






Because the life of a mermaid is distinct from that of humans, when Mamila learned that there is life beyond the ocean, she did everything in her power to taste and experience it, despite the fact that doing so put the lives of people she cares deeply about in grave danger.

Will she be successful in reaching her goal? Or is this journey going to turn out to be a nightmare?


Note from the author: Please be aware that certain chapters contain hot erotic and mature content. R18. 


The Summons To Life


Jerome swam restlessly around his castle, wondering how long it would take the Queen to deliver the baby; he was now concerned.

"Your Majesty, the Queen has two daughters; very pretty ones at that," Kelin, the Queen's personal maid, said smiling.

"Really?" he asked, his face bright with smiles.

"Yes, your Majesty," she replied, bowing her head.

"This calls for a celebration; I want to greet my children in grand style; I want to consult the seer; I want to learn everything about their present and also predict their future," he smiled.

"Of course, your majesty, I know very well that their future will be bright and will bring a lot of success to this kingdom, also your majesty, they have a very peaceful face, this means that their presence brings a lot of health and wealth to this kingdom, they are truly gems of blessings," she said happily as he smiled proudly.

"I like what I'm hearing, and I really appreciate you saying it," he said, still smiling.

"Yes, your Majesty," she said as she walked away.

"My lovely daughters will be the pride of this kingdom," he boasted.

"My lovely daughters will be the pride of this kingdom," he boasted. 

With a grin on his face, the king asked the seer, "Tell us, we want to know the fate of my daughters, the beautiful princesses of this kingdom."

"Your Majesty, their blue eyes represent purity, and these two will undoubtedly bring nothing but pride to our kingdom," He said and  a servant smiled.

"Yes, your Majesty, I agree, today is one of those rare days when we danced around in harmony, it is a blessed day," Festus said and chuckled from ear to ear.

"Of course, the beats will begin once their fate is determined," a young maiden explained.

"I can't wait to dance today," said another young lady.

"Yes, my people, today every maiden will dance to her heart's content, and the young men should pick their brides as soon as possible," the King said, smiling as the elders among them laughed.

"Yes, your Majesty, you truly understand what these fellows want; you are the true king of this kingdom," an elder said, as the youths laughed.

"I appreciate all of your comments, and I must say that your words flatter me," he said, smiling.

"Your Majesty, the seer has arrived," said a servant, bowing his head.

"Your Majesty, these two have different fates," the seer said, wielding his seal's power.

"We are not expecting them to have the same destiny, seer; everyone is born with their own destiny, and the fact that they are twins will not change their situation," Kelin smiled.

"Yes, dear, my daughters will bring different fortunes, but I hope no one brings bad luck," Queen Vanalse said and smiled.

"What are their names?" asked the seer calmly.

She replied calmly, "Calypso and Mamila."

"Calypso is the prettiest, calmest, and most beautiful; she will bring great fortunes, riches, and fame to this kingdom," the seer said, smiling as the people cheered in delight.

"I know they're just right," Kelin muttered with a smile.

"Your Majesty, she will become the apple of your eye, your most valuable treasure, and the one you will cherish the most," the seer said cheerfully again.

"I don't want any favoritism in their upbringing, your majesty; I want you to love them equally," Queen Vanalse said calmly.

"You're getting scared, lady Vanalse, there will be no favoritism in their upbringing," Jerome said, smiling.

"I'm just saying what's on my mind; if you don't treat them equally, there will be a lot of problems in the near future, and this will not be good for anyone," Queen Vanalse said, putting on a worried look on her face.

"It's fine, my lady; I promise to do exactly what you want," Jerome said, smiling.

"But, seer, you're only mentioning Calypso; what about Mamila? We're curious about her future as well "Kelin stated.

"Miss predictor, you want to hear everything so you can prove to me that you are always correct; it appears you don't want to be patient at all with this." "Vanalse explained calmly.

"Of course, your Majesty, I don't want to lose and I need to hear everything so I can celebrate my victory," Kelin said with a bow.

"Her future is mysterious, full of adventure, she will go beyond the unimaginable, she will cause chaos, she will bring doom to this kingdom, she is a problem we must solve now before it is too late." "As everyone stared at each other, the seer blurted out.

"What exactly do you mean, seer? How do you put it?" Jerome demanded angrily.

"Your Majesty, I only tell you what I saw; I am not lying," the seer said, bowing his head.

"You must be insane to say that," Jerome exclaimed.

""Your Majesty, we must eliminate her before it is too late," the seer declared boldly.

Queen Vanalse's eyes welled up with tears as she said, "You want to kill my daughter whom I suffered to have, you want to make me childless, and you want to ruin me completely."

"Your Majesty, you are not permitted to cry in front of your subjects, it's forbidden in our land; they must not see your tears or they will all go blind." Kelin spoke out expressing concern as she observed everyone covering their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"No one dares make the Queen cry, seer, and it appears you have forgotten that," Kelin yelled angrily.

"Forgive me, your Majesty, I was simply speaking the truth; I don't want to lie about anything because the goddess will strike me dead if I do," the seer said calmly.

"Shut up!" yelled Jerome angrily.

"If you say anything bad about my daughter again, the goddess will not only strike you dead, but she will also destroy your corpse," he yelled angrily.

"I apologize, your Majesty." "The seer expressed his fear.

"Do you even understand what you're saying? How can you speak against this kingdom's great princess? You appear to have developed the ability to fly "An elder lamented.

"Your Majesty, it is true that twins do not have the same future or even present, but this seer cannot tell us that our princess is so bad that she will bring us doom, I cannot agree with that, it is too rude." Kelin lamented sadly.

"Your Majesty, it is true; why would I lie about it?" "The seer tries to defend himself.

"You still have the courage to speak," Jerome snarled.

""I'm sorry, your Majesty, but it's the truth," the seer said, bowing his head.

"Servants, take this animal and feed him to the fishes; let them also celebrate my daughters' birth with me; tell them it's the gift I sent to welcome my beautiful princesses to this kingdom," he said once more.

"No, your Majesty, it is Mamila you are supposed to send as a gift, not me; she is evil, and she will destroy this kingdom." "In pain, the seer yelled.

"What exactly are you waiting for? Take him away right now "He yelled angrily.

"Yes, your Majesty," two servants said as they dragged the seer away.

"No, your majesty, you are making a terrible mistake, this is wrong, she is evil, she will ruin you, she will go beyond this kingdom causing doom," the seer yelled until they were out of sight. Jerome looked around, worried, he couldn't imagine his child bringing doom to him, could the seer be right?" 

He muttered inwardly.

Let us all forget what happened; this celebration cannot be ruined in this manner; we must smile and forget our sorrows," Kelin said, smiling.

"You are correct, we must continue this celebration in joy, not agony," a servant said with a smile.

"Yes, my people, I want you to eat, drink, and celebrate as much as you want, let the maidens dance as much as they want, and don't forget to pick your brides." "Everyone cheered happily as Jerome spoke up with smiles all over his face.



It "It's been seventeen years, and the princesses have grown up, each with her own set of problems, personality, behavior, manner, and beauty.

"I doubt there is anyone more beautiful than me in this kingdom or beyond." "Calypso boasted as she examined her reflection in the mirror.

"Do you have to say that again?" Mamila inquired in an awkward tone.

"Who will say it if I don't?" she asked, smiling.

"You're just too proud for my liking, and this could get you in trouble if you're not careful," Mamila lamented.

"What difference does it make? I'm very attractive, and that's all I care about "She said this while smiling.

"Yes, madam, keep admiring yourself," Mamila said as she walked away.

"Of course I will," she said, smiling at her reflection in the mirror.