
The Betrayed Wife Strikes Back

wAndrea's world turned upside down after giving birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, only to be told by her husband's girlfriend, Monica, that she had given birth to a stillborn girl. "I'm sorry to break the news to you, Andrea. Your baby was dead before it came out of your womb. You gave birth to a stillborn baby," Monica's words cut through her like a knife. Her husband kicked her out of the house and sent her to prison for a crime she never committed. After six years, she returned to the United States, but this time, she's out for revenge. She will make him, his girlfriend, and his mother pay for everything they did to her.

Constance_9529 · Urbain
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36 Chs


"You look very hot tonight," I said, reaching out to hug my best friend Lisa. Her raised eyebrow told me she wasn't impressed with my outfit.

"Thanks, Andrea, you look, um, well," she stammered. Couldn't she just give me a nice compliment back?

Lisa was what every man dreamed of. She was a natural blonde, unlike me, always dyeing my hair to match hers.

Her bright blue eyes could capture anyone's heart, while my dark brown ones didn't seem to attract anyone, no matter how much makeup I used.

Honestly, my eyes just didn't have that charm.

We were both in our mid-twenties, 26 to be exact, and we had been friends for a long time, like sisters.

But Lisa always went for rich guys. She had never dated a poor guy in her life.

I didn't really like hanging out with her. She always got the best things and left me with the leftovers.

I had tried really hard to look nice tonight because she said she'd introduce me to some hot guys at the club. But after all that effort, all she said was,

"There's no way you're going out with me dressed like that," she said, pulling out a pink shot that could pass for pants and a black sleeveless top that would leave my breasts exposed for the whole world to see.

"The same outfit again," I screamed angrily inside my head. Very typical of her.

But beneath those kind gestures, I knew what her true intentions were. She never let any opportunity to belittle me slip away.

She liked getting all the attention and praise. If a bitch was a person, it would be her.

I couldn't bring myself to tell her that I didn't want to put on the same outfit as her. I mean, come on, how could I? That would only piss her off, and I wouldn't get the chance to meet those hotties she had promised to introduce me to tonight.

"Thanks, I really love it." I took the outfit from her and put it on, but in my heart, I couldn't stop cursing her for being such a bitch.

"Great, now I'm finally dressed like a slut. I guess this is how the girls dress in the club." Murmuring was never my thing, but I found myself doing it whenever I was around her.

She drove me in her new Range Rover, gifted to her by one of her rich boyfriends, or should I say sugar daddies.

As we stepped into the club, the guys were all staring at her.

About three guys were already in line, trying to shoot their shots at her. Was I invisible or what? I wondered.

These tall hunks couldn't be more heartless. None of them spared me a look.

They used their tall backs to separate me from her. I felt like a fool standing there, stretching my neck to catch a glimpse of her and waiting for these guys to be done with blowing her trumpets.

But she dismissed them quicker than I thought. She obviously wasn't feeling them, probably because they were all broke, I guessed.

We went to the VIP section to chill and relax, and Lisa paid for everything.

We were both sipping our drinks when a waiter came with a drink on a tray.

"Excuse me, Miss, that gentleman over there wants me to give this to you. He would like to speak to you if you..." Lisa cut him off in the middle of his sentence.

"I don't want to know who that gentleman is. If he is not man enough to come here himself, then he doesn't stand a chance," she said, rolling her eyes in disgust.

"But I wasn't referring to you, Miss. I was referring to the other Miss," he said, pointing at me.

I could bet my lungs she never saw this coming. Lol, it was the look on her face for me, served her right.

She was shocked beyond words. She couldn't understand why any guy would choose to buy me a drink when she was sitting right next to me.

I stretched out my hand to collect the drink from the waiter, but she stopped me.

"Where's your pride?" She turned towards the waiter immediately after lecturing me about how I needed to know my self-worth.

"Go and tell him to come here himself if he's serious, no wait, can you point to us where this guy is sitting?" She said as she rolled her eyes.

