
Pride Looms

Both girls are very beautiful, but Calypso always brags about herself more. Their parents love them both equally, but they have different problems every day due to their different personalities.

"What do you think of these pearls, Adela?" Calypso inquired calmly of her personal maid.

"They are lovely, your highness," she said.

"I know they are, but how unique and different are they?" Calypso inquired once more.

"Very one-of-a-kind, your highness," she replied.

"This is why I dislike you; if it had been Lucy or Sheila, they would have given me the exact answer to my question, but you don't even know what you're saying," she snarled angrily.

"I apologize, your highness," Adela said, bowing her head.

"I don't know who chose you to be my maid," she exclaimed.

"How I wish it had been Lucy!" "I don't know why I'm the only one who gets crap whenever she asks for something; Mamila always gets it better than me," she said angrily again.

"That is not correct, your highness," Adela stated calmly.

"Shut up, call Eva and Mira for me now" she shouted.

"Yes, your highness," she said as she walked away.

Mamila's personal maid, Lucy, and her best friend, Sheila, were assisting Mamila in arranging her hair when Adela arrived.

"Your highness, princess Calypso demands Sheila and Lucy's presence right now," Adela said, bowing her head.

"Tell her they're busy, I need them to finish my hair quickly, and we have somewhere else to go," Calypso said calmly.

"Yes, your highness," she said as she walked away.

"Your highness, princess Calypso said they are busy with her," Adela said as soon as she arrived.

"Really? "What are they doing?" she raged.

"They're doing her hair," she explained calmly.

"How can she have two people doing her hair at the same time?" Calypso inquired angrily.

"I don't know your majesty," she stated calmly.

"Oh! So she wants to be more beautiful than I in an instant," Calypso explained.

"I see, she's wasting her time because no one can be more beautiful than I," Calypso stated proudly.

"Go out there and call them right now," she yelled angrily.

"Yes, your highness," she said as she walked away, trembling.

"My princess, this is the best hairstyle I've ever seen on you," Lucy exclaimed, smiling.

"Yes, princess," Sheila smiled, "if I were a handsome prince looking for a bride, you would be the ideal woman I would choose." Sheila said smiling

"Now that you're both looking for my trouble, how do I punish you?" she asked, smiling.

"My princess, please marry me, I want that to be my punishment, I am the most handsome prince from Whale kingdom and your beauty has captivated me to make you my bride," Lucy said, attempting to sound masculine.

"My prince, she is free, so you can have her whenever you want," Sheila said, smiling.

"Really? How do you put it? Who said I was free? Well, prince charming, you have to compete as well but if you win my heart, I will just make it easier for you" she said calmly while they laughed.

"So, what is my princess expecting me to do now?" Lucy inquired, with her face beaming with brightness.

"Well, let's see what happens....

"Your highness, princess Calypso wants them now," Adela interrupted, panting heavily, as if she had been running; they were stunned.

"They're preoccupied with me; what does she want them for?" Mamila inquired calmly.

"She needs them for something, she wants to go out so her outfit has to be exceptionally beautiful, she wants the best today," Adela said as she tried to catch her breath. Sheila looked at her, stunned, and Lucy sneered at her statement.

"What does that have to do with us?" "Do she think we're beauticians?" Sheila scoffed, while Lucy hissed.

"I don't know, I just delivered her message," Adela said quietly.

"Tell her they're busy and won't be able to come," Mamila said slowly.

"Yes, your highness," Adela replied as she turned to leave.

Lucy yelled angrily, "Better," and Sheila hissed.

"May I speak to you, your highness?" Adela inquired calmly as she returned her gaze to Mamila.

"Go ahead," she instructed.

"You are more beautiful than your sister, I really like your personality, how I wish I was your personal maid?" I would have been overjoyed because you truly treat your maids with care and respect; I envious all of them, and I.....

"Really?" Calypso yelled angrily as they stared at her, startled; no one knew when she arrived.

