
The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back

wAndrea's world turned upside down after giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, only to be told by her husband's girlfriend, Monica, that she had given birth to a stillborn girl. "I'm sorry to break the news to you, Andrea. Your baby was dead before it came out of your womb. You gave birth to a stillborn baby," Monica's words cut through her like a knife. Her husband kicked her out of the house and sent her to prison for a crime she never committed. After six years, she returned to the United States, but this time, she's out for revenge. She will make him, his girlfriend, and his mother pay for everything they did to her.

Constance_9529 · Urbain
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One-night Stand.

The alarm from my phone woke me up. Last night was simply amazing. And the sex was out of this world.

I was on fire last night, and Henry Dragon was a sex god. I couldn't help but blush as I thought about our passionate night.

Still shy to steal a glance at him, but as I summoned up the courage to, lo and behold, he was gone. Left without a trace.

Alarmed and furious, I clenched the duvet.

"I thought we had something special," I whispered beneath my breath.

I couldn't believe I just had a one-night stand. What if Lisa were to find out about this?

I quickly got up from the bed, put on my clothes, and ran out of the hotel room.


Three months later, I found out that I was pregnant. Yes, you heard me right. The morning sickness, the bloated face, and all that. My cravings for mushrooms. Yuck. I used to hate mushrooms a lot.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to go to the hospital to know what was wrong with me.

Alas, the doctor spilled the beans.

"Miss Andrea, congratulations. You're pregnant." Hold my beer, you say what?

But how could I be pregnant when I hadn't had sex with any man for three months now? These were the thoughts I had in my head before the event that took place at the hotel three months ago started to creep in.

I thanked the doctor, took the envelope from him, and headed straight to the Dragon's mansion.

The security at the mansion was really tight, and the guards were looking at me suspiciously, like I was a criminal. Even after I told them I was friends with Henry Dragon, they wouldn't let me in because they hadn't seen my face around there before.

I heard one of the guards calling Henry on the phone, telling him I was there to see him.

"Okay, sir, we'll do that right away," said the guard.

"I'm sorry, miss, but I have to throw you out. Mr. Henry says he doesn't know anyone named Andrea," said the guard, his neck veins pulsing with anger.

"Well, I didn't lie, sir. Say these exact words to Mr. Henry. It's the real one and not the other fake one who tried to seduce him. I'm the girl from three months ago. I bring good news to him." I gave the guard a smile.

He reluctantly walked to a corner and called Henry again.

I could hear Henry cursing at the guard for disturbing him, but then he stopped when the guard relayed my message.

A smile spread across my face, and within a minute, Henry was standing in front of me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his backyard before letting go. My hand was red and swollen.

"Why did you bring me here like I'm a criminal?" I asked, feeling anger rising inside me.

"I could do worse if you don't tell me why you're here," he said, trying to keep calm.

"You left me at the hotel like that? And I thought you were a gentleman.

Anyway, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you I'm pregnant with your child." I rubbed my belly and shot him a glance.

He started laughing like he was possessed or something. I thought he was trying to be discreet a while ago; had the devil already taken over him and made him mad?

"Go and look for the man that is responsible for that thing you're carrying; it's certainly not mine.

Do you know how many girls have claimed to be pregnant with my baby? They are countless. But if you still claim that the baby you're carrying belongs to me, then I suggest you get an abortion immediately."

Before I could reply to him, a voice cut in and startled us both.

"She would do no such thing, Henry." We quickly turned our heads towards the direction the voice came from.

It was a woman in her late forties. Dressed so elegantly and speaking so eloquently. From the way she looked, the way she talked, and from the look on Henry's face, anyone could tell that she was his mother.

She had eavesdropped on our conversation and heard everything.

She walked up to me and held my hands.

"Is it true? Are you really pregnant with Henry's child?" She gently squeezed my hands.

I nodded my head and smiled but didn't dare to utter a single word. I could see the excitement in her eyes.

"Look, Henry, if what this girl says is true, then you must get married to her at once. You will not bring shame to the Dragon family, and that is final," she said to Henry.

"Come, my dear, you will live with us from now on. And in a week's time, you will become a Dragon. I will personally see to it that your wedding will be the talk of the whole town."

Wow, this woman was nothing like her son.

She was such an angel. As we walked past Henry, he stopped his mother and told her that he would never marry me.

And nothing in the world would ever make him change his mind. Even if God were to come down from heaven, he would never change his mind.

"We shall see about that," was his mom's reply.

Fast forward to one week later, we both got married just like his mother had said, but the wedding was just an ordinary one, nothing special.

Although I heard something strange. I heard that his mother had threatened to kill herself if he didn't go ahead with the marriage plans. He had no other choice but to succumb to his mother's threat.

Well, even though my husband, Henry Dragon, the most handsome man in the country, did not love me, at least I had his parents on my side.

I couldn't wait to see the look on Henry Dragon's face when he finally got to meet his son when I finally gave birth to him.

I was sure he wouldn't have any other choice but to love me and completely forget about his girlfriend.