
The Black Cube

A soldier reincarnates in another world after dying because of otherworldly beings. https://www.patreon.com/Azavok700?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

Hell_Dragon_Azavok · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

2 Years, 2 Months Later,

In the Mansion's garden, a kid is seen writing on a paper with a brush and beside the paper is an ink bottle.

The kid looks extremely cute and has silky black hair till his shoulders.

From the elegance he has been writing, it is really shocking to think that the letters in the paper are written by a small kid.

"It has already been 3 years since I came to this world." Jack said to himself.

He had grown very much these years and already has height similar to 4 or some 5 year kids.

After his investigation or collecting information from the servants and his mother, he was able to acquire the knowledge about his last name.

His full name is Jack Von and he is heir of the Von Family.

His Father is the leader of the family and he has still not come back from that day.

When he became 2 years old, he was already able to speak fluently so he asked his mother to teach him reading and writing.

From that day he regularly learned from his mother, about how to read and write.

His mother is really a very good teacher as he can very easily understand her.

In this world, the invention of a pen has not been made so he wrote with a brush and ink.

From constantly reading and writing for a year and his muscle memory about writing from the previous world, made it very easy to grasp it.

He was already able to write fluently like his mother after only 6 months.

In his previous world, he was right handed so after he became fluent in writing with a brush with his right hand he started to write with his left hand.

His mother had caught him writing with his left hand once.


" Jack why are you writing with your left hand, aren't you right handed."

She observed his writing with his left hand and it was like a beginner's.

"I was curious why people can only write with their one hand, so I tried to learn it. If after sometime I am not able to write with this hand then I will once again switch it to my other hand as I can already write with it."

She was really shocked at his words.

"There are some people who can write with their both hands but they are one in a million so you should not expect much from this." She said after thinking.

But seeing that Jack became sad at her words, she panicked and quickly replied.

"But don't worry as my Jackie is so good and diligent, he can definately do it."

Then she started to play with him by squeezing his cheeks.


"Sigh, my cheeks hurt. She really pulls it very much. If this keep going on I will look like a bull dog in my youth."

Jack sighed as he started to write once again.

As he was writing someone grabbed him from behind and before he could resist, he was already in the air.

"Aww my cute baby is so diligent in his studies."

Hearing the voice, Jack felt a shiver on his spine.

His mother Alice Von once again started to squeeze his cheeks and Jack has to once again endure the torture of his cheeks pulled apart.

"Mother, please stop it's embarrassing."

"You are only 3 years old, don't pretend like an adult." She started to play with him more.


"Ahh, why is my kid so mature for his age."

This drama repeated for sometime then she said.

"Alright, for squeezing your cheeks ask anything from me."

Jack was overjoyed and quickly said "Tell me about our territory and outside world."

"Hmm, you are really a bookworm."

"Okay, so as you know we of the Von Family have very big territory but we are only a drop in the ocean."

She thought for a moment.

"Our Continent name is Black Diamond Continent and there are 5 Empires in it."

She looked if Jack was attentively listening or not then once again started.

"The Empires are further divided into 5 Kingdoms and it is determined on their armies, defences and riches they have."

"The Kingdoms are also divided into 5 territories each with their respective ranks."

She drank water from a glass on the table then continued.

"Our Von Family is 1st rank and the ruler of the largest territory of the Jade Kingdom. And Stigma Family is the ruler of the 2nd rank, Huck Family of the 3rd rank, Sion Family of the 4th rank and Roger Family of the 5th rank."

"Even if we are rulers of our territory, we are still subordinates of the Royal Family Drake whose Palace is in the centre."

"Our Jade Kingdom is the subordinate of Empire Crystal which is ranked 3rd out of 5. And Jade Kingdom is ranked 4th in the Empire."

She sighed then said "This should be enough for now, I will tell you more when you grow up."

Jack looked shocked because from this it can be deduced that he was really a drop in the ocean and this world seems to be many times bigger than Earth.

"Okay, I have work to do so I am going and don't run everywhere when I am not here."

"Mother, you already know that I don't do these things." Jack said.

"We both know." She said and went to the inner area of the mansion.

After that Jack went to his room and started to meditate.

For 3 years, he had meditated everyday with diligence.

His meditation also profited him very much and now he can remember everything which he learns and can quickly understand anything.

He was still not able to sense anything in the surroundings but he was able to sense something in his body and others also.

It was perhaps life energy, Ki or Qi. He will ask about it later with his mother if this world has magic or anything similar.

He didn't want to ask right now because it will be too suspicious if a kid asks something like this.

He had also planned few future goals.

Which are;

1- To do Yoga and gymnastics after he is 5 Years old to become flexible and more dexterous.

2- To learn about this world more.

3- To practice archery and swordsmanship when he is old enough.

4- To practice close combat and train his body altogether when he is old enough.

5- To find more about the family and his father John.

These were his main goals for now.

He meditated for sometime then went to his mother.

As he entered her room, he saw her crying.

"Mother, why are you crying." He said hugging her from the back.

" I was just thinking about your father."

She turned and hugged him then said " Don't worry, mother will not cry."

Jack nodded and cleaned her tears.

"My Jackie is so good, he cares so much about his mother."

She teased him and played with him for sometime.

They had the dinner after sometime, then went to their rooms.

Jack slept as he hugged his mother.

"Husband come back quickly, I can't do all this without you anymore."

She thought sadly as she also slept.