"Is that correct? So you're saying I'm wicked, that I don't treat you well, and that she's more beautiful than me?" Calypso yelled again.

"Calypso, stop shouting, she didn't say anything wrong," Mamila said calmly.

"Really? Why won't you say that she didn't say anything wrong? "She even said you're more beautiful than I am; shouldn't that be enough for you to defend her?" Calypso became enraged.

"I'm not defending her Calypso, but why do you always have issues with people?" "Especially when you hear someone who is more beautiful than you," Mamila inquired calmly.

Calypso yelled at her maid, "I don't blame you, come on, let's go now!"

"Please forgive me, your highness, I am deeply sorry," Adela begged Calypso.

"Shut up, you fool, you will be punished," Calypso yelled angrily.

"Don't hurt her, Calypso, she didn't do anything wrong," Mamila said calmly.

"Seriously? Who are you to say that to me? "She's my maid, and I can do whatever I want to her," Calypso yelled angrily as she dragged Adela to her side. Mamila became enraged and dragged Adela to her side.

"No, you're not going to do anything to her; I'm not going to let you," Mamila said angrily.

"What exactly is your issue?" "Who are you to tell me what to do and what not?" Calypso yelled angrily.

"I am your sister, and I have the authority to tell you anything I want," Mamila yelled angrily.

"What exactly is going on here?" "Why are you fighting now?" Queen Vanalse inquired sadly.

Calypso screamed angrily, "Mother, it's Mamila, she started it."

"No, you started it," Mamila countered.

"I don't care who started it, you girls should stop it now, you don't care about us at all, we've told you several times to put your differences behind you, but you won't listen," Queen Vanalse lamented.

"Sorry, Mom," they all said together.

"You better be," she said angrily as she stormed out the door, followed by Calypso and Adela.


"I wonder why everyone despises me so much; the only person they consider to be the best is my sister; everyone says she is better than me, more beautiful, kind-hearted, the only loyal princess, gorgeous, she is......

"Your highness, my hand," Adela exclaimed.

"Oh, I am really sorry! Calypso apologized as Adela looked at her, shocked.

"I hope I didn't injure you?" "I was so deep in thought that I forgot I was holding someone," Calypso lamented sadly.

"No, your highness," she replied, smiling.

"Thank God," Calypso exclaimed.

"Your highness, don't overthink it; you'll only hurt yourself and everyone," Adela said calmly.

"Tell me the truth, Adela, my sister is superior to me in every way, right?" Calypso stated calmly, "She is kind, loyal, obedient, calm, and lovely."

"I am wicked, very wicked, I don't deserve to be treated well, father was right, I should be a slave, not a princess, so when I misbehave, my master will not hesitate to punish me," she said while tears filled up her eyes.

"Does His Majesty insult you?" Adela asked in surprise.

"He didn't insult me; he told me the truth," Calypso said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"And he was correct; I am not a good person, I am not supposed to be a princess, I am wicked, selfish, heartless...... she continued in tears.

"No, your highness, you are not like that; you are the best princess in this kingdom, and everyone can brag about it," Adela said as she wiped her tears away, Calypso gazed at her in surprise.

"You're saying this to make me feel better; why are you suddenly supporting me?" I've never been nice to you; I treated you like a slave." 

Your highness, you are my best friend, you are like a sister to me, I have been with you since I was a child, I have never been lonely because of you, even if you have treated me wrongly, I will always support you," Adela stated calmly.

"You're more than a friend, you're more than family, but I've never been nice to you," Calypso lamented.

"Don't say that, your majesty; I've never complained about it, you know.....

"You despise it and try to hide it, you always try to suppress your emotions, I have seen you cry in secret because of how wicked I am but you never tell me anything, today will be different, you must tell me everything I did wrong, you must punish me for it, you must make me realize that being a princess does not give me the right to hurt you," Calypso said with a sad expression all over her face.