurs, and the rustle of uniforms against the breeze.

At the heart of the assembly stood the execution platform, a stark reminder of the merciless justice that awaited those deemed a threat to the world's order. Its wooden surface bore the scars of past executions, a chilling testament to the grim history etched into the very foundations of Marineford.

I, alongside the other admirals, stood at the forefront of this orchestrated chaos. My gaze was fixed upon the structure that would serve as both the stage and the altar for the imminent execution of Portgas D. Ace, the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The moment was solemn, a prelude to the grandeur of war that would soon engulf the seas. The executioners, masked in stoic determination, awaited their orders with unwavering discipline. Their expressions were a reflection of the gravity of their duty—a duty that transcended personal sentiments.

As Ace ascended the steps of the platform, the weight of his legacy and the inevitability of his fate hung heavy in the air. He walked with a demeanor that spoke of both resilience and resignation, the dichotomy of a man bound by the threads of his lineage. The eyes of the Marines, both seasoned veterans and fresh recruits, followed his every move.

Upon reaching the summit, Ace defiantly refused to kneel. His refusal, a testament to the indomitable spirit that had defined him, elicited murmurs from the crowd. The moment hung in a delicate balance, the silence pregnant with the weight of the impending execution.

However, the resolve to maintain his standing would not go unchallenged. With a subtle gesture, I invoked the powers of the Oki-sa Oki-sa no Mi. The air itself became denser around Ace, as though the very gravity conspired to bend his will. The pressure intensified, forcing Ace to yield and kneel before the inevitable.

The execution platform, now a stage for the unfolding drama, bore witness to the clash of ideals and the unyielding forces that sought to suppress them. The Marines, steadfast in their duty, stood as guardians of order, ready to execute justice upon the seas.

Yet, just beyond the imposing Gates of Justice, a dissonant noise reverberated through the air. The abrupt disturbance interrupted the ominous silence, sending ripples of uncertainty through the assembled Marines. The gates, a formidable barrier that separated the realm of justice from the unknown, seemed to shudder under the mysterious force that lurked beyond.

The resounding noise beyond the Gates of Justice echoed through the corridors of Marineford, creating an unsettling atmosphere that permeated the air. The assembled Marines, their attention diverted from the execution platform, exchanged wary glances as the mysterious disturbance continued.

The clatter of armor and weapons resonated in the air as the soldiers shifted their focus, eyes scanning the horizon beyond the imposing gates. The rapid response unit, poised and ready for any unforeseen circumstance, stood on the precipice of anticipation.

As the noise grew more pronounced, a ripple of unease swept through the ranks. The uncertainty was palpable, a stark contrast to the calculated order that had characterized the preparations for Ace's execution. The platform, once a stage for the solemn enactment of justice, now stood as a testament to the volatility of the sea.

The other admirals, their expressions concealed behind stoic facades, exchanged meaningful glances. It was a tacit acknowledgment that the unexpected had breached the fortress of predictability, leaving a lingering sense of disquiet.

At the heart of the commotion, Ace remained kneeling on the execution platform, his eyes fixed on the distant Gates of Justice. The weight of his impending fate mingled with the ominous aura that emanated from beyond the imposing gates. In that moment, even the air seemed to hold its breath, as though the very sea anticipated a revelation that defied the confines of expectation.

With a sudden, thunderous crash, the Gates of Justice began to swing open. The movement was deliberate, slow, and deliberate as if revealing a secret that had long been concealed from the prying eyes of the world. The metallic creak echoed through the fortress, intensifying the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

As the gates parted, a ship emerged from the shadows, stepping into the light cast by the harsh sun. The abrupt silence that followed was broken only by the rhythmic footsteps of the intruder. The Marines, still recovering from the initial shock, adjusted their stances in a display of vigilance.

The mysterious ship, clad in adam wood that shone with ethereal grace, walked with a measured pace. The weight of their presence commanded attention, and the air seemed to quiver with an energy that transcended the mundane.

The identity of the intruder remained shrouded in ambiguity, a puzzle that defied easy resolution. The admirals exchanged glances once more, their collective gaze shifting between the unfolding spectacle and the enigmatic figure who now stood before them.

Ace, still on the execution platform, watched with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. The unforeseen turn of events had momentarily diverted attention from his impending fate, leaving an opportunity for the unexpected to unfold.