The waiter stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction where a young and very handsome tall man of about 27 was sitting so gracefully. Immediately, Lisa caught a gleam of him, the glass in her hand fell to the ground.

"Wait a minute, is that who I think it is? Is that Henry…" For some reason, she didn't finish her sentence, and I knew it was because of me. Weird, right? I know. She was stuttering too.

"Are you alright?" The waiter and I asked.

"Yes, yes, I'm okay, Andrea," she replied hesitantly.

The young handsome man got up from his chair and walked into one of the private rooms there at the VIP lounge.

"I guess he's already tired of waiting. But you're free to go into the room if you want," said the waiter. But before I could reply, Lisa excused herself from the table and pulled the waiter aside to talk to him.

I waited for her until she was done talking with him, but to my greatest surprise, she walked past me and avoided my gaze as she walked into the room the handsome stranger had just gone into.

I quickly got up from my chair and went to meet the waiter.

"What in the world just happened?" I clenched my fist.

But he chuckled at me and told me that my friend had played a fast one on me.

He said that she had pulled him aside to confirm if the young man who had offered to buy me a drink was actually Henry Dragon from the famous Dragon family and the CEO of Blueview company.

"She begged me to let her meet Mr. Henry instead of you.

She said, Mr. Henry would prefer her over you because she's way more beautiful than you. So I'm guessing you're Andrea, am I right?"

I ignored his stupid question and angrily walked past him. I grabbed my bag from the chair and started walking towards the private room.

I opened the door and walked into the room only to be stunned by their disappearance. They were nowhere to be found.

"But I never saw them leave. Where could they have gone?" My eyes wandered all over the room to see if there was a secret passage there or something.

"They're probably at his hotel by now," I turned to see who said this and found out that it was the waiter.

Like someone who had just caught her cheating boyfriend with her best friend, I ran out of the room and didn't look back until I found myself outside the club.

After catching my breath, I took a few steps away from the club but then stumbled upon a man who was about to get robbed. He looked tipsy.

I began to scream to ward off the robbers, and it worked. The robbers ran away immediately they heard my screams.

"Excuse me, sir, are you alright?" I asked the young man who almost got robbed.

Fortunately for him, I was standing right next to him to catch him as he was about to fall to the ground.

"I think you're way too drunk to be out here alone. You could get robbed for real this time. Do you want me to call someone or a family member to come pick you up?" I asked out of the goodness of my heart.

Not until I discovered who I had been speaking with all along. It was Henry Dragon. The betrayal that left me for Lisa.

"I'm done babysitting your ass," I said as I pushed him away.

But as I turned to leave, he held me back.

"Oh, I remember you," he said, trying to maintain his balance as he staggered.

"You're the real one and not the other fake one who tried to seduce me. I waited for you, but you never showed up. What happened?"

Regardless of the fact that he was drunk, I was on cloud 9 when I heard him say all that. This was the first time in my life that a guy chose me over Lisa.

It felt like a dream, and to top it off, he was not just any guy; he was Henry Dragon. Everyone knew how rich and powerful the Dragons were, especially Henry Dragon.

My cheeks turned red when he held my hand.

"Can you please take me to my hotel? I'm totally wasted," he said. I agreed to take him. I was very happy to help him.

When we got to his hotel room, I helped him onto his bed and removed his shoes.

"Good night," I said. I couldn't stop smiling, admiring his tall, 6'4 physique, handsome chiseled face, mesmerizing blue eyes, and sexy body. I didn't want to leave.

I wished we could have gotten to know each other if not for the alcohol. He lay on the bed like a log of wood.

I put my handbag on my shoulder and tried to get up, but he pulled me back.

"Goodness gracious, I thought you were already wasted?" I said out loud.

I felt electricity jolt through my body as he held my hand and stared into my eyes. My heart skipped a beat.

And at that moment, I knew right away that he wanted to fuck me so bad.

But how could I say no to this handsome stranger right in front of me? Was that even possible?