

    "And I laughed out loud, and that was made Haha thought that I called her over and over because my laughter was incessant," Bulan tells some of her life stories to Nuansa while laughing to tears.

"Hahahaha, that's really funny, Auntie," said Nuansa.

"Yes, until now I always laugh when I remember it."

"Auntie Haha always comes to us when we're laughing, not always actually, but she's a little annoying to be honest. So, Nuansa, don't be surprised if you laugh loudly here she'll appear out of nowhere," said Neptunus.

"I think that's natural, hahaha." Nuansa then laughed out loud, and of course, it invited Haha to come.

"Yes, Miss?" Haha asked Nuansa.

"No, Auntie, I didn't call you," said Nuansa.


"Sorry because I laughed too hard, huh? Or just sit here so you don't misunderstand." Nuansa feels bad because her laughter is too loud makes Haha misunderstand.

"Emh, it's okay, Miss, I'm used to things like this. Thank you, but I still have some works in the kitchen."

"But, Auntie-"

"It's okay, Miss, this is okay, there's no need to feel bad."


Haha then returned to the kitchen.

"Is she really all right?" Nuansa asked Bulan and Neptunus after Haha left.

"No, our laughter makes her healthy because she is actively moving here and there," replied Neptunus.

"But poor her, Neptunus, she's in her old age."

"That's why you are prohibited from laughing too hard here, apart from being rude, you will also make Haha tired," said Bulan.

"Okay, Auntie," said Nuansa.

"Umm, Auntie, may I ask you something?" continued Nuansa.

"Why not? You've asked me a few things, haven't you?" said Bulan.

"This ... It's about Neptunus' future dad."

Hearing it, Neptunus immediately gave Nuansa a deadly gaze, but Nuansa did not see it.

"Eugene? Well, I'll gladly answer your questions about him," said Bulan.

"Neptunus said he is a Detective, is that true?" asked Nuansa.

"Yeah, so what?"

"That's so cool! I ever dreamed of being a female Detective when I was little. I thought that Detectives are really cool, and until now I still think the same thing even though I don't think about becoming a Detective anymore."

"Yes, you're right. Eugene is a cool guy."

"Is it true?!"

"Yes, he tells a lot of things that always make me think hard, it seems you need to know him."

"That's what I really want, Auntie!"

"Tonight he will arrive in Indonesia and tomorrow night we will hold a welcoming ceremony to his return to this house by having a big dinner, so make sure you come tomorrow."

"Wait, he's not living in Indonesia?"

"He's a British-Indonesian man, one of his parents is from the UK, while the other one is from Indonesia, he works in the UK, he also has UK citizenship, so I don't think the use of the word 'return to Indonesia' suits him."

"Why doesn't he just work in Indonesia?"

"It's a bit difficult to become a private Detective in Indonesia because there are some legal regulations that hinder their work, so Eugene decided to achieve his goal there."

"Woah, he must be so cool, why doesn't Neptunus like him?"

Hearing this, Neptunus immediately looked at Nuansa with a relaxed but furious gaze, while Bulan did not answer her question. Nuansa realized that she had asked the wrong question and made the atmosphere really tense and quiet now.

"I mean, Neptunus is just a useless perverted, why doesn't he admire the figure of a Detective who can be a hero to many people?" Nuansa is increasingly saying things that shouldn't be said.

"Can you shut up?" asked Neptunus.

"Why?" Nuansa asking back.

"Pervy?" said Bulan.

"Yes, you know, Auntie? He collects a lot of movies, but those all just—"

"Romance movies." Neptunus interrupts. "I like romantic movies that have a lot of hot scenes, Mom, and Nuansa who isn't used to that kind of thing feels that those all just porn."

"Is it true?" Bulan not sure.

"Yes, right, Nuansa?" Neptunus asked Nuansa with a demonic gaze.

"Emh, yes, I guess," said Nuansa.

"Auntie, I want to go to the toilet first," continued Nuansa, she felt bad.

"Oh, ok," said Bulan. Nuansa then goes to the toilet.

"I'll go to my bedroom for a bit, Mom," said Neptunus.

"What do you want to do?" asked Bulan.

"I just remembered that I was charging my laptop, so I'll unplug it first."

"Hm, all right."


Nuansa was actually indeed want to pee, but she actually intended to pee in about 10 minutes from now. Her statement about Neptunus on Bulan had made her feel uncomfortable to be in that room, so she decided to go to the toilet now.

However, when she arrived at the toilet's door, a hand pulled her hand. Nuansa was reflexively throwing that hand and immediately held her genital using both her hands. The girl then jumping up and down.

"What are you doing here, Neptunus?! I really want to pee!" Nuansa said as she turned around, she kept jumping because for some reason her urine suddenly looked for a way out.

"No, you're lying," said Neptunus.

"I've been jumping around like this and you still say I'm lying?"

"I don't even care if you jump up and down. What I ask is, why are you holding your genital?"

"What's your business?"

"It bothers me."

"Hey! Don't have a dirty mind!"

"I followed you to mad at you, not to see you holding your genital, I mean, not to do something like 'that' to you."

"Aaargh, fine, mad at me, hurry! Just mad at me, I can't stand wanting to pee!"

"Why do you say that I am pervy in front of my mom?"

"You said you wanted to be mad at me, it wasn't anger."

"I'm serious!"

"Yeah because you're gross, I mean, pervy."

"It's my secret with my exes, including you."

"Oh, yeah, Gosh, that's impressive." Nuansa who is still in her position then intends to open the toilet's door which is only 5 cm away from her, but Neptunus grabs her hand and makes her lose her balance.

Neptunus quickly grasps Nuansa and supports her body. Releasing both of her hands from her genital due to loss of balance made her unable to hold her urine, which means that finally Nuansa pees and feels warm in her feet.

When captured by Neptunus, Nuansa's head shook, a common reaction in humans when urinating.

"Warm," said Nuansa who is unconsciously enjoying the support provided by Neptunus while wetting her feet with her urine.

Hi! Please push the fire symbol, it's power stone button, please give me all of your power stones, thank you!!

Sihansiregarcreators' thoughts