
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · Anime et bandes dessinées
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72 Chs

The Demon of Moon

In a rare moment of solitude, Ichigo and Raveal found themselves alone in the room. Raveal's anxiety was palpable, her eyes betraying the fear that weighed heavily on her heart.

Ichigo reached out, his touch gentle as he sought to reassure her.

Ichigo: Raveal, everything will be alright. I'll make sure to save my brothers.

Tears welled in Raveal's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the cruelty of their circumstances.

Raveal: It's just... it's so unfair. What did they do to deserve this? They're just children. They should be playing and laughing, not subjected to such horrors.

Ichigo silenced her with a tender gesture, his expression calm and comforting.

Ichigo: Shh... I'll protect you and everyone else. Remember, I'm the Hollow Breather of the Military. We'll get through this together.

His words brought a semblance of peace to Raveal's troubled heart, and she found solace in his reassuring smile.

Raveal: Thank you, Ichigo. Thank you for being the kind-hearted person I fell in love with back in college. Just promise me you won't lose hope or succumb to darkness.

Ichigo smiled warmly, his determination unwavering.

Ichigo: I promise, Raveal. I won't let anything consume me. And I won't give up the fight against Umbrella.

Raveal returned his smile, her affection evident in her gaze.

Raveal: I know you won't. Just promise me one more thing: don't let the darkness overshadow your love for me.

Ichigo couldn't resist pulling her closer, his tone playful yet sincere.

Ichigo: I can't help it when you're this irresistible.

Raveal blushed furiously at his words, her heart racing.

Raveal: Stop teasing me, Ichigo. You've become quite the charmer since our college days.

Ichigo grinned mischievously.

Ichigo: That's why I'm the strongest, my dear.

Their playful banter was interrupted by a sudden realization of little Wong's presence.

Wong: Big brother Luffy, what's big brother Ichigo doing?

Ichigo and Raveal snapped back to reality, embarrassed by their intimate moment.

Luffy, quick to think on his feet, intervened with a humorous explanation.

Luffy: Ah, little Wong, Ichigo was just demonstrating CPR techniques to Raveal for survival training.

Alice chimed in, trying to diffuse the situation.

Alice: That's right, Wong. It's all about safety and preparedness.

Wong seemed satisfied with the explanation, but curiosity still lingered.

Wong: Will big brother Luffy be doing CPR with Alice too?

Luffy and Alice exchanged sheepish glances, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Raveal intervened, eager to redirect the conversation.

Raveal: Alright, that's enough questions for now. You'll understand everything when you're older, Wong.

Ichigo couldn't resist teasing Raveal, his smirk evident.

Ichigo: Yes, indeed. And when you're old enough, Raveal and I will be happy to teach you all about CPR.

Their light-hearted banter brought a moment of levity to the room, easing the tension and allowing them to focus on the task at hand.

Raveal shot Ichigo a stern look, her expression conveying a warning.

Raveal: Please, don't embarrass me in front of the children. And promise me you won't teach your brothers anything like this ever again.

Ichigo, taken aback by Raveal's seriousness, quickly complied.

Ichigo: Of course, madam. I mean, yes, dear.

His slip of the tongue elicited a puzzled response from Wong.

Wong: What does "dear" mean?

Luffy intervened, smoothly redirecting the conversation.

Luffy: "Dear" means sweets, Wong. Come on, let's go grab some treats!

Excited, Wong eagerly followed Luffy and Alice out of the room. Raveal, feeling flustered by the unexpected turn of events, watched them go.

As soon as they were alone, Ichigo pulled Raveal close once more, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Raveal: Ichigo, what are you doing? Wong could have seen us!

Ichigo's smirk persisted as he leaned in closer.

Ichigo: Let's pick up where we left off, darling. I'm craving something sweet.

Raveal felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at Ichigo's bold statement, but beneath the embarrassment, she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement in her chest.

Raveal: Well, if that's how you want it...

She responded, her voice carrying a hint of playful defiance.Both engaged in a passionate kiss, and although Raveal felt a bit embarrassed, Ichigo was thoroughly enjoying the moment.

As their passionate kiss lingered, Ichigo gently broke it, holding Raveal close.

Ichigo: You know, I could get used to moments like these.

Raveal blushed but smiled softly.

Raveal: Me too, but we should probably focus on finding your brothers first.

Ichigo nodded, his expression turning serious.

Ichigo: Right, we have a mission to complete. But afterward, we'll have all the time in the world for moments like these.

Raveal smiled, feeling reassured by Ichigo's words.

Raveal: I'll hold you to that.

With a shared smile, they resumed their journey, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As a girl wandered the streets of Paris, she approached a passerby, hoping for directions to her hotel.

Akane: Excuse me, do you happen to know where this hotel is? I'm here for work, but I seem to have lost my way.

The passerby turned around, revealing himself to be the man, who had taken on the appearance of Aqua in this fanfiction universe.

Daniel: Ah, Ms. Uchiha. What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?

Akane's expression soured as she recognized Daniel's face.

Akane: Aqua, can't you just leave me alone? You're ruining everything.

Daniel, maintaining his composure, responded calmly.

Daniel: I'm simply here on a mission, Ms. Uchiha. Your presence is of no concern to me.

With that, Daniel walked away, leaving Akane fuming in frustration.

Daniel: I'm grateful to you Aqua, for helping me resolve my personal dilemma. I assure you, she'll encounter someone more deserving of her affection.

As Daniel continued on his way, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The encounter had resolved a lingering issue in his heart, allowing him to focus on his mission and the story at hand.

As Akane stood there in frustration, she couldn't shake off her disbelief at Aqua's cocky demeanor.

Akane: Ugh, why does he always have to be so arrogant?

Her thoughts were interrupted when a group of thugs approached her, their intentions clear.

Thug 1: Well, well, well, what do we have here? A famous actress/idol all alone.

Thug 2: Let's grab her and ransom her off to her agency.

Thug 3: Yeah, easy money.

Akane, facing a horde of thirty thugs, was understandably terrified. Despite her fear, she mustered the courage to plead with them.

Akane: Please, I'll give you whatever money you want. Just don't hurt me.

But the thugs weren't backing down, and one of them advanced toward her with a knife, sending Akane into a panic. Just as he was about to strike, a rock hurled by someone hit his hand, causing him to drop the knife.

Stranger: Looks like trouble follows you everywhere, Ms. Uchiha.

All eyes turned to the newcomer, revealing Daniel standing there casually.

Thug 2: Who the hell are you?

Daniel: Daniel Park. Pleasure to meet you, lowlifes.

Infuriated, one thug lunged at Daniel, but with a display of martial arts prowess honed under Sasuke's training, Daniel effortlessly incapacitated him, leaving the others stunned.

Thug 4: How did he...?

Thug 3: Doesn't matter. There are thirty of us and only one of him.

Daniel smirked at their overconfidence, unfazed by their numbers.

Daniel: If you think quantity outweighs quality, then come and prove it.

Akane and the thugs alike were taken aback by Daniel's bold challenge.

Thug 7: Attack!

With that, Daniel prepared to demonstrate the consequences of crossing a Moon Commando.