

(Alex P.O.V)

I enter in the physics class and look around everywhere for Elena to see sitting her in the back of the class near a window looking outside. Alex goes and takes a seat next to her.

"What are you doing?" she asks looking at me.

"What is it wrong to sit here?" I ask her.

"No, not at all, it just that you usually sit with your friend and I'm not one of them," she said smiling at me, I was about to say something when Mr. Anchor come into the class and started the class.

"Good afternoon class," Mr. Anchor said while writing today's date and the topic he is going to teach us.

"Good afternoon Mr. Anchor," class said to him.

"It's funny how this is the only class I have with you," I whisper to her with a smile in my face.

"We had more than one class together," she said and chuckled and I look at her shocked.

"What---" I was about to ask her but cut off by Mr. Anchor.

"Okay class turn to page no 348 and read page no 352," Mr. Anchor said cutting me off. I open the book and do as Mr. Anchor said. The class goes as usual and in the whole period, I kept thinking if we have more than one class then why didn't I saw her ever.

"Ring Ring," the bell rang signaling that the class was over. She packs up her stuff up and walks out of the door. I pack my stuff and follow her.

"Hey, stop," I said stopping her on her way to the next class.

"What is it?" she asks turning to look at me.

"What do you mean we had more than one class together?" I ask.

"Wow, you must be blind or just think I'm invisible," she said with a wide eye.

"Why do you say that?" I ask dumbfounded.

"We have been in some of the same classes for almost 5 years," she said.

"A-are you serious?" I ask shocked.

"Well yeah, you didn't notice me then why would you now," she ask suspicious and I was speechless don't know what to say.

"Well I have to go to my next class now, see you later Alex," she said and walk to her next class and I take a breath of relief.

"Ring Ring," the bell rang signaling for the next class and I run to my next class and do as same but didn't find her so I walk and take my usual seat. I did the same within every class until the school gets over.

I walk to the locker room to see her keeping her books in her locker and taking some for doing homework with her.

"You know that I just realize you didn't answer my question," I said to her while looking at her and smirking at her.

"What question?" she asks.

"That we should hang out sometime," I said in a duh tone.

"Hmm...Maybe I didn't answer because I don't want to," she said cockily.

*Playing hard to get huh, oh baby you don't know me yet, I am that person who gets what he wants just wait and watch,* I thought.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I don't hang out with guys," she said in a duh tone.

"Oh so you hang out with your 'Girlfriends'," I said emphasizing girlfriends with my fingers.

"I don't have girlfriends nor do I have any friends," she said.

"You can't be serious everyone has friends," I said shocked.

"Well I don't and I don't want any friends," she said.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's none of your business, well I have to go home goodbye Alex," she said and walk out of the locker room.

I walk after her to see a black car pull before her she sits inside the car and the car goes away.

I walk to my car and drive away to my house. I enter my room and take a shower and get dressed in shorts and a shirt. Then I walk to my bed and drop myself on it. The whole conversation between us just keeps repeating in my head.

"Ugh, how couldn't I have never seen her in my classes, and for 5 years she has been in the same class as me. How couldn't I notice her?" I ask myself sitting up and putting my face in frustration.


"Well, of course, you didn't notice me cause you always pay attention to the pretty girls," she said.

"Well yeah, you didn't notice me then why did you now," she ask.

"I don't have girlfriends nor do I have any friends," she said.

"Well I don't and I don't want any friends," she said.

(Flashback ends)

"No!! I can't feel sorry for her, I have to do this bet if she doesn't want any friends then I will force her to become my friend no matter what," I said to myself.

"Alex honey dinner is ready," my mom called me.

"Coming," I said to her and leave for dinner. After dinner, I get in my bed and go to sleep while thinking of her.

Next morning I get up and get ready for school. I reach there in 15 minutes and walk towards my friends.

We were talking for some time outside the school when Aman turns and look at Elena walking towards the gate then turns back to me.

"Hey, there comes your girl," he said looking at me. I turn around and look Elena walk passed us and walk inside the school.

"Do you have the plan to get her on your bed?" Aman asks me.

"Of course I do, I got to go, I have a girl to catch," I said and walk inside the school.

"Hey," I said following after you.

"Oh it's you," she said turning to look at me.

"What do you want?" she asks looking annoyed.

"Nothing, I just want to say hey to you, it's that wrong," I ask her.

"No, not at all, it just feels weird for you to even talk with me," she said and shrugged her shoulder at me.

"Why? because we talk yesterday," I ask her confused.

"Yes but that was after you found out who am I," she said with a shrugged.

"Let's forget about this, why don't we hang out with each other, so that we can get to know about each other," I offer. She looks at me speechless then said.

"No thanks," she said with a smirk on his face and I looked at her dumbfounded. No one and I mean no one has ever rejected me, well this is going to be a lot of fun.

"I should go, I don't want to be late for the class and you should either," she said and walk out of me.

"My goodness, this is the first time I have been rejected, well it's time for the plan be," I said to myself and walk to my